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My fucking ex of a husband tried to kiss me. 

After I told Arizona what happened, I wanted to take it all back. I don't want her beating up anyone. I don't want her to get hurt but I was positive that she's gonna go all batshit punch mode when she sees George. I wouldn't blame her is she does do that, I would do the same if I was in her position.
She can smile all she wants but that smile can't fool me. I just have to keep her away from George to keep her from being hurt, keep her safe and out of trouble. I had to. It's my job.
I managed to divert her attention by bringing up a girls night with the Teddy, Bailey and the ladies that we've gotten close with. That seemed to have brought her spirits up and it had me proud of myself to see her back on her perky roller skates shoes.

I gave Teddy and Bailey a heads up about the situation, the girls night and the thing about George. They were all aboard in keeping her away from George then I remembered I also had to tell Mark. I paged him since I also needed him for a consult.

"Yes Torres?" Mark appeared, letting himself in and crossed his arms.
"So uhm I need you for a consult."
"I know. You paged."
"Right sooooo I have this patient..."

We talked and argued for hours and thankfully we got into the same page. He was scrubbing in and while we were in the scrub room, it gave me the perfect opportunity to tell him about Arizona.

"So uhm George tried to kiss me earlier today and I told Arizona and she wants to beat him up so if you happen to see George in Arizona's radar, drag my girlfriend away from that asshole."
"I'll beat him up for Robbins then."
He looked up at me sheepishly and winked at me.
"Relax I won't kill him."
"Do you wanna get fired Sloan?"
"If it means that I get to kick his ass and I get to do it instead of Robbins? My pleasure."
"Fine I'm gonna keep Blondie away from George but I sure as hell am not making any promises on not beating him up."
"Arizona said the same thing! Are you guys secretly siblings?"
"Nope. But we get that a lot. Some say there's a resemblance."
"Damn it. I see it now. Why did you have to say that?"
"You raised the topic first. Anyways, I'm heading in. See you inside."

I finished up with scrubbing and eventually joined Mark. 


I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead that I had to ask for a washcloth. Mark did the same since the surgery was harder and took longer than expected. Our phones were blowing up and were disturbing us so we asked for them to be turned off. 
Mark was now closing but then Teddy slammed the door open, a mask on her hand covering her lower face.

Mark and I both turned to Teddy with quizzical looks urging her to explain what happened.
That made me stop. I knew this was going to happen. I nodded and turned back to the open leg before me.
"Should I let a fellow finish this up for you Cal? Whilst you attend to Robbins?" Mark asked.
"No. I'll deal with this when we're done. Thanks for the heads up Teddy. Now if you don't mind I would like to finish this surgery."
"Just please go straight to Arizona after. I'll text you the deets." Teddy said and left the OR.

"Unbelievable." I muttered under my breath. 
"Who knew Robbins had it in her?" Mark snickered and I shot him a glare.

I managed to finish the surgery without getting my emotions get to me. I turned on my phone the moment I ripped off my gloves and checked my messages. I read Teddy's message and went to where Arizona was.

I entered the room and I found her there sound asleep. I walked towards her and saw that her hand was a little swollen and was starting to bruise. I stood by the bed and saw that her face had a bruise and was slightly cut. I gasped at the sight. Her angelic face was now damaged and it was all because of me. I caressed her hair and she stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and blue eyes met my dark browns. 

"Let's get you cleaned up yeah?"
She sat up and nodded. I grabbed supplies to treat her and sat on the bed. I carefully grabbed her face and cleaned up her cut. I got her an ice pack for her hand and she winced at the contact.

"I'm sorry Callie. I know I promised and I tried so hard not to punch him but I couldn't help it."
"I shouldn't have told you. Now look at you! You beat someone up and you hurt yourself. What were you thinking Arizona?"
"Relax Calliope, my hand isn't broken. I know how to throw a punch. Being an army brat has it perks and damn it felt good to punch that fucker."
I smiled at her confidence. The things this woman does is just unbelievable.
"Did he fight back?"
She was silent and so I knew her answer.
"ARIZONA! Did he fucking lay a finger on you?!" I didn't mean for my voice to go an octave higher and when I saw her lip quiver, I instantly regret what I did.
"Fuck. I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you."
"It's okay babe."
"Tell me the truth Arizona. Did he do anything to you?"
"He uhm he might've slapped me? I don't know! I was too focused on throwing punches at him."
"Were there any witnesses to this fight?"
"Teddy was there. She tried to get me off of him but she didn't stand a chance with my strength I mean she said so herself, she's a stick."
"Don't remove the ice pack. I'm gonna make some calls."
"Alright. Be quick!"

I lied about making calls. I left the room and looked for Teddy. When I found her, she was talking to Mark.
"So? Did he do anything to Arizona?"
"Yeah. He slapped her once but Zona punched him harder. She saw red the moment she saw George. I dragged her away and tried to make her look the other way but damn those eyes were like eagle eyes. Next thing I knew I was not successful in pulling her into the other direction, away from George. Like hello I'm a stick? My strength versus Zona's? I'm sorry Callie." She looked down in disappointment.
I grabbed Teddy in for a hug.
"You did your best Teds and fucking hell I did not know my girlfriend was a cage fighter!"
We all laughed and then Mark spoke up.
"How's Robbins?"
"She's good. Swollen hand and a cut on her face. Nothing she can't handle."
"Can I please punch O'malley one time? Just once Callie. For you and Robbins?"
"And get that million dollar hand broken? Chief Webber is gonna kill me."
"Just one punch and we're good."
"Damn it Mark. NO!"

