Chapter 19

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"Mornin' love." - Draco smiled and kissed me


"I was thinking we could invite Blaise and Pansy... and like spend the rest of the summer break with them if you want?"

"You know what? Sure." - I said getting out of bed to get dressed

I put on some shorts and a white top. I also grabbed a black purse in case we went out somewhere.

"When are they coming?" - I yelled from the room while brushing my hair

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"When are they coming?" - I yelled from the room while brushing my hair

"Um, now I guess?" - I heard a voice from the other room

"P!" - I ran to Pansy and hugged her so hard we fell on the floor

"Whoa! y/n chill hahaha! I missed you too don't worry."

"We missed you so much!" - Blaise gave me a hand to get up

I jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Uh, I'll never get sick of your hugs." - he smiled

"Yeah, and you'll never stop getting them." - I smiled at them

"So you ready to go?" - Draco said opening the door

"Go where?" - we all asked

"Etherealis, duh."

We sat in his car (one of many he had ofc). We opened the roof and Pansy and I stood on the seats with the wind blowing our hair singing on top of our lungs. Summers with these guys are the best. I can't wait for next summer and the summer after that. Each one is going to be better than the other. 

"And we're here ladies and gentlemen." 

"Wooo! Let's goo!" - Pansy jumped out of the car running into the cottage

I grabbed Dracos's hand and pulled him towards the cottage. When we got to the door I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. We all ran inside and sat on the couch.

"I got us a bunch of drinks and food so we can stay here if you guys want." - Draco said unpacking the bags

"Omg! Yes!" - Pansy screamed going to the kitchen to help Draco

"We are going to have so much fun! We can invite people for parties or something." - I said

"Yeah but make them outside cuz the cottage is too small for a bunch of people." - Blaise said

"And we're putting a cloaking spell on the cottage. I don't want anyone finding this place." - Draco said seriously 

"Obviously. But they'll be drunk anyway and forget they got here." - Pansy laughed

"The invitations will be thru floo powder or something, that's the safest." - Draco said

"K." - I said going up to the rooms

I shared a room with Draco. Pansy had a room above us and Blaise's was next to hers.

I laid on the bed. I looked out of the window. The trees were surrounding the cottage and the sun was shining through them. It was lovely. I just want to stay here. For eternity. 


Music was blasting and you could hear it from miles away but we didn't care. There wasn't anybody here anyway. The next house was 5 hours away. Everyone was having a blast. Drunk Gryffindors and Slytherins were the highlights of every party. Who knew they could be friends. I saw Draco in the middle of the dance floor dancing like a maniac. He was with Blaise of course. They were dead. drunk. Oh and Harry was with them. Yup. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter were dancing together. I didn't think I'd live to see that. 

"Hey girl!" 

"Hey P. That guy keeps checking you out."

"He does? Well, I'll be gone for a little bit. Ciao!" - she said leaving her drink on the table

I grabbed some girl in the crowd and took her to the middle of the dance floor. Harry, Draco, Blaise and we danced. Others were just drinking and kinda moving, a little on the side.

"Oh, that's you, Luna!" - I said to the girl I dragged onto the dance floor

"Uh, yeah. I don't... you know..."

"Dance? Well, now you do!" - I said loudly moving her hands to help her relax

Others started joining us. Theo, Ginny, Matthew... Even Hermione put her book down. 

"I LOVE YOU RIDDLE!" - Draco shouted

"Omg, he's so drunk. I LOVE YOU TOO! - I didn't wanna leave him hanging

Some of us went to the lake that was next to the cottage. People started taking their clothes off and jumping in. 

"C'mon love. Let's go! Life is short." - Draco pulled my hand

I took off my dress and my shoes and we jumped in together. The water was pretty warm.

People started making out all around us. I saw Blaise behind us and you'll never guess who he was with. LUNA! LUNA LOVEGOOD! Damn, my boy got a catch. Good little girl Luna with bad boy Blaise ok ok. I just hope he doesn't break her heart. 

People started getting too drunk and we thought they should leave. I wasn't that drunk so I helped Draco and some others to get out of the lake. Some people left but some stayed. They were just wasted and couldn't move so they fell asleep on the grass. I took Draco to our room before people saw where we went. He fell asleep soon after. I saw Blaise take Luna to his room but I know she can keep a secret. Besides, I think we'll be seeing more of her soon. Pansy was somewhere with some guy. Not the one from before, this was like the fourth one. Oh, whatever. She was having fun. I heard Blaise and Luna were getting heated and decided to go for a walk. I wasn't really tired anyway. 

I started walking into the woods. It was calming. These woods were different. They gave me a good vibe. Not like those dark scary woods from horror movies. My feet started hurting so I took my shoes off. The grass was wet but you know, like summer wet. The moon was beautiful. I sat on some fallen tree and fell asleep looking at the stars and moon.


I woke up. It was still night. The air got colder and the woods didn't have that free calm energy anymore. I felt fear all around me. I got scared. I knew something bad was going to happen.

Then I saw a skull in the moon...

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