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Hitting send, I nervously chewed on my lip and threw my phone on the bed. I bit my nails, a habit I often did when I was anxious and paced in my room.

I furrowed my eyebrows at my actions.

Why am I anxious anyways? It's not like I'm asking her out. Wait am I? Does hanging out mean anything romantic? This is so unlike me.

I sighed, not liking whatever is happening.


A sound came from my phone. 

SHIT! She answered.

I stared at my phone for a moment. I scrambled to my bed, immediately grabbing my phone and opened the message.

Hey Callie. Sure, I'm up for that. Text me when? See ya. ;)

Staring at my screen, processing the information, I bolted up, and started to dance around the room.

Seriously though, what has gotten into me?

After I calmed myself down, I sat on the bed and smiled widely.

We are hanging out.


Morning came and I was up the minute my alarm went off. After showering and a quick change, I hummed on my way to the kitchen to make coffee. 
Grabbing my bag and ruffling my hair, I exited my apartment and headed to work.

After rounds, I got paged to the pit. When I got there, the pit was disturbingly quiet and no patients were around. All the attendings were waiting around, either outside or by the trauma rooms. Curious, I saw Teddy and approached her.

"Hey, what are we all doing here? It's rather quiet--"

Everyone turned to me and basically shushed me including the Chief.

"Oh-kay, what is going on?"
"Callie, you never say the q word here. Like never! It's bad juju."
"Huh? Juju?"
"Just- It's something."

All of a sudden, all of the people in the pit went rushing outside and I could hear the sirens of the ambulance coming in.
Teddy turned to me saying,
"And that Torres, is why you never ever ever say the q word here."

Turns out, there was a ferry boat crash and since we were the nearest hospital, all victims were rushed to us.

"Okay no, we're closed for trauma." I said to the telephone frustrated.
"BECAUSE WE HAVE TRAUMA COMING OUT FROM OUR BUTTS!" I screamed and slammed the telephone back to it's place.

Slumping on the chair, I massaged my temples and closed my eyes.

"Hey! Rough day?" A perky voice asked.
I looked up and saw a smiling Arizona looking down at me.
"You have no idea."
"On the bright side, I'm free tonight. Maybe you wanna hang out by then?"
Groaning, I shut my eyes closed realizing I was on call.
"Shit. Sorry Arizona, I'm on call tonight. Maybe tomorrow?"
"I will have to check my schedule. Looking forward to our hang out Torres!" She yelled while wheeling away.

Darn she's cute. Wait what?!


Three surgeries later, I was finally able to take a quick rest. Heading down to the cafeteria, I pulled out a dollar from my pocket and slipped it into the vending machine. Reaching down to get what it dropped, I tore the wrapper open and bit into the chocolate.

"An apple's healthier. Maybe you should get that."
I turned around to see Teddy holding a coffee cup while sipping it.

"Okay where did you get that." I pointed at her coffee.
" I need coffee."
"The lounge. You know what, the coffee from the coffee cart taste way better. This tastes like rat piss."
"Rat piss? Really?"
"Yes! I don't even know why I'm still drinking it." 
"Toss that in the bin. Come on, let's get some nice tasting coffee. My treat."

Coffee and chitchats later, Teddy left for her surgery, leaving me to head to an on call room to take a quick nap.

Opening the door, I saw a pool of blonde hair on one of the beds and a pair of wheelies on the floor.
Settling on the unoccupied bed, I took off my shoes and took a nap.


Night came and I headed straight home. After closing my apartment door, I heard my pager go off. Annoyed, I walked back to the hospital to see what I was needed for. 

I changed back into my scrubs and headed to the Ortho floor. Approaching the nurse's station, I asked the nurse on who paged me.
"Hey Martha, Who paged me here?"
"It was Chief Webber, Dr. Torres. He needs to speak with you."
"Thanks Martha." 

I went to the Chief's Office and knocked before entering. When I heard that I was allowed to come in, I entered his office and closed the door behind me. Turning to face him, I saw a bald headed man, his back at me, facing the Chief.

"Chief, you paged?"
"Ah, Dr. Torres. Please sit."
I sat on the chair and didn't bother looking at the man beside me.

"What are you doing here daddy? How did you find me?" I said looking straight ahead.
Feeling a hand on my arm, I faced the man, who was my father.
"Mija, George told me you were missing. He told me you left. Of course I had to find you. After all, you are my daughter."
"GEORGE CALLED YOU? That son of a bitch--" "Well, have you ever thought that maybe I didn't wanna be found?" I raised my brows at him.
"Now now Mija, how about we talk about this over dinner?" He suggested.
"Dad, I'm on call tonight." 
"It's alright Torres, I'll have the other attendings handle whatever comes in."
"Thanks Chief. Better yet. I kinda don't wanna talk about this in front of the Chief." I awkwardly faced the Chief to see him amused.
"It's alright Torres." He offered a small smile.
"Thank you, Chief Webber. For uhm, sending in my daughter." My dad stuck his hand for the Chief.
The Chief shook it and said,
"The pleasure is mine Mr. Torres."

My dad and I left the Chief's office. I went to the attending's lounge to change into my clothes for the second time tonight and headed out to meet my dad.
We drove to a restaurant outside of Seattle.
After ordering, my dad cleared his throat and began to speak.
"So Calliope, care to explain why you left your husband?"
"Correction dad, EX husband."
"WHAT?!" What happened?"
"He cheated on me dad. A dozen times. I gave him enough chances, hoping he would change. Well unfortunately, he did it again. I've had enough daddy." I choked on the tears that were threatening to fall.
"HE DID WHAT? I'm gonna kill him--"
"Daddy, no. I'm fine now. That's what matters." I reassured him
"What? Are you out of your mind Calliope? That coward cheated on you!"
"Daaad. I'm fine now. I swear. I'm moving on. I'm great!"
"Okay Mija. But I'm not keeping any promises."
"I'm only joking Calliope."
"Well, your joke sucks dad."

We talked about a lot other stuff while eating our dinner. Soon, he drove me home and promised to visit me some time. I kissed him goodnight and I entered the building. 
When got out of the elevator, I saw Mark, sitting by my door.

Raising my eyebrows, Mark stoop up when he saw me and raised the beers he had in his hand.
"Up for a few beers Torres? We could use some considering the rough day we had."
"Sure, but please don't let me drink much. I have back to back surgeries tomorrow." I warned him.
"Alright alright."

We entered my apartment and headed to the living room. We watched some tv and drank our beers. Feeling my eyes drop, I put my head on Mark's shoulder, finally letting my eyes close. Soon sleep came over me. 

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