Part 124

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-After Yato killed Sasori-

Far away in the land of lightning at the same cave that Hikio stayed at. 
"It seems that we might have a problem here" A orange haired man said as broken glass cracked under his shoes. 

"Her immortality experiments area finished but...that boy that took down one of your six pathes...what'll we do about him?" A woman asked while inspecting Hikio's table. "That boy is the same one who attacked the hidden mist village. A wanted man...maybe we should bring him on our side." 

"WHAT!? Are you kidding me Pain? This guy took one of your paths down like it was nothing"
"SO!? He is dangerous"
"We are dangerous as well Konan. Having someone with his strength on our will make our plan move faster than ever." Pain had a small grin form as he thought of the possibility's. "Your hopeless, this is the same guy that kidnapped both Itachi and Hikio as well as scare Hidan so far that he doesn't want to do anything for over a week." 

"Itachi and Hikio were never on our side. We still need three more tailed beasts and we lost some strong members. We need this man if we plan to revive the ten tails." 

Konan let out a sigh but just nodded in response. 


"So you guys managed to get Gaara back?" Yato said walking into the clearing that the rest of team seven were waiting in. "Yeah but we are too late" Naruto said wiping away a tear as he looked down at Gaara's dead body. 

"That's not a problem but why is a green jumpsuit wearing guy carrying Kakashi sensei?" 
"That's Guy-sensei he's the leader of team....I don't know your team system thing all I know is they came and took down the traps around the area while we faced the other two" Karin said wrapping her sword in a piece of cloth before binding it to her belt. 

"Alright then, Naruto I need you to take Gaara and come with me. Karin tell the rest that they can start moving towards the hidden sand village, our mission is a success" Yato said as he moved in the direction of the forest. "What do you mean a success?! He's dead Yato!" Sakura shouted watching how Naruto picked up Gaara.

Suddenly the boy appeared in front of Sakura, slapping her. "If I say the mission is a success then our mission is a success. The Akatsuki won't win while I'm here" 

The girl lightly rubbed her cheek as she looked Yato straight on. A silence crossed the clearing, Naruto didn't move and just waited for Yato to get going while the rest was shocked. "Now get moving before I loose it" Yato said trying to stay calm as he started moving away into the forest with Naruto close behind. 

"Well you heard him, lets get going" Karin said not even caring about what happened. 


Once the two got far enough into the forest, Yato's facade dropped as he started coughing up blood. "Yato! You ok?" 
"No, I'm coughing up blood idiot. Let's just get this over with" Yato said placing a hand over Gaara's body. "I'll just use the same thing that I used for Itachi." 

"When we get back to the village then we need to talk" Naruto said with a slightly serious tone. "Fine as long as you are buying food then I'll come" 

Yato's eyes suddenly lit up brightly as his sharingan eyes seem to start spinning. "Calamity style: Rewind" 

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