Part 87

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"Lord Orochimaru, is it wise to have only Kabuto go get Sasuke Uchiha?" A young boy asked, kneeling in front of Orochimaru. "I sent the sound four along with Kabuto. If everything goes as planned then Sasuke Uchiha will be here in a day or so. Now go finish training the new recruits, I need to think." 

Orochimaru turned around back to his work table. A bright glowing red injection laid on his table. "When you are complete then I won't be needing the sharingan of Raiu Uchiha or his son. They will fall at my mercy" Orochimaru said with a smile on his face. 

Suddenly the sound of an explosion echoed through the halls. "What now?" Orochiamru said walking to the door but only to be met with a dead body laying in front of him. "So there you are" Yato(Dai) said coldly. "Well if it isn't the Uchiha brat. have you decided to take my offer and join me?" Orochimaru asked with a smirk, keeping a close eye on Yato.

The boy then disappeared form Orochimaru's gaze. "W-Where did he go?" Orochimaru asked looking around him and even above him. "Below you idiot" Yato said sending a strong uppercut to Orochimaru's chin. The man didn't have enough time to react and was launched up through the roof and even through the thick layer of earth above the hallway. 

"Wow wasn't expecting that" Orochimaru said feeling a small trickle of blood come from his chin. "I'm guessing you don't want to join me? That's too bad...I still have Sasuke coming here though" Orochimaru hided the little bit of fear he had as he watched the hole he just came out closely. 

Yato jumped through it, landing a few feet away from Orochimaru. "Now where is all this power coming from, It's radiating off you...oh this isn't the Uchiha's chakra is it? Who is inside of there?" 

"You have crossed the line Orochimaru. You see, not only did you hurt the only person that I have broken the rules of this world" Yato's voice was cold and his eyes shined bright in the darkness. 

"Rules you say? Who's rules?" Orochimaru asked while unbeknownst to Yato, he was busy with a summoning jutsu. "The rules set by the god's. Immortality is something granted to special chosen on the other hand have done it artificially by transitioning between new fresh vessels. That was the first rule, no human may have the power of immortality except under certain conditions. The second was the monstrous experiments you have been conducting."

"oh, and how do you know of these rules and why does a beast like yourself care at all?" Orochimaru was blatantly stalling, he could sense the tremendous amount of chakra surrounding the area and Yato felt like he had a limitless supply of it at the moment. 

"You hurt Yato Uchiha and that is my first and only rule...never hurt the people I love!" Suddenly Yato charged at Orochimaru, lightning trailing behind him. "Summoning jutsu: Rashomon walls!" Orochimaru shouted as five massive gates blocked Yato's path. "You think I'm someone you can take this lightly? I have you know....YOUR DEALING WITH A GOD!" 

The rashomon walls suddenly exploded before Yato even reached them. "Lightning Calamity: Slash of the gods!" Yato said swinging his blade down at Orochimaru. The massive slash like wave crushed the earth around it as it traveled towards Orochimaru. 

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Orochimaru's screams echoed through the area as the force of chakra slowly forced it's way through Orochimaru's body. "Summoning jutsu!" 
A couple of large snakes appeared around Orochimaru but as soon as they saw the aura around Yato, they bowed their heads, ignoring Orochimaru's orders. 

Soon the slash of gods jutsu disappeared. Yato slowly walked towards where Orochimaru's body laid but instead of a normal dead body, a human like skin was left behind. 

"So he got away...I can't go after him now...the boy's body won't last much longer handling the amount of chakra I'm letting out." Yato quickly jumped up high in the air, just like before a bolt of lightning struck him, making him disappear from the area. 


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