Part 22

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I thick mist surrounded the group as they slowly traveled over to the wave country. Tazuna has told team seven everything. Apparently a guy named Gato has basically taken over the country's trading and if Tazuna finishes this bridge, his country can freely trade with other nations and they will be free of Gato's prices. 

Yato let his hand dangle off the boat, causing a small trail to form in the water with his hand. "How far are we from land Kakashi sensei?" Sakura asked.

"About a few more minutes." Kakashi said with his nose digging deep into his book. 

Yato could not help but steal glances at Naruto. Seeing his wound glow and heal instantly slightly shocked the boy. "I saw that same color that other day at the academy" Yato thought as he remembered seeing a massive fox with many tails. He saw that color and felt that energy then and now. 

Each time he saw that strange panda called Dai, he felt an energy close to the one he felt a few minutes ago. The thought of it not being a day dream and actually reality, shocks the boy to his core. 

 Suddenly the boat docked at the wave country. "All right this is as far as I can take you" The boat driver said. "Thank you for taking this chance Kinobi" Tazuna thanked as he climbed off with the rest of the team 7.

The group slowly walked on a small dirt path. Naruto was at the front, throwing Kunai in every direction he could when a sudden squeak came from where he just threw a kunai. "Did you finally hit something?" Yato asked as he ran with Naruto to see what squeaked. 

 Inside of a small bush was a ice rabbit with the kunai nearly touching him. "Huh? It's summer now so how is there a white rabbit?" Yato asked as they watched how the rabbit jumped away. 

"DUCK!" Kakashi shouted as a massive blade came flying behind them. The group quickly fell to the ground, narrowly getting missed by the blade. A man landed on the blade as it plunged itself inside a tree. 

"Well well if it isn't Zabuza Momochi rough ninja from the village hidden in the mist." Kakashi said as he and Zabuza had a quiet stare down. 

Suddenly Naruto ran towards Zabuza but was quickly stopped by Zabuza. "Your in the way, get back." Kakashi said while keeping his eye on Zabuza. "But why?!" 

"He is not like the other ninja, he is in a whole other leauge and if he is our opponent...I'll need this" Kakashi said as he slowly lifted up his headband to reveal his second eye. "Kakashi of the sharingan what a pleasure" Zabuza said softly with his back still turned on the group. 

"Sharingan?" Yato asked softly. "It's too bad really but you will have to hand over the old man." 

"You four protect Tazuna, I won't be able to if this fight goes like I think it will" Kakashi said as his second eye came blazing to life with a three tomoe eye. 

"What is the sharingan thingy anyway?" Naruto asked as he felt his head wanting to burst. "The sharingan is a unique dojutsu primarily coming from members of the Uchiha clan. The base dojutsu allows the user extremely enhanced abilitys. Except for seeing things at a slower rate, the user can copy someone's movements. This means they can also copy jutsu's. The sharingan can also cast strong genjutsu's but this is not used much" Sauke explained as he got into formation.

"But why is Kakashi sensei's red and Yato's us blue. I've seen him use it back at the attack a few minutes ago" Sakura asked, her hand gripped tightly around her kunai. 

"That's because of my bloodline. What I know of my father is that he also had the same oddity. There is not much known all I know is that it is some genetic which changed in the sharingan." Yato said as he instinctively activated his sharingan as mist covered the area. 

"Yeah, but this is no time for an explanation" Sasuke said sternly when a sudden Zabuza appeared in front of him but was quickly destroyed by a simple kick. "I'm surprised that you could do that, young Uchiha" Zabuza said with his voice echoing thought the mist. The sound of clashing blades rung through the air as Kakashi and Zabuza fought with Zabuza creating water clones to attack the group. 

"Kakashi sensei has a lot of explaining to do when we are done here" Yato said with a scoul covering his face. 

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