Chapter 1

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"I'll see you soon!" - said my mom as I entered the train.

Finally! I'm going to Hogwarts. I'll be starting my 5th year. I was homeschooled but my parents taught me everything so I don't need to start in 1st year. I sat in the train, at the back, alone. Everybody looked so happy to go back to school. I saw the famous Harry Potter and his friends and many other people but I didn't know who they were.

"That's my seat." As I looked up I saw a tall, pretty handsome blondie. 

"Well, I sat here first so now it's mine" 

"You're new I see"

"Yes and?"

"I kinda make the rules around here and that. is. my. seat. Find another one mudblood."

*arrived at Hogwarts*

"Hello children and welcome back to another year at Hogwarts." - said a gray haired wizard which I assumed was probably Dumbledore.

"We have a new student in 5th year and she will be sorted shortly."

Everybody looked at me and I looked down to the ground. My heart beating and my body starting to sweat, I hated attention. 

I walked up to Dumbledore and he put the sorting hat on my head.

"She's probably a Gryffindor, that filthy mudblood." - Draco mumbled under his breath

*I rolled my eyes at him*

"Ahh I see very ambitious, smart too... And brave! Huh? Were to put you? Oh I know you, SLYTHERIN!"

"I knew it." - I smirked and went to the Slytherin table.

"Hi, I'm y/n, y/n Riddle."

*everybody looked at me with big open eyes*

"I- I'm Blaise, nice to meet you" - said a sweet looking boy across from me

"I'm Pansy, Pansy Parkinson."

"Nice to meet you guys."

"This is Draco" - said Blaise

"Yeah I saw him on the train earlier, quite feisty."

"Is he you know..." - said Draco quietly 

"Um, yeah Tom is my brother." - my smile faded

"I promise I'm not like him, I would never hurt anyone."

"Isn't he like 1000 years old? hahaha. How is he your brother" - laughed Blaise

"Well long story."

"Let's just enjoy the food and stop bothering the poor girl." - smiled Pansy

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