Part 61

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Death and destruction, that is all that was left when the attack finally came to an end. Konoha has lost most of there military power and to add salt to this wound, they lost the third Hokage. The old man died thanks to Orochimaru, the man who leaded the attack. 

"So what now?" Yato asked coldly. The boy was sitting atop the Hokage mountain, looking over the funeral that the entire village was attending. "Well the leaf will need to find another Hokage as soon as possible. If not then it makes it more vulnerable to other villages." 

Raiu said standing with his back to Yato, the man took a devastating blow to his chest when he tried to save the Hokage. Unfortunately Raiu did not know about the first and second Hokage being there to fight against him. 

Yato let out a sigh as he stood up, turning to the man. "So why did you come in the first place? Aren't you still busy with a mission for revenge still?" 

"I placed it in the back burner for now, there is more important things that need to be done" Raiu said, turning back to Yato. "And what will that be?" Yato asked his thoughts are conflicting with each other. On the one side he hates this guy while on the other, he is his only family member. 

Suddenly Yato was pressed into a hug. Raiu's cloak was soft strangly and the smell of fire lingered in it. The boy was in shock at this sudden affection. "You did amazing my boy, you protected all those villagers and defended the leaf village. I did not realize how much you have grown" Raiu said softly. 


"Oi Sasuke wake up or else ill pour your tea onto you" Yato said holding a hot cup of tea above a sleeping Sasuke. The young Uchiha slowly opened up his eyes when he saw how a droplet of hot liquid was heading to his head. Instantly he was on the other side of the room. 

"What the hell!! Could you not just place it down onto the table?!?!" Sasuke shouted. "Well I could but its way more fun to see you react like that" Yato said, trying too keep his laughter back. 

"*Sigh* So is it that time again?" Sasuke asked, grabbing the cup of green tea from Yato.  "Yeah, are you ready" Yato asked in a serious tone. "Not really, do we have to do this today? Its really dangerous" Sasuke said placing his tea down onto a table. "Not that dangerous but yeah, we might not come out alive" Yato said as he slowly walked to the bathroom.

He opened the door as a strong stench came out. A pile of laundry laid in a basket, clearly ignored for a month or so. "Yep we might die today" Sasuke said with sweat dripping off his forehead. 


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