He slumped his shoulders and I laughed at his actions.

"If it makes you feel any better, if he tries to hurt me or Arizona or whoever, then you can punch him I guess? Deal?"

I went back to Arizona and saw that she now had the TV on. The door clicked shut, making her turn her head.

"What took you so long? I thought you ditched me?"
"Like I would ditch your injured ass?"
"I'm not injured..."
"Suuure okaaay." I gave her a smirk and she pouted.
"When's your shift over? I'm so excited for the girls night! I had to let the other Peds fellow to take over my surgery since this happened."
"Uhm in 3 hours? Bailey still has surgeries so we might have to wait a little longer."
"Can't she let anyone take it over for her? I wanna relax already!"
"Honey, that's Bailey we're talking about. She's the shit."
"She really is the shit."

We both started laughing and held our stomachs as we laughed. We quickly recovered, only to laugh again. I wiped the tear that was caused by extreme laughing and exhaled. Arizona had a smile on her lips as she watched me.

"What is with you and staring at me on random occasions?" I asked, tilting my head on one side.
"Is it so bad to stare Calliope?"
"I guess not. It just makes me uncomfortable."
"Would you have me stare at someone else then?"
"Uh no. You can stare at me all you want. Those eyes are not going anywhere and are certainly not looking at someone else. "
"That's what I like to hear."


We soon met up with Bailey, Teddy and a few more ladies for girls night. They insisted on going out to the baseball field to bat for next weeks game against Seattle Pres. Arizona on the other hand hated the idea. 

"We could've went to Joe's or had a movie night at my place. Who enjoys this?" She scoffed.
"Loosen up babe. Everyone likes baseball."
"I don't. And they put me up as a catcher next week. I'm a clutz!"
"I'm sure you'll do great." I reassured her, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind.

They all had their turns including Arizona, who sucked at batting. She looked like she was having fun, even though she was so bad at it. Teddy pulled me up from the bench, making me spill my beer.

"TEDS!" I exclaimed wiping at my now beer stained wet shirt.
"SORRY CAL! Anyways, show us what you got!"
"Baseball's not my thing. I'll sit this one down."
"Nonsense. Come on!"

I pulled the helmet down my head and grabbed the bet. I positioned myself and waited for the pitching machine to release a ball. Steel hit leather and my bat was awesome. I tugged the helmet off of my head and turned to my company. They were shocked to say the least. Their eyes looked like they were about to fall off of their eye sockets and their jaws almost hit the floor.

"That looked okay guys?"
They all snapped out from their trance and lunged at me.

"I guess that was okay?"
"ARE YOU KIDDING? THAT WAS AMAZING! NOW WE HAVE A CHANCE AT WINNING! WHY DIDN'T YOU COME HERE SOONER TORRES?" Teddy said and I just laughed at their amusement of my baseball skills.
"Baby you are going to crush Seattle Pres!" Arizona said giving me a tight hug.
"Who knew playing baseball in high school came in handy?" I shrugged.

We all sat down at the bench nearby to relax.
"What position did you play during high school Torres?" Meredith asked.
"I was sometimes a batter, pitcher or catcher. I mostly pitched."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Yang said and we all burst out laughing.
"You're from Beverly Hills Cristina. Of course you don't know shit about this." Grey teased.
"Oh whatever! Anyways, I'm gonna head out. Thanks for the invite Torres! I had fun." Yang said, standing up and swinging on her leather jacket.
"I'll come with. I'm scrubbing in on Webber's surgery tomorrow so I need all the rest I can get. See you guys tomorrow. Thank you Cal!" Grey waved goodbye, following after Yang.

April Kepner went home 10 minutes later, joined by Lexie and Teddy. Bailey needed to come home to her baby so it was just Arizona and I left in the huge baseball field. The stars were out tonight and Arizona insisted we watch the stars. I laid out my jacket on the grass, using it as a blanket and we both laid on top of it.

We stared up at the night sky, watching the stars twinkle. Our hands were intertwined and I leaned against her arm. 

"I had the most awesome night Calliope. Thank you."
"You're welcome U.S.S. Arizona."
She chuckled at my choice of name for her and sighed.
"I feel so content right now and happy. I wouldn't trade this for anything."
"You deserve to be happy Arizona. You deserve the world."
She smiled and pushed herself off of the grass.
"Come on. Let's head home before we fall asleep here." She offered a hand to help me get up and I gladly accepted.

Back at my house, we were now on the bed and Arizona was fast asleep. One way or another, I had to face George and put a stop on this nonsense pushing he was doing. I was done, with no intentions on getting back with him and he's taking it the wrong way. I sighed and eventually closed my eyes, hating the idea that I needed to face this bastard again.

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