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I could feel the warmth of the sun hit my back as soon as the sun's rays entered my window. Pulling the covers up, I made sure it was enough to cover my back. Sighing in contentment, I snuggled close to the warm body that I now know was Callie. 
Opening one eye to make sure I wasn't dreaming nor any of this was a dream, I saw a pool of raven hair scattered along my chest. Rubbing both my eyes, I then stretched and instinctively ran my hands down the raven hair inches below me. I felt her breathe deeply and return back to normal. I continued to play with her hair and looked out of my window. 
Callie shifted and may have pushed her nose into my chest, her hair tickling me, making me giggle. I felt the weight from my chest, gone and she was now on her elbows, her face scrunched up in an adorable manner.

"Morning." I said while reaching out to play with her hair again.
"Morning. Sleep well?"
"Divine. Plus my morning just got better since I woke up with someone cuddling me andddd I think my foot is healed."
"Yeah? Let me check."

I pulled the sheets up to reveal my leg and I let her grab my calf . She then moved my foot and I didn't feel any pain at all. 

"The swelling seems to have gone down and it seems to get back to normal and you're not complaining of any pain. You're clear Dr. Robbins. You can now get back to work. But for further notice, take it easy and don't skate around yet. Give it one more day and maybe you can wheel around again."
"NOT SKATE? I MISS MY HEELY'S!!!" I raised my voice and slumped down the bed, feeling defeated as ever. 
"Walking is not so bad. And besides, you won't have to be stuck in here the entire day. I can't imagine how boring it must be for you."
"I guess walking will do. One more day without my awesome Heely's won't kill me right?"
"Nope. You'll survive. Then the next thing you know, you're back on you wheelie skates. One more day Arizona. One more day."
"Alright Dr. Torres."
"Now how about breakfast?"
"You're cooking right?"
"From what I have heard last night, you don't do well in the kitchen."
"Hey I can chop things!"
"Sure. Whatever makes your tiny heart happy."

We fixed the bed and even with my foot healed, Callie made sure I was safe with every step I made. She was nearby incase my clumsy ass comes out again. We made it down the stairs safely with me not tripping now using both my feet properly. Callie followed me into the kitchen and I let her take the lead in the cooking area.
"Anything you wanna eat in particular?"
"Surprise me."

She worked her magic and the next thing I knew I had a plate of eggs with bacon wide a side of tomatoes.
"This looks like it came right out of a food magazine."
"It's just eggs and bacon Arizona. How do you like your coffee?"
She said while pouring us both cups.
"With cream and 2 sugars on random occasions when I'm craving for a sugar high but I take it black mostly."
"Coming right up."

We sat on the stools quietly eating our food and glancing at one another casually.


Soon we were off to work, holding hands as we entered the building. We had a few good stared from the hospital staff but we brushed it off. We proudly walked, our hands gripping one another's, a big smile on our lips. 
We walked pass by the other attending's and I literally saw Mark hand Teddy a bill with Teddy smiling triumphantly. We got into our scrubs and walked out the attending's lounge only to be bombarded by the 2 devils.

"ARIZONA ROBBINS YOU DID NOT TELL ME ABOUT THIS!" Teddy charged at me making me hide behind Callie.
"I did not lie. We are not anything. We're dating?" Callie looked over me and I nodded furiously.
"Yes we're dating. But we're not really anything yet."
Callie swiftly faced me with her eyes wide.
"Better make it quick Robbins. I might still have a chance with Callie." Mark smirked.
"Judging by our bet Sloan, that's never gonna happen."
"Wait what? What bet?" Callie looked between Teddy and Mark.
"Don't call me that shitty name Zona."
"Okay fine. We made a bet on you guys." Teddy lowered her head while Mark looked sideways.

Both Callie and I screamed making the people around the floor stop. 

"Go back to work guys." I said loud and clear and they got back to what they were doing.
"What bet?"
"Not until you guys admit what's going on?"
"There's nothing going on. We're dating. That's it. What else do you guys wanna hear?"
"That y'all are together?" Teddy said said with so much hope.
"Nope." Callie and I both answered at the same time.

"Give me back my money Altman."
"Fine." Teddy took out a hundred bucks from her lab pocket and handed it back to a beaming Mark.
"Okay now what is this bet?"
"If you guys were a couple or not. Mark was being hopeful that he could still hook up with Callie."
"EW MARK! You're basically my best friend." Callie said with her face written with disgust all over.
"A man can dream Torres."
"A hundred bucks? That big?"
"I WAS CONFIDENT! And you guys disappointed me. Now you owe me."
"We don't owe you anything. Come on Callie. Let's leave these gamblers with their business."
I grabbed Callie's hand and walked away from them.

They were out of sight and Callie laughed beside me.
"You guys are like kids."
"Well technically I am. I'm proudly from Peds."

We got in the elevator and Callie reached to punch in her floor number.
"Where you headed?"
"Okay." She pressed on to the number, the elevator door closed and we stood there in silence. 

The doors opened to the Ortho floor. Callie turned to me and kissed my cheek.
"See you later Arizona." 
And with that she left me standing there speechless. 


After the NICU, I went to the Peds floor and checked on some of my patients.

