Part 74

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Raiu jumped across the houses his mind going into a type of auto pilot. The boy's mind was consumed by a genjutsu and it seemed as Raiu will not be able to break out of it at all. "Let go it hurts!" A girl screamed from the distance. 

A couple of boy's held this red headed girl down while beating her up and pulling on her hair. "Not so tough now huh?" One of the boy's said with a grin on his face. "What did you do, rub tomatoes in your hair? It looks like a clown's" Another said pulling on it. 

Raiu's gaze quickly saw there foreheads seeing they wore leaf headbands. In a instant he was behind the boy's. Before they landed another hit on her, Raiu slammed there heads into the ground while throwing some boy's into a nearby wall. The girl looked at Raiu seeing his eyes were blank and lifeless.  

Before Raiu took another step towards the boy's who were beaten up, a blond boy jumped down infront of him. "I think they have had enough" He said with a smile. Raiu walked onwards ignoring the boy but suddenly even with Raiu's strength, he was taken down onto the ground.

"Calm down man they learned there lesson" The blond boy said, a bit more seriously now. With that Raiu broke free from the genjutsu. A simple push like that and he was free. "W-where am I?" Raiu asked bewildered. "Ah I see you snapped out of it, Hay there I'm Minato" The blond said with a large smile. 

"And that is basically my story, one day I'll tell you more of it but I want to ask you once more Yato. I wish you would please forgive this old man, I was blinded with hatred for what my father has done and never noticed that I ignored you totally through your child hood. Because of me you grew up without a father and because of me Hikio died a few days after my departure." Raiu was sitting against a stump his story took the majority of the evening. His wounds Yato inflicted seemed to heal at an exponential rate just like how they did in his childhood. 

The man looked down at his feet, not wanting to see the judgmental eyes of his son. "Five yen" Yato said softly causing Raiu to look up as if asking for him to say it again. "F-Five yen" Yato said looking at the ground while holding his hand out to Raiu. 

The man had a questioning look but none the less got out a five yen coin and gave one to Yato. The boy looked at the coin. He bit it as to make sure it was real before stuffing it in his pocket. "If it is your wish for me to forgive you, then I'll grant it...just promise me you won't leave again" Yato said falling down onto a stump. 

"You know if this whole ninja thing does not work out, you can become a lumberjack. Just look at all these toppled over tree's" Raiu joked getting a slight chuckle out of Yato. 


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