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Light snores filled the room and I smiled. I tried to remove my arms from around her but she had a strong hold on them even in her sleep. I stayed there and relaxed myself. We aren't really back and I know she's still doesn't trust me but I'm glad she's letting me in. I know how hard it is for her to trust someone given the rough times she had. And I'm hoping she trusts me again.
Soon enough, her arms loosely held mine so I was able to pull back my arms from her grasp. I grabbed my phone, and got out of bed. I ordered sick friendly food for Callie, incase she wakes up hungry, and food for me as well since I was starving. I got the food I ordered and set them on the kitchen counter. I then checked on Callie to see that she was now spread eagle on the bed. 

She just loved to take up the whole space sometimes.

I watched her in awe for a quick second then proceeded to search the kitchen for medicine. I might've basically lived here but I still didn't know where she keeps everything. I finally found the medicine and went back to her room to set it on her bedside table. 
I was on watch duty for solid 2 hours and I didn't mind. I got to spend time with her, even if she was sound asleep. A few minutes in those couple of hours consisted of me munching the brains out of the food I ordered. I kept myself busy by tidying up the place and ended up watching a random show that I've never heard of in my entire existence in this world. I was either watching or in Callie's room checking on her. 
In the middle of the show, I heard the door creak and I looked up from the screen to see Callie rubbing her eyes while she stood a meter away from the television. She walked towards to where I was sat, dragging her feet, clearly still tired even from her sleep and sat down, eventually leaning on me, her cheek against my arm. 

"What are you watching?" Her voice was thick with sleep as she yawned after she spoke.
"Did I wake you? Was the TV too loud?" I said and kissed her head. 
"No. I got hungry."
"That reminds me. I got take out. Want me to heat it up?"
"Please? You're the best."
She peeled herself away from me and leaned against the couch, watching the show I had on. I went to the kitchen and heated up the chicken soup I got for her. I walked back to the lounge, a tray of chicken soup and a glass of water in hand and put it on the table in front of her. Her eyes lit up when she saw the food and I had to stop myself from smiling at how cute she looked. Her raven hair disheveled in a sexy way, her nose was red and her cheeks were flushed. She might be sick but she still looked so cute. 
She instantly dug in and I continued to watch. She let out a burp when she finished eating and went back to clinging unto me.

"Do you get this clingy every time you got sick?" I asked.
"I think? You don't mind do you?"
"I absolutely don't mind. In fact, I'm digging it."
"You're digging the whole sick me? So are you saying you want me to get sick all the time?"
"No! What I'm saying is I really like clingy Callie."
We watched the tv and finished one show. Another show came on and we didn't bother to change channels. The shows on this channel was surprisingly good and binge worthy.


"Who do you think did it?" Callie asked from below me since her head was now on my lap.
"I think the brother did it. He gets episodes and then doesn't remember anything after one."
"I think the ex boyfriend did it."
"Interesting. I wonder how many episodes this show has..."
"No idea. I'm willing to watch this entire shit. The suspense is killing me."

Episode after episode, we sat there at the edge of our seats. Callie was still a little groggy but she claimed she was feeling better.

"Can you drink your medicine now please? You said you were going to drink it after 'that' episode and it's now 2 episodes after that. Come on Calliope."
"Okaaaaaay." She grabbed the pill and drank it without water.
"There done. Now shush something is about to happen."

We eventually finished the show and we kept on arguing either we should watch the second season or sleep on it since it was getting late.

"Just one episode! Come on Arizona pleaaseee!!!" She begged.
"No. I know that once you got invested in something, it's gonna be extremely difficult for me to pull you away from it. Off to bed Calliope."
"Fine. Are you staying?" She looked vulnerable and even though I knew that she could take care of herself, I would never say no to her.
"Of course I am. Bed Calliope."
She dragged herself to the bedroom and went underneath the covers. I got on the bed then turned off the lamp, and settled myself on the bed beside her. 

"Arizona? You awake?"
"Yeah. Need something?"
"No. I'm swell. I uhm I just want to say that uhm I forgive you. I understand now that people make mistakes or choices. I don't know the purpose of why you did what you did but I forgive you."
Without giving her any warning, I pulled her into an embrace and I couldn't stop my tears from springing into my eyes.
"Thank you. I promise I will never hurt you ever again." 
"We can go to sleep now." She chuckled and I nodded against her head.

