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After the call with Callie, I couldn't stop thinking.

Was she okay? What was she dealing with?

"Hey Zona! Another movie is on. What's got you all worried and shit?" Teddy asked.
"Probably the call she had with her precious Calliope." Mark snickered.

I rolled my eyes at him and focused my eyes on the tv. Playing with my hands, I still couldn't figure out what got her down. She seemed off and out of it. I can hear them laughing and chatting but my mind was, just not here. I got up and went to the kitchen to get something to drink.
Yanking the fridge open, I grabbed a bottle of water. While drinking, I saw Mark slip in with the bowl in his hand.

"Hey, got any more popcorn?"
"Let me check."
I checked my cupboard and saw that I had no popcorn left.
"No popcorn but I do have chips and cereal."
"I'll have those. I'm sure Yang and Karev would devour the cereal."

Grabbing the bags of chips and box of cereal, I handed them to Mark. He took it from me and set it on the kitchen island, not moving an inch. He just looked at me, with his thinking look.

"What's on your mind Sloan?"
"You. Like. Callie." He emphasized.
"I do. She's a friend. Aren't we supposed to like our friends?"
"No. You. Like. Like. Callie."
Chuckling nervously, I looked at him in disbelief. 
"What? Pfft. Noooooo." My voice trailed off.
"Ha! You can't fool me Robbins. I know you do."
"Ugh fine. Maybeee I do have a crush." I admitted.
Out of nowhere, Teddy was in the kitchen too, her eyes the size of tennis balls.
"Who's got a crush on who?" She asked.
"No one!" "Robbins."
I glared at Mark and he nonchalantly shrugged. 
"Zonaa?" Teddy spoke again.
"What?" I smiled, batting my lashes at her.
"What's Mark talking about?"
"I don't knooow."
"Sloan. Speak." Teddy sternly asked Mark.
"I'm afraid I'm not authorized to say anything."
"Uh yes you are, if you don't want your balls pulled out."
"Okay fine."
"Mark don't you dare!" I screamed at him, picking up an apple from the fruit basket, aiming it at him.
"I would very much like my balls attached to me Robbins."
"I swear to God, I will throw this at you."
"Mark Sloan!" Teddy screamed
"Yeeeey! Ask her out!" Teddy said while shaking me.
"I don't even know if she likes girls, let alone me. I don't even know if she's interested." I mumbled.
"Come on Robbins. Man up. You're a grown woman. You're not in high school anymore." Mark exclaimed, proving his point.
Teddy nodded while pointing her finger at me.
"Right on brotha." Teddy and Mark high-fived making me roll my eyes.
"Look guys, I'm not asking her out."
"Why the hell not? Callie's hot and nice. And hot." Teddy said giving emphasis to 'hot'.
"If you're not asking her out, I will." Mark shot up.
"Go ahead. The floor is yours."
I left the kitchen and went back to the living room, and watched the movie. Mark came back too, offering Cristina and Alex the cereal and putting the other chips on the table.

After the movie, the others left, leaving me and Teddy to clean up.
"Hey it's getting kinda late, you can sleep in the guest room if you want." I offered.
"I'll take you up on that. Besides, I could use some sleep. Like right about now." 
"Well, you know where it is. Go on. I'll take care of this."
"Thanks Arizona. You're the best." She yawned and walked upstairs.

I finished cleaning up and turned off the lights. I made my way up to my room and took a quick shower before heading to bed. When I was finished, I laid down on my bed, reached up to turn off the light and snuggled into my sheets.


Hearing my annoying ass alarm blaring, I popped one eye open and grabbed my phone. I shut my alarm off, checking the time before peeling off the covers off of me, I sat up and stretched my arms. Yawning, I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. Splashing my face with water, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I noticed how tired I looked.

Maybe I should nap more.

I got into the shower and took a bath. I put on my clothes and headed downstairs.

