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Closing the door behind me, I closed my eyes and sighed.

I just got swooned.

Taking off my shoes, I hopped up the stairs ang got ready for bed. After I got changed, it finally sank in. 

Calliope asked me out. She asked me out!

I squealed, and jumped around my room. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. I then put the pillow down, a dreamy look probably on my face. I leaned back, my back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. I soon let sleep take over me.


Sunshine soon filled the darkness that is my room. I slipped out of bed, fixed the covers and felt rather inspired to go to work earlier. Making my way down the stairs, I accidentally missed a step, probably twisting my foot and went tumbling down. 
Huffing, I pushed myself up and tried to stand but immediately failed, feeling a sharp pain shoot it's way to my ankle.

"SHIT! How am I supposed to go to work now?"

Crawling up the stairs, I headed to my room and reached for my phone. Dialing a number, I waited for the person in the other line to answer.

"Come on, pick up!!!" I said, impatiently, tapping on the floorboard below me.
When the person finally picked up, they were not pleased.

"TEDDY! Thank God you picked up. Look I need a favor." 
"Whaaa-? What time is it?" I heard shuffling on the other line.
"What the hell Arizona? It's the butt crack of dawn! What do you need?"
"I uhm, Well, I fell down the stairs. And I literally can't stand up. Can you take a look at it please?"
"Okay... Hang in there. I'm coming over." 

She hung up and I leaned back on the bedframe behind me. 

A few minutes later, I heard the front door open, then close. I heard footsteps coming up my stairs and the next thing I know, Teddy was standing in my doorway, looking down at me like I'm some lost puppy.

"Well don't just stand there!"
Snapping out from her thoughts, she crouched down to my level and took a look at my foot.
"Well, it's definitely swollen and ooffff-- It's turning purple. I'm gonna try and move it--"
"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! STOP STOP STOP IT HURTS!" I yelped out in pain, tears springing into my eyes. 
"Well hopefully it's not broken."
"It can't be! I have surgeries today."
"I'm gonna head downstairs and get some ice. Hopefully the swelling goes down."

She went down and I sat there, hopeless.
She reappeared, an ice pack on her hand. 
Taking in a sharp breath, I felt the coldness of the ice pack on my foot.

"Well, how am I gonna get to work, with this?" I motioned to my foot.
"Well, I'm gonna call Mark and have you carried to the car."
"Great! I feel like a charity case." I frowned and pouted.
"What? You are injured. And there is no way in hell I'm picking you up myself. I'm a walking stick!"

Soon, Mark arrived bursting through the door a worried look on his face.
"HEY! Are you okay?"
"I guess? My foot is not though."
"Let's take you to the hospital."

He carried me down and put me in the backseat. Teddy soon climbed into the front seat, while Mark on the driver seat. He turned on the engine and drove us to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital, Teddy went out first and got me a wheelchair.
She assisted me and wheeled me in.
"Okay now I feel injured." I mumbled while she wheeled me.
"Relax, you're good."

Mark soon rushed in and told a nurse nearby to page someone from Ortho.
"Okay no no, I do not need someone from Ortho."
"Uhm yeah you do, that might be broken."
"Or maybe it's only a sprain?"
"Either way, we need that foot checked."

After several moments, I saw Callie walking in a chart in her hand.
"You got Callie?!!" I whisper-screamed at Teddy.
"She's from Ortho? And she's like the best?"
"Fuck this is so embarrassing."

She soon saw me and her eyes widened.
"Arizona? What happened?" She approached me with a look of worry written all over her face.
"I uhm- I fell down the stairs on my way down to make myself coffee."
"Aweee you poor baby. Well let's get you checked up."

Teddy wheeled me, following Callie into an exam room.
Hearing a pager, Teddy scrambled and basically left the room with no words, leaving me alone with Callie.

She helped me up into the exam chair grabbed a chair to examine my foot.
She carefully lifted my foot and she winced at the sight.

"What? Is it broken?"
"Does it hurt if I move it--?"
"That may be broken. I'll take you up to get an X-ray just to make sure you don't have any fractures of some sorts." She smiled up at me and backed away to grab something from behind her. 
She faced me again, and wrapped a bandage on my foot.

"Ugh this sucks. I don't wanna be in a wheelchair the entire day."
"Well, you can go home. I'll ask the Chief later."
"You'd do that for me?" 
She took my hand and gave it a light squeeze.
"I'd do anything for you." She then kissed my hand and gave me a huge smile.
Smiling at her gesture, she then took out the X-ray machine and scanned my leg. 

When she was done, she asked someone to get the films and then she wheeled me to the attending's lounge.
"I'll be right back okay? I'm gonna talk to the Chief, then I'm gonna ask Teddy to take you home. If I had a car, I would drive you home myself, but since I don't, since I basically live five minutes away from here, I'm just gonna have to ask Teddy."
Nodding at her, she then left to talk to the Chief.
I sat there, feeling sorry for myself and missing my Heely's.

She came back a few minutes later, a container with salad in her hand. She handed me the salad and sat opposite of me.
"Uhm what's this for?"
"I figured you didn't eat breakfast, so I got you a salad. The line at the coffee cart was too long and I thought that maybe you were starving, so I got you a salad instead."
"Thanks. And I'm sorry for bothering you this early."
"It's cool Arizona, I slept here anyways. I got paged late last night so I just crashed in an on call room."
"Oh okay."
"Well, eat up!"
She watched me eat and then she got paged. 
"I'll text you later alright? Anyways, the Chief said you can take the day off and let that foot heal."
"Okay. I'm gonna wait for Teddy."
"Okay. Now if that foot starts hurting again, text me okay?"
"Okay Calliope. Now go! HAHA."
She quickly flashed me a smile and left the room.

Teddy came in with crutches in her hand.
"Do I need those? Can't you just wheel me to your car?"
"I'm not letting you use these yet. Callie said that when you're alone in your house, you can use these for you to get to wherever you want easily, without falling again."
"Ugh fine. Now take me home noble steed."
Rolling her eyes, she handed me the crutches, wheeled me to her car and took me home.

When I was settled in the comfort of my abode, she took out a bunch of snacks and put it on the table alongside with water and a few sodas.
"Well, you have a wide variety of food and drinks here so you should be fine. Meanwhile, they have been paging me like just now so I'm gonna leave you to it. Call me if you need anything."

She slammed the door, leaving me alone to myself. I grabbed a few magazines and read through them. When I got bored reading, I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. When I found a show I liked, I grabbed the throw blanket I had nearby got comfortable. 
The day came by slowly and I was bored out of my mind. I tried to entertain myself by playing the one game on my phone but it just wasn't working. Thinking I could use some sleep, I put my foot up the couch and laid down. 

I woke up, feeling tingles down my foot. Brushing them off, I grabbed my crutches and headed to the bathroom to pee. After I peed, I then sat back on the couch, flipping thought the channels again. 
My phone then vibrated beside me. Wondering who it was, I picked it up to see Callie calling me.

"Callie? What's up"
"Nothing, I was just checking up. How are you?"
"Bored. Did you get my X-rays?"
"I did. Well good news, you didn't break it."
"Great! When can I get back to work?"
"A couple more days max."
"But that's too long! I miss my Heely's." I pouted.
"You'll be fine."
"Can you swing by tonight? I need human interaction."
"Sure. I'll see you later?"
"See you later."

Hanging up, I continued to watch the TV, looking forward to seeing Callie later tonight.


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