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On the way to the restaurant Callie's dad picked out, I couldn't help but feel anxious. I held unto Callie the entire time casually taking deep breaths. Thinking she noticed the way I was breathing, she pulled me closer and it instantly calm me down.

"Arizona calm down. My dad just looks intimidating but he's not. He's going to love you."
"You think so?"
"I know so. Please stop worrying."
"I'll try."

The car came to a stop and looking out the window, I saw that we were in front of a 5 star hotel with a restaurant, the best in Seattle. My mouth agape at the sight in front of me, Callie lifted my chin to close my mouth.

"Close your mouth sweetie. You'll catch flies."
Snapping out of my thoughts, I flashed her a smile and took her hand. We walked inside and I was instantly conscious. Callie had her hand at the small of my back while she talked to a guy. We were then led to a table where her father was already sitting at.

Mr. Torres stood up and hugged us both.
"Please please sit."
A waiter came and took our orders. After getting it, he left momentarily.
"So Ms. Robbins, what do you do for a living?" Mr. Torres asked.
Callie grabbed my hand from underneath the table.
"Well Sir, I'm a pediatric surgeon."
"Impressive. I'm guessing you both work at Seattle Grace?"
"Yes daddy. We met there."
He nodded and took a sip of water. 
"So should I call you Dr. Robbins instead?"
"There's no need for that Sir. Arizona is fine."
"If you say so Arizona."

The waiter came back ang got us the wine Callie's dad ordered. 
"So Calliope, did you tell Arizona?"
"Tell her what exactly dad?"
"That you have shares of this place."
I looked at Callie, my eyes wide.
"Uhm no. We aren't there yet dad. But since you mentioned. Arizona,--"
She turned to look at me and I urged her to continue.
"I uhm-- Well like my dad said, I kinda, well not own but yeah I have shares of this place. I know it's something to take in but really it's nothing."
"Okay... I wasn't really expecting that. I thought he was gonna say you're married or something." I nervously laughed.
Mr. Torres coughed and Callie glared at her father.
Sensing the tension, I decided to brush them off and just smiled.

Our food came and we ate, while casually stirring up conversation.
"Then there was one time Calliope here, snuck out during high school and when she got back, I was standing there on the porch. I think I looked scary since she looked like she was about to piss herself."
"DADDY!" Callie exclaimed.
"I didn't know you were such a rebel."
"I wasn't! I was, still is and will always be a sweetheart."
"I beg to differ Mija."
"Aria was way worse though. She was almost never home."
"Who's Aria?" I asked, confused.
"My sister. She was the ultimate rebel."
"We don't know where she got it." Mr. Torres chuckled. 

Soon we were done and Mr. Torres took the check. 
We all headed out the door and before Mr. Torres left, he pulled me aside to talk to me.
"It was nice meeting you Arizona."
"It was a pleasure meeting you too Sir."
"Calliope is a good woman Arizona. I hope you treat her well, protect her and love her. She's been through a lot and I hope you will not hurt her. She is my daughter. My pride and joy. And it kills me every time she cries to me whenever her heart gets broken. I may not know you well enough Arizona, but I hope I can trust you with that."
Gulping, I nodded at him.
"I would never hurt her Sir. You can trust me. I love your daughter and I will protect her even if she doesn't need it. She's strong, miraculous and nothing but honorable. I will take good care of her."
"I'm glad we are on the same page Arizona. I can see Calliope getting restless over there. Maybe you should go back to her."
"Thank you Sir. I won't let you down."
He let out a small smile, nodded at me and entered his car. I went back to Callie and she was scared.
"You're not gonna break up with me right?"
"No! Why would you think that?"
"So he didn't scare you off?"
"He didn't. We just talked. About you."
"About me? Why would you guys be talking about me?"
"Because we love you."
She grabbed my hands and pulled me to her, letting me in for a hug. 
"Awee sweetie I love you too."
"Hey Callie?"
"Can we go home now?"
"Sure. Let's head home where?"
"Your place? It's closer to the hospital and I kinda need to go in early. I have surgery first thing in the morning."
"Sure thing. Come on."

We got in the car and the driver drove us to Callie's apartment. 
We got up the floor and much to our surprise, Mark was outside his door fumbling with his keys.

"Fancy bumping into you Mark." Callie started.
"We are neighbors after all. Didn't you expect that? And hey Robbins."
"Hey Mark." I greeted him.
"Well what I didn't expect was ,you, still out by this hour. Your shift ended hours ago. You usually went home after."
"Well, I got laid."
"Good for you pal. Now you won't have to come for me."
"I don't want Robbins here, chopping off my balls and feed it to the stray dogs."
"I'll keep that in mind the next time he comes at you."

We bid Mark good night and entered Callie's apartment. I headed to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water while Callie went tot the bathroom and took a dump. I sat on the stool by the counter underneath the kitchen light. Callie came into view and walked towards me. She was humming a tune I wasn't familiar with. She took my hand and I gladly took it. She grabbed my waist and I put my arms around her neck. She swayed us and then and there we were dancing in the kitchen, with her humming the music. I laid my head on her chest and listened to her heart beat.

"You hear that Zona? It's beating that fast because you're so close to me. That happens whenever I see you or just think about you. You have this effect on me Arizona."
Smiling at the words she said, I looked up at her and played with the hair behind her neck, twirling the strands between my fingers. We looked into each other's eyes as we were dancing. I noticed her rapidly blinking, trying to fight off her sleep.

"How about let's head to bed?" I suggested.
She finally let out a yawn and nodded.
We got into her bedroom and Callie walked into her closet. She came out already dressed holding out a pair of pajamas and a shirt of hers.
"Here, change into these. And I don't mind you keeping them." She handed me the clothes.
"Oh I plan to."
 Taking it, I then disappeared into the bathroom to change.

I got out and Callie was applying lotion on her arms. I got on the bed and watched her. She then gave me the lotion and I applied it as well. 
We climbed into bed, and got comfortable. I cuddled with her, my head on her chest while she played with my hair, running her hands along my curls.
I pushed myself up to look at her. Now leaning against my elbows, I continued to stare at her.

"Arizonaaa, stop staring at me." She whined, and put her hands to her face to cover it up.
"No no no don't hide. And fine I'm gonna stop staring."
 I removed her hands from her face, taking her hand into mine. I held unto our intertwined hands and put it up against my lips, kissing the back of her hand. 

"Have I ever told you how much I love you Calliope?"
"Pretty much since last night."
"Well, I will never get tired of saying it."
"Neither will I. Now how about we get some sleep?"
"Can I have a good night kiss first?"
She leaned in and kissed me. 
"Good night Arizona." She said while her hands still both on my cheeks.
"Good night Calliope. I love you."
"I love you too."

She kissed my forehead and turned off the light. I smiled against her chest and we snuggled into the night.

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