The smell of caffeine hit my senses, instantly waking me up more.
I walked into the kitchen and saw Teddy with clothes from the night before. 
"You made coffee."
"You bet I did." Teddy exclaimed.
"You don't know how much I love you for this right now." I groaned feeling the hot liquid stream my down my throat.
"You're barking up the wrong tree Robbins." Teddy chuckled while stirring the eggs.
"And you made breakfast too."
"I figured we needed to eat."
"Tell me one reason why I shouldn't marry you right now."
"I'm straight."
She slid me a plate of eggs, and I instantly dug in. 
After breakfast, I cleaned up and  let Teddy freshen up. I lent her some clothes and put her clothes in the washer. I then put her clothes in the dryer.
After doing that, I went back to the kitchen, grabbed my bag and called for Teddy.
She appeared,  walking up to me while buttoning her top.
"And done! Let's go!"

We hopped into the car and drove to the hospital.
Walking in, we headed straight to the elevator. Inside was Derek, whispering something into Meredith's ear, making her laugh and blush.
"Too early for that Shepherd." Teddy teased Derek.
Meredith lowered her head chuckling while Derek turned red.
"Aweee. Is Derek Shepherd embarrassed and is that a blush?" I asked, shocked.
Teddy, Meredith and I laughed while Derek shook his head.
The elevator dinged, the doors opened and we all walked out. Derek, Teddy and I to the conference room, while Meredith headed to the Resident's lounge.

In the Conference Room,  we were met by the Chief. Soon, Mark and Callie strolled in. Callie looked like she was not in the mood. I looked at Mark and he just shrugged.

The meeting started and  Chief Webber discussed a few matters. 


After the meeting, we all headed to the attendings lounge. After I got into my scrubs, I put on my lab coat headed to rounds. I got in the elevator and pushed the buttons to head to the NICU. Before the elevator doors could close, Mark stuck his hand, stopping the elevator doors from closing and slid in. He pushed a button to his floor and the doors closed.
We stood in silence and I decided to ask him a thing that's been bothering me since last night.

"Is Callie okay? She seemed down when I saw her earlier."
"She seemed fine to me. Maybe she didn't get enough sleep."
I nodded.
"Did Callie ever mentioned a guy named George to you?"
"Not that I remember. Why?"
"When you dared me last night, you know to call her, she sounded mad at first and mentioned the name George."
"Maybe it's her brother?"
"Or an ex."
"Sounds like it."
"See? She's not gay."
"Not yet, that is."
"What do you mean?"
"I have a feeling."
"You're such an ass."
"I'm being real here Robbins."

I got to my floor and went out of the elevator. I checked the preemies and safe to say, all of them were little warriors. I updated their charts and handed them to the nurse's station. I then wheeled my way to the elevator again to head down for lunch.

At the cafeteria, I saw Callie alone in a table. After I got my food, I picked up my tray and walked towards her table.

"Hey. Mind if I sit?"
She looked up at her phone and she smiled widely at me.
"Arizona hey. Sure, seat's all yours."
I placed my tray down on the table and sat down on the seat next to her.
She put her phone down and continued eating. I slurped ON my soda and took out my phone to check on some emails.
"So how was your night?" Callie asked.
"It was awesome. We watched tons of movies."
"That's great!" She beamed at me.

And there goes that smile again.

I flashed her a dimpled smile and I swear I noticed her breath hitch. Mentally smiling to myself, I nonchalantly ate my lunch, casually checking nothing on my phone to make it seem that I was doing something besides thinking about the woman who literally sat beside me.


My shift soon ended and I was excited to head home as I was extremely exhausted.
When I got into my normal clothes, I rushed out of the lounge and headed down. 
I got to the parking lot, went in my car and drove home. 

Reaching home. I turned off my engine and went out. I unlocked my front door went straight inside. I kicked off my shoes and hanged my keys. I set my bag on the nearest shelf and headed to the kitchen. I heated up some left overs and ate that for dinner. I then opened a bottle of champagne and poured myself a glass. 
After eating, I cleaned up and went back to the shelf I put my bag on. I took out my phone to see a message pop up from an unknown number.

Who could this be?

Opening the message, I literally jumped in joy.

Hey Arizona, It's Callie. I'm just wondering if you wanna hang out? I kind of felt bad for turning down your offer last night. Hit me up when you got a decision.


Quickly typing a reply, I couldn't stop a huge smile from creeping into my lips.

Does this mean she likes me? Or is she just being nice?

Not letting my thoughts get to the best of me, I shook my head and headed to bed.

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