Chapter 6

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I woke up. Puffy eyes, tear marks on my pillow and sheets. I didn't wanna get up.

"Morning sunshine!" - Pansy opened the blinds

"I'm not going to school today..."

"What, why?"

"I don't feel good" - I turned around

She saw my face and knew I cried last night.

"WHAT HAPPEND? DID SOMEONE DO SOMETHING TO YOU?" - she shouted trying to get me to face her

"I found FRED... in the bathroom yesterday, with Angelina..."

"Omg, he DID NOT. Listen, you are going to get up and get ready. Clean your face and take a shower. You will go to school just like it's any other day. We DON'T let little boys make us feel down, especially gingers."

She smiled at me and lifted my face with her hands. 

"Keep your head up queen, because you are above everyone else." - she said as she left to go to class

She was right. I'm not going to cry over some boy, no. My mascara is too expensive for him. I got up and put my uniform on with my robe. I brushed my hair and put it half up, half down. I brushed my teeth and did my makeup. And then, then I left the dorm. I put on a big smile on my face and went to class. Fake it until you make it right?

"Hey, you're late" - Draco said smirking

"Yeah, perfection takes time darling." - we both laughed

Classes were done and we went to the great hall to eat lunch. 

"So I heard someone was making out in the bathroom yesterday..." - Blaise tried to say it quietly

"Yup, Fred and Angelina." - I said firmly

"So you're over?" - Draco asked

"Yeah. Anyways, do you guys wanna go to Hogsmeade later? I wanna go out, you know. Shopping and stuff." - I changed the subject


"Omg yes. I need some new clothes"

"Yeah, sure."


"Uuu this shirt is so cute you should try it on." - I said while handing Pansy a white and blue crop top with angels on it

" - I said while handing Pansy a white and blue crop top with angels on it

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She came out of the dressing room and it fit her perfectly. She had a beautiful body. Hourglass, you know. It made her breasts look nice and perky.

"Ugh, I love it. You need to buy it."

"I know, I will." - she said being sassy like she always is

I tried on a short, tight green dress.

"What do you guys think?"

"You look ugly. It makes you look like a hoe. I don't like it." - Draco said

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