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Last night was a mess. Arizona was nowhere to be found and it brought me back to the time when I literally ran to her house. When Teddy told me she wasn't in the hospital, my mind went blank. Instead of going to her house, I gave her some space to think about what she wanted. She did tell me that she wasn't going to leave, but what if she just said that so I wouldn't do anything stupid?
I went over to Mark's and cried on him instead. He gladly took me in for the night and he took my mind off of things. Being around Mark meant good times. He made me laugh, and he certainly made me feel better. 
Later that night, I went back to my apartment and slept alone. Well, I barely slept. My dad called me very early that morning that we were going to handle the divorce to finalize it. Then that same morning, Mark came in and checked up on me. And then my dad picked me up.
We were on a plane to Miami to finalize the divorce with my lawyer. George went on the plane with us, since my dad insisted we all go together so that everything goes down smooth and swift. 
My dad gave George the stink eye the entire flight and I have to say, I enjoyed watching George squirm in his seat. 

That's what you get for cheating on me.

We landed and we drove off to the building my lawyer worked at. 
My dad and I both watched as George signed the papers. My smile was so big that my face started to hurt. The divorce was finalized hours later and I couldn't be any happier.
My dad's pilot flew George back to Seattle while I went to visit my family. It was unexpected. I didn't expect to miss home this much. 

"So hermanita, where have you been?" Aria, my sister asked as she cut pieces of her steak.
"I uhm, I now live in Seattle. I have a job at a really nice hospital and I have an apartment a few minutes away from it."
"So, you opted for the rainy weather? Couldn't handle the Miami heat Calliope?" She said smiling slyly. 
"Well, I would've stayed here if George never repeatedly cheated on me."
Aria and my mom dropped their utensils and looked at me, their mouths hanging open.
"What? George cheated on you?" My mom asked, finally speaking to me.
"Yeah. I just had enough. I was done being the martyr. I put up with him long enough. I was done."
"You must forgive him Calliope and repair that marriage." My mom said.
"Mom, I've given him enough chances. I took him back a dozen of times and yet again, he goes out there and cheats on me."
"Calliope, you just can't simply give up on him. You have to make it work. That's how marriages are. You fight, then you fix it, then you move on."
"That's enough Lucia." My dad warned my mom. He knew where this was going. My mom was going to go on full Christian mode and he knew I didn't want that to be brought upon me.
"But Carlos, Calliope must know--"
"I SAID, THAT'S ENOUGH! Calliope is now a grown woman who can make her own decisions."

My mom didn't say another word and we went on eating. My sister and I hung out like old times and I enjoyed having to spend time with her.

"So Calliope, did you meet anyone there in Seattle?" Aria asked, obviously wanting some tea to spice up her life. 
"Yes. And we're together."
"Do tell."
"She's a surgeon in the hospital I'm working at. Her name is Arizona. She's literally the best person in the entire world."
"I'm happy for you little sis."
"How about you? Have you finally found a man worthy enough to satisfy your needs?"
"I've dated around a few times but they all turn out to be freaks who dates hot chicks like me, for show. They have huge egos and it's honestly vomit worthy."
"You'll find someone Aria."
"So when am I gonna meet this Arizona?"
"Soon, I hope. We're kind of in a place right now. And I didn't tell her I left to go here."
"You dumb bitch! How could you not?"
"She said she needed some time and I didn't want to wreck her peace and quiet so I jumped on a plane here, with dad."
"Can you at least text her though? She's going to think you're running off with George."
"Okay fine."
I texted Arizona and showed Aria that I sent her a message.
"There, now can we please watch something other than that?"
"What's wrong with this movie?"
"It's stupid."
"You and Arizona should watch this. The both of you have the same taste in movies."
"I like her already. Can I date her instead?"
"Fuck off Aria."

We put another movie in since I won the sister wrestling we usually did whenever we couldn't decide on a movie. When my dad's plane came back to fetch me, I sadly had to leave my family.
"You be good for Arizona alright Calliope? I'm looking forward to meet this woman who loves Titanic just as much as I do."
"Yeah yeah." We hugged and I turned to my mom.
"Calliope." She hugged me, which came to me as a surprise.
"You call me sometime, okay Mija?"
"I will Mama."

The plane flew me back to Seattle and the moment we landed, my dad's driver sent me back to my apartment. It was already late at night and all I wanted was to sleep in my comfy bed.
My eyes were literally dropping when I arrived on my floor. I got out of the elevator and was surprised to see Arizona sleeping on my doorstep.

"Arizona?" I shook her shoulders. She was sound asleep and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. I opened my door and picked her up and placed her on my bed. I took off her shoes and spread the covers over her body. I watched her as she slept. I haven't seen her in almost 24 hours and I missed her, badly. I let my fingers glide her cheeks and I couldn't help but smile when she relaxed when I touched her. 
I continued to do that until I felt myself get sleepy. 


It was the next day and I woke up to my forever favorite smell in the world. Fresh coffee.
I looked over at the other side of my bed and saw that it was empty. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. When I stepped into the kitchen, Arizona's eyes were on me.
"Where were you yesterday? How come I didn't know you took off with your dad?"
"It was sudden. My dad called me yesterday morning and told me about his plans. I didn't even had time to tell anyone."
"Well you sure did tell Mark."
"He came here early to check up on me. I didn't actually tell him. He found out himself."
"But still, you could've texted or called." Her voice was raising.
"I was giving you space." I said calmly in attempt to calm her down.
"But you couldn't bother to inform me? As far as I'm concerned Callie, we are in a relationship. You tell me things and I tell you things. One thing was not telling me about you being married and I forgave you for that but seriously? What's with you and not telling me everything?" She was mad and annoyed, I could tell my the way she flared up and flailed her arms in the air.
"I planned to tell you earlier, about my failed marriage, but you went and shut me out."
"So are you telling me this whole thing is my fault now?" Her lips were now in a tight line.
"I didn't say that!"
"But that's what you're implying! I lost a patient Callie! I lost a patient who was close to me."
"I know that! I have dealt with loses too. You know what, I'm not doing this with you right now. I should be celebrating the huge success of my divorce being finalized. Come find me when you're done being angry."

I grabbed my keys and slammed the door behind me. I didn't care that it was far too early for liquor, but I just wanted to get wasted. I went to Joe's and downed tequila shots. I spent the whole day at Joe's not bothering to show up for work. I just drank and drank until I felt like I was about to pass out. I had no idea what time it was since I finally got what I wanted. I was now wasted and couldn't make out anything.
My vision was blurry and my judgement was clouded. I felt someone pick me up and put me over their shoulder, as my body hung on that persons back. I didn't have the energy to fight so I just let them carry me. I felt my body surrender to the liquor and soon I was dead to the world. 

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