Chapter 20

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I ran to the cottage as fast as I could to warn everybody. 

"Guys get up! Come on! He's back! He's back." - I yelled waking everyone up

"Girl what? Are you okay?"

"Did you have a nightmare?"

"Who's back?" 

- they asked, but they knew who it was

"Tom. Voldemort. He's back."

"Relax darling, it was just a dream." - Draco said placing his hand on my face

But it wasn't. I knew it wasn't a dream. And deep down I wasn't surprised. I knew he would be back. But not so soon. 

"It wasn't Draco." - I said pulling his hand down

"How do you know?" - Pansy asked

"I was in the forest. And at first, it was fine, it was great. I fell asleep and then I woke up. It was colder than before and when I looked up at the sky I saw a skull from the clouds."

"Well it's just clouds." - Blaise said

"No. It isn't. It's Tom's thing. A skull. He wanted to warn me that he was back. And he's here to take what he wants. Power."

"Ok. Well, let's all calm down first."

"Calm down? Calm down? We're going to die, do you understand. That's what he does. He manipulates you into thinking you can beat him and that he's gone but it's all lies. He's a lot stronger than you think. That's how he survived all this time." - I said pacing through the room

"Well, we need to warn everyone. Prepare them for battle." - Pansy said

The next day we got dressed and went to Hogwarts. As soon as we got there I ran to find anyone who wanted to stop Tom. Most of the school were his followers so I didn't know who to tell. We left our stuff in our dorms and went to get a bite to eat. The headmaster saw us and smiled at us. I guess he was happy we were back. I could see it in his face. He knew Tom was back to take what he wanted. 

"Why is he looking at you like that?" - Pansy asked

"He knows." - I said

"That Voldemort's back?" 

"Yup. I guess he thinks we'll help him or something."

"You said you aren't going to hurt your brother."

"Well yeah, but for what he wants he'll kill everyone. I can't let him kill innocent people for something that might not even work."

"Doesn't he just want Harry?"

"No. He wants all of us. All of you."

"For what? It's Harry that is the anchor or whatever you said."

"He needs a whole "village" of magic blood. And Hogwarts is a "village" plus the most powerful witches and wizards are here."

"Well I have an idea." - Blaise said

"Ok, tell us.."

"We train. By ourselves of course cuz Snape isn't going to teach us to fight against him. We make him believe we are with him. And once Voldemort comes we turn against them and make sure to make it out alive."

"How are we going to teach ourselves?" -  I asked him

"You're all-powerful and we have Harry."

"Harry won't want to help me." - I said

"He will. Just show him that you do want to help. Afterall he wants us all dead not just Harry." - Draco put his hand on mine

I smiled and nodded. I got up from my seat and went to find Harry and his friends. I saw him in the hallway talking to Hermione, Ron, and Ginny.

"Hey, guys. Thank god you're all here."

"What do you want?" - Harry stepped closer to me

"I want to ask you guys something and warn you."

"K. Spit it out." - Ron said looking over Harrys shoulder

"Basically, Voldemort is back. And before you attack me I want to help. My friends and I decided to learn how to protect ourselves. Tom doesn't just want you, Harry. He wants as many of us as he can get. We need your help. With Harry and me we could take him down. But we need to practice every day. What do you say?"

"Fine." - Hermione said

"Woah. Hold on." - Ron said 

"No, it's okay. We're in. I trust you." - Harry said putting his hand out to me

I shook his hand and smiled. 

"Meet us in our common room at 9. And find anyone who wants to help."


Many people were here. Harry brought Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione, Ron... Luna came and Cho too. 

Harry and I started teaching everyone hard spells that could help. We also made a couple of potions. Spells were flying everywhere. We made sure no one would hear us or see us. We were preparing every day. We all got better and better.

I think we really have a chance. 

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