Chapter 8

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"FIRST DAY OF SUMMERRRR!" - I yell while jumping on Draco's bed

"Well good morning love. No need to yell we can all hear you." - he says with a smirk

I just push him and run to Pansy's room. 

"Morning bitch! Wake up! We're gonna do a bunch of stuff tonight!" 

"Ugh, it's so early..."

"No, it's not get up." - I say while going to Blaise's room

"Good morning pal. Get dressed and come down for breakfast."

"Yeah, whatever."

I got dressed and went downstairs. I saw Narcissa making breakfast. It smelled great. She made waffles, pancakes, smoothies, some eggs and bacon. 

"Oh hello darling. You must be y/n."

"Hi. Yup, that's me!"

I sat down and got some eggs and waffles with whipped cream and fruit. Soon after Pansy, Draco and Blaise got down. We ate our breakfast and talked. Narcissa seemed really nice. I like her. 

After we finished our breakfast we decided to take a morning swim. The pool was giant. Pansy only wanted to tan. Like c'mon girl, let's play mermaids or something. I saw Lucius in the garden. He was very tall and his face was serious. I feel like he doesn't smile. 

"Hey kids. You must be the Riddle kid?"

"Yes. I'm y/n Riddle. Nice to meet you sir." - I put my hand out for a handshake but he ignored me and went inside

"Damn. That's where you get your rudeness from I guess." - I said to Draco 

"And do you get that nose from your brother?" 

I just rolled my eyes and went to sit with Pansy.

We stayed outside for a little bit and went inside. Draco and Blaise were playing videogames and Pansy was doing makeup. She liked making different looks, like drawing rainbows and things on her face. She was really good at it too. I was reading a book.

"What are you guys playing?" - I asked them

"Um- a race-" - Blaise tried to acknowledge me

"Shut up! Not now!" - Draco yelled at me

"Yeez, sorry. Can I try?"

"Fine." - Draco said looking at Blaise waiting for him to give me the joystick

"Oi! What are you doing?"

"Winning. Like I always do. Poor Malfoy... did you loose huh? Are you said? You gonna cry?" - I mocked him

He never lost a game. But of course now he did. I used to play a lot of videogames with my brothers. Ever since they've been gone I never wanted to play another videogame again. I had to prove to Malfoy he wasn't the best of course so I played anyway. 

For the rest of the day we just chilled and at around 2 a.m. we decided to watch a horror movie. After the movie ended they all fell asleep and I decided to go out and get some air. I loved going out at night. It was peaceful and the air was the freshest ever. I found some roller skates in Draco's closet so I put them on and went outside. 

I skated down the street and I felt so free. All of my problems were gone. The wind was hitting my face and I watched the stars. There was nobody in the street so it was great. I realized I was out for a lot longer so I went back to the Manor. 

"Where were you?" - Draco asked

"I just went skating, sorry, I borrowed your roller skates."

"It's fine, you have little feet anyway you can't stretch them out."

"Should we wake them up so they can go to their rooms?"

"Nah, leave them be. I'll stay here too." - he said while drifting to sleep

I sat down and watched another movie. I watched 20 minutes only and immediately fell asleep. My head slowely fell and I layed it on Draco's shoulder. 

I woke up at 11 and Pansy and Blaise were already gone. 

"How long have you been awake?"

"Oh for about two hours." - said Draco looking down at me

"Why didn't you go get dressed?"

"You looked really peaceful and your head was on my shoulder. I didn't wanna move so I don't wake you."

"Aww that's so sweet, thanks."

"No, don't go all mushy. It's just cuz I know to let a girl sleep and not make her angry."

"Yeah, sure." - I got up smiling at him

We all got dressed and planned a party for tonight. 

"So because the Manor is so big we can throw a party here!" - Pansy said

"Ah, no. My parents are going to be here all day. We should just go to a club instead."

"You think they're going to let us in. We're minors." - Blaise said

"I'm a Malfoy of course they'll let us in."

It was time to partyyy. We got dressed. I had a pink mini dress and some sneakers. I knew we were going to dance a lot so I didn't want to have heels. 

My hair was wavy and I put some nude lipstick, mascara and eyeliner

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My hair was wavy and I put some nude lipstick, mascara and eyeliner. 

We came to the club and got some drinks. We just had some flavored beers but Pansy got us some shots. We played truth or drink, shot pong, we danced...

We had a bunch of shots and got really drunk...

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