Chapter 2

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I woke up really early to get ready for class. We had Charms class first and then Potions and DADA. I shared a dorm with Pansy. We clicked and became friends from my first day. Draco however hated me.

"Good morning queen, you ready for your first day?"

"Yeah I think so, I'm just a little scared, you know..."

"We all are on our first day, it's gonna go great don't worry."

We waked to class and I sat at a free spot. Class started and 10 minutes later he showed up, Draco. He sat next to me bacause there were no free seats left and I could tell he hated it. 

"What are we doing?" - he asked

"The banishing charm."

"Oh that's easy I should've just stayed in bed. Do you even know magic?"

"Yeah quite well actually. Probably better than you." - I mocked him

"We'll see about that..."

*classes finished and we all went to our common rooms*

I was sitting on the sofa reading a book. Some students were studying, some were sleeping and Draco and Blaise were drinking. 

"It's the middle of the day, c'mon guys."

"It's never too early, wanna join?" - smirked Draco

"Oh so you don't hate me?" - I said while grabbing the bottle

"Hmm, maybe a little bit." - he laughed

- I laughed back

I decided to go on a walk through the school. It was everything I ever wanted. I saw The Golden trio around the corner and decided to say hi. 

"Hello, I'm y/n Riddle, I'm new."

"Oh bloody hell another one, what are you gonna do, try to kill Harry too?"

"Ronald! Sorry about him. I'm Hermione Granger."

"Hi, nice to meet you. You must be Harry."

"Yes, I am, hello"

"I promise I'm not like my brother. I just wanna learn more magic. See you around."

"See you around!" - Harry and Hermione shouted as I was leaving 

*two weeks later*

I've been here for two weeks already and I have been having the time of my life. I really missed out on school and friends growing up. My only friend was my big brother, Tom. We were unseperable. We did everything together. Our mother told us stories everyday before bed. 

One of the stories was about a young man who was the most powerful wizard in the world, he was yound and very handsome. He had everything in the world and he was immortal. My brother and I decided to find a spell to be imortal. We believed that there was a way we could stay young and live forever. We promised eachother to find a way but without hurting anyone. There were many spells and rituals but most of them required sacrifice or a lot of magic. We were quite powerful but not enough for the spells to work. Tom found a spell, a spell which required a small sacrifice, well that's what he told me. He became so obsessed with immortality. He couldn't find a spell I wanted so he lied, my best friend, my brother lied to me. He did the spell without me knowing. I felt something pull my magic so I went outside to the forest. There was a village there, well not anymore. He murdered all those innocent people. I watched their cold bodies laying on the ground. Blood everywhere, children, even animals. They were all dead. I ran through the forest and found him. Sitting next to a dead unicorn. His skin, now gray, hair gone and nose also. I couldn't look at him anymore. I ran back to the house and told our parents everything. When we went there together, he was no longer there. 

I haven't seen him since. That's another reason why I came here. I want to find him, help him. I know everybody thinks I'm here to kill him. Dumbledore wants to use me so I can kill my brother, but why on Earth would I do that. He's my brother, I can't do it. I found an ancient spell, it could bring him back to the boy he once was. Of course, he would age like everyone else and eventually die of old age.

*I was tired and went to bed.*

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