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I woke up feeling happy as ever. I looked at the woman beside me that I now get to call my girlfriend. I studied her face. Her face was flawless and her nose was cute as ever. Her lashes were long, especially since she had her eyes closed. I brushed a few strands of her hair that fell on her face and her eyes fluttered open. Electrifying ocean blue eyes came into sight and I was immediately lost in them. But I saw something . It almost looked like something was bothering her.
Concerned,  I rubbed her arm and asked.
"Zona? Is something wrong? What's bothering you?"
She didn't smile nor say anything. She just brushed me off and went out of my bedroom leaving me clueless as ever.
I went after her and saw that she as already in my kitchen making coffee.
"Arizona. What's wrong. Tell me."
"Are dating anyone besides me?"
Confused, I blinked not knowing what to say.
"Well are you? You can't seem to open your mouth."
"No. I am not dating anyone besides you."
"Then who's the man who called you last night?"
I tensed up at the word man. It couldn't have been George. If it was I literally will have his head chopped off by my father.
"Yes wha-?"
"I don't know!"
"Who is Carlos T.?!"
Relieved at her question, I laughed at her sudden jealousy.
"Well sweetie, Carlos T. is my dad."
"Yes. T stands for Torres."
"Oh." She finally smiled and looked me in the eye.
"You were jealous of my dad?"
She got in front of me and cupped my cheek.
"I just got you. There is no way I'm letting some guy take you away from me."
She leaned in and kissed me.
"Good morning lover."
"Why the hell did you save his number by his name though?"
"Cause I'm not normal."
"Well you gave me a heart attack last night."
She handed me my coffee and I was in pure bliss.

We were in the middle of chatting but then we heard someone knock at the door.
"You sit still pretty lady and I'll get the door."
She disappeared from the kitchen and went to answer the door. Minutes later, she called for me.
 I walked out of the kitchen to see a pale faced Arizona standing by my door.
"Are you okay? Who's at the--- DADDY?!"
"Hello Mija. I suppose you weren't the person I talked to last night?"
"About that. Daddy, This is Arizona Robbins."
They shook hands and I could sense my dad urging me to continue.
"She's my girlfriend. We just made it official last night."
"That's great news Mija! How about the three of us go to dinner tonight? I'd like to get to know the woman who's making my Calliope this happy. It's been so long since I've seen her smile this huge and glow radiantly. Thank you Ms. Robbins."
"My pleasure Sir." she answered nervously.
"Alright. I'll have you picked up by my driver tonight. I'll see you both." 
He kissed my cheek and hugged Arizona. I was shocked by the entire thing. 
My dad left and I closed the door.
"Can you believe it? He hugged you! He never approved of the girls I dated in the past and the fact that he just knew about us and you and he hugged you is completely shocking."
"I was about to shit  myself right in front of him Calliope! I did not expect to meet him this early!"
"Well it already happened. But can you believe it? He hugged you!"
"What can I say, I'm charming and very pleasing to the eyes."
"Hmm I agree to that."

I made breakfast and Arizona went to the bathroom. She came back and had my pager in her hand.
"They're paging you." She said holding up my pager
"Crap. Here eat up. I'm gonna get dressed."
"You're not gonna eat?"
"I'll just eat at the cafeteria later."
"Okay. Thank youu!!"

I heard her thank me while I headed to my room. I changed and then grabbed my bag. Swinging by my kitchen, I saw her wash her plate and fork. I grabbed her from behind and kiss her cheek. I then put my lips on the back of her head and murmured. 

"I'll see you at the hospital later okay? Love you." I quickly kissed her head and headed to the door.
"I love you too! Be safe!"

I could hear my pager beep like crazy and so I ran towards the hospital. 
When I got into the ER, the nurses pointed me towards one of the curtains.

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