"Alrighty Becca, I'll see you again tomorrow."
I turned to leave and headed out. I updated her chart, signed it and handed it to the nurse.

The day came by quickly as I finished my last surgery for the day. Letting the resident handle post-ops, I took down my name on the OR board and headed to the lounge. The moment I entered, they all stopped laughing, namely Derek, Bailey, Mark, Teddy and Callie.

"What are you guys laughing about?"
"We had this case. They're a divorced couple who can't seem to get enough of each other. They were hooking up and then all of a sudden, the woman's vajayjay locked the penis inside of her. They were stuck to each other for hours." Bailey said wiping her tears from laughter.
"Oh my HAHA. Good thing I'm gay."
"You just haven't had the guy to blow your mind Robbins." The big ass perv, Mark, spoke again.
"Sloan stop it." Callie warned him.
"Lighten up Callie." Mark poked her with his elbow.

We all laughed. After fixing up, Teddy approached me.
"Ready to go?"
"Go where?"
"We're heading out for drinks."
"Is Callie coming?"
"I guess? I'll go ahead and ask her."
"Alright. Tell me if she's coming. Then I'm coming."
"Damn Zona you got it bad."
"I know."

Teddy came back and told me Callie was coming so I went. We all walked to Joe's. Callie and I held hands. Meredith held on to Derek's arm. Cristina was by herself, while Teddy and Mark were talking. We entered the bar and ordered our drinks. I kept an eye on Callie since I know she gets drunk pretty easily. Gulping down the gin I had, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked over and saw a brunette smiling down at me.
"Is this seat taken."
I was about to answer but then Callie came out of nowhere and answered for me.
"The seat's taken and so is she."
The brunette left and I turned towards Callie.
"What the hell was that? And I did not know I was taken."
"She was flirting."
"She barely did anything."
"Yes she was! She had this flirty look on her face."
"Or maybe she was just naturally nice."
"Or maybe she was actually flirting."
"Callie you don't have to be jealous. Rest assured you're the only woman I'm dating and will be flirting with. For now." I teased.
"Wait what?"
"Hmmm?" I sipped on the soda I ordered.
"What did you say?"
"Fine. I'm gonna go over at Teddy's table and chat."
I watched her go over at Teddy's and gulp down the tequila that was on the table.

Yikes someone's gonna get drunk tonight.

She was barely there for a second and she grabbed another shot. I quickly went over and stopped her from taking it down.

"Calliope stop. You are the worst drunk I have ever seen and I don't want to drag your wasted ass out of here."
"I'm not drunk. I haven't even drank yet."
"And there you go. Come on. I'm taking you home."
"I'm heading home myself."
"Are you serious? In that drunken state?"
"Yes you are, now come on."
I dragged her out of the booth and good thing she wasn't that drunk. 

When we were out the door, she brushed off the hand I had in her arm. She walked away from me and I caught up to her, grabbed her hand and forced her to face me. 
"Callie what the hell is your problem?"
"What did you mean back there?"
"What did I mean-- What are you talking about?"
"What you said back there. At the counter."
"It was a joke. I was teasing."
"Well it wasn't funny."

I cupped her cheek and looked her straight in the eyes.
"You're the only woman I will ever lay eyes on. The only woman I wanna see the moment I wake up. You're the only woman who ever made me feel like jelly every time you flash me your megawatt heart stopping smile. I'm in love with you Calliope. Can't you see? I love you."
Her eyes were glistening with tears and her face softened at the tiny speech I had.
"Well say something..." I looked down embarrassed at the way I acted.
She lifted my face up making me look up at her.
"You do?"
Nodding, I answered.
"I do. I love you."
"I love you too."

My heart almost burst from her confession and I wasted no time capturing her lips into a sweet kiss. 
"Now how about I take you home?"
"Oh please. My head is spinning." She answered while holding her head.

We walked to her building and got up. When we got into her apartment, she immediately dropped down the couch and groaned.
"I'm gonna have a massive headache tomorrow."
"You bet. Come on. Let's head to bed."
"You're gonna stay?"
"I am. It's my turn to take care of you."
"Alright. Well come on."

We made out in her bedroom for a bit then cuddled right after.
"So what does this make us? We love each other. We make out. We cuddle. You make me breakfast. You sleep in my bed, and now I'm sleeping in yours--"
"Arizona, what do you want us to be? It's pretty obvious."
"So are we together now?"
"We are."
"We're girlfriends?"
"We are."
She laughed at my questions and I just smiled at her.
"Now how about we get some sleep."
"Okay. Girlfriend."
"Night Zona."
"Night Calliope."

She turned off the light and she was knocked down immediately. I stayed up for a bit, not believing what just happened. I was about to head to bed when I heard Callie's phone ring.
I grabbed the phone. I looked at the caller I.D. and was instantly bugged.
Picking up, a man's voice rang through.
"Calliope, I'm in Seattle and I know it's late. How about we go to dinner sometime? Catch up like old times sake?"
Shocked at what I heard, I couldn't speak and I immediately hung up.
I laid awake bothered by everything that just happened. I looked over at Callie and she was fast asleep. Sucking up the sinking feeling in my stomach, I forced myself to sleep despite the nagging feelings. 


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