Part 152

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"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ALIVE!!" Yato shouted gripping's Dai's huge ear. "OW! Watch it!! I'm your summoning dip shit!" Dai exclaimed, his huge paws trying to pull Yato away but to no avail. 

"DON'T CALL ME FA-" The beast was quickly caught off guard as a wave of powerful electricity course through his body, stunning him for a good second as Yato continued. "YOU DIED OR WHAT EVER AND NOW YOUR HERE! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" 

"M-Many things, p-please let go and I'll explain, pulling my ear really hurts." Dai pleaded, luckily by chance Yato let go of Dai's ear, the beast falling onto it's behind by the sudden release of tension. 

"Ow!" Dai cried out once more. "AND WHY THE HELL ARE YOU COMPLAINING SO MUCH!?!" Yato snapped again just when he was about to cool off. "Actually feeling pain after so many years is strange so cut me some slack." 

The trio were a fair distance away from the hidden mist village so they had more than enough time to talk. "Let me just get into a more comfortable size." Dai said as he suddenly start shrinking down to the size of a normal human being and not a mountainous size beast. "Well that's new" Karin said slightly to herself. 

"Alright, why don't we start from the beginning shall we?" Dai said with a smirk, his deep thunderous voice gone and replaced with a nice and smoothing one, some would think it's a wise sage talking here but not it's just a dumbass panda. 

Yato's hand rested on his black blade. The boy was struggling to contain his rage. "You seriously can't remember me in this form can you?" Dai asked. "I do, you looked like that when I first met you. You just...were more out of shape back then." 

"Yeah yeah, being sealed for over 100 years would do that to someone. Anyway, you sealed a part of me in that doll remember, that way most of my chakra was freely controlled by you? Well I only used the tiny bit of chakra you stored in that doll to save you. (Also Raijin had something to do with it). It was only a matter of time before I got reborn but when I got reborn I wasn't sealed back into your body since you already received your 'original' body so I came to you as a summoning." Dai said confidently before looking over to Yato. 

The boy had smoke coming out of his ears as he tried to comprehend what Dai just said. 

"*sigh* Me not dead, you stronk, me become summoning" Dai reiterated. 
"OH! now I get it." Yato said feeling proud of himself making Karin giggle a little. 

"So since your a summoning I can get rid of you at any time?" Yato questioned.
"Yep bu-" The beast was suddenly cut of as he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. "Didn't you say we needed to get to Itachi-senpai quickly?" Karin questioned. 

"Yeah I did but Dai's jump got me into teleporting range so we can get there instantly." Yato said grabbing the girl's hand before disappearing in a flash. 

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