"Good night Arizona. Thank you for everything."
"Anything for you love."


I woke up before Callie which surprised me since she usually was always up earlier and way before me. I figured it was because of the medicine she took and most probably the fever too. I took her temperature and it was still a little high, but what's great about it is, it was lower than her temperature from yesterday. She didn't feel that hot anymore too which indicated that she was recovering well. It was just a fever after all, which wasn't too alarming. I got up, walked to the kitchen and fixed coffee. Callie came out from her room minutes later and walked towards me, giving me a sweet morning kiss, which totally caught me off guard.

"Well I didn't expect that. But good morning to me."
"Shit. I forgot I'm still sick. Sorry babe."
"It's cool. I don't mind getting kissed. I missed your kisses." I shot her a smirk and she rolled her eyes at me.
"You can get your kisses when my fever goes down and eventually gone."
"Can't wait! Toast?" I asked, hoping she does go with toast.
"I'll have whatever you're having."

I protested on her going back to work but being the stubborn being she is, she went against my word, as usual and went to work with me. We took our toasts to go and we walked to the hospital. I kept on bringing up the idea of her going home but none of it worked. Damn this stubborn woman.
I had a resident keep an eye on her since I won't be able to look after her. I was told that she was doing fine but was a bit grumpy and spiteful towards a fellow surgeon she got cramped on a case in. I simply instructed the resident to follow her around but not make it obvious. 
I got dragged into multiple consults and it felt good that I was needed that much. Karev was on a case with me and asked if he could scrub in. I trusted him and he was already learning so much from me so I let him scrub in. 
I let Karev do most of the work since the surgery was simple. I stood by, asked him a few questions regarding the surgery and helped him out a little bit. I wanted him to learn. If he was going to pursue this specialty then he needed to know that operating on kids is different from operating on adults. 
The surgery went well and I could tell that Karev was proud of himself. I was proud of him too. 

During lunch, Callie was in a very pissy mood. She was full on frowning, her eyebrows met and I was determined to take those away. I reached for her hand and she looked up at me. Her expression softened and she sighed.

"Ugh I'm sorry if I'm being such a bitch right now. It's just, I'm in a case with George  and hot damn I'm still so mad at him. On the side note, he's acting all nice and friendly at me and I got irritated. I mean, he's George for fuck's sake! I hate his guts." She huffed.
"You know Calliope, maybe it's time for you to forgive him. You've clearly moved on and way past that so maybe it's best if that happens? You can't hold a grudge on him forever. You're way too good for that."
"Fine. I'll try to be nicer."
"That's the Calliope I know."

I gave her a quick kiss in the cheek and went back to eating my salad. She got paged and bolted up her seat and ran. Probably a 9-1-1. Teddy joined me minutes later and so did Mark.

"I'm guessing you and Callie still aren't in good terms?" Teddy asked as she munched on her granola bar.
"We made up and well if you're asking why I sat here alone earlier is because she got paged."
"Heard she's in a case with her ex. You alright with that?" Mark said as he folded today's newspaper.
"I trust her Mark."
"And thank the heavens that she trusts you back now too." Teddy chirped in.

After a few chitchats, we all went back to work and I happened to bump into Callie. She looked like she wanted to throw a tantrum. It was obvious that she was frustrated. I took a hold of both her arms and forced her to look at me.

"Hey hey what's the matter?"
"He fucking tried to kiss me Arizona. After our surgery, I talked to him about giving him a chance. NOT IN THE WHOLE RELATIONSHIP THING OKAY? I was about to say that I was going to give him a chance, but only as friends but then he pushed me against the wall and tried to kiss me. I pushed him off me and got out quickly. I'm fucking terrified. If his grip was stronger, he would've done something worse."
"I'm gonna fucking kill him! Where is he?" I was furious with what she said. No one hurts my Calliope. 
"Baby no. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Besides he's not worth it."
"I DON'T CARE! WHERE IS THAT MOTHERFUCKER?!" I was beyond ballistic and just wanted to beat this guy to death.
"Arizona please--"
"I'm not making any promises Callie. But what I know is if I ever happen to see him, I will kill him with my bare hands. I do not care if I get fired. I just want him beaten up."
"I'm gonna pass the word on."

I calmed myself down and tried to force out a smile to calm Callie. I tried to make my smile more genuine but behind this masked smile, I just wanted to find this motherfucker who tried to kiss my girlfriend.

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