Chapter 14

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I woke up. I was laying on Draco's chest. We fell asleep cuddling. It was a pretty day compared to all of these before it. We got dressed and went to our table. Pansy and Blaise were already waiting for us. 

"Morning guys."

"Good morning." - I said

"It's a nice day today, isn't it?" - Pansy smiled

"Yeah, I haven't seen the sun in a long while..." - I smiled slightly 

"We could go to the lake today, have a picnic..." - Blaise looked at me 

"Um... yeah... sure." 

We ate our breakfast and prepared snacks for our picnic. I put on a lemon summer dress and some sneakers. 

We found a nice place on the grass next to the lake

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We found a nice place on the grass next to the lake. We put our blanket down and put the snacks out. Draco and Blaise jumped into the water.

"Draco! Blaise!" - Pansy and I yelled

"Isn't it cold?" - I asked them


"Yeah, a little bit." - Blaise laughed waving his hand for me and Pansy to get in

"It's not that cold, c'mon now girls." - Draco said

They got out of the lake and pushed me and Pansy in.

"Hey!" - Pansy tried pushing Blaise in but it didn't work

"Great! Now my dress is wet." - I said

"Oh, it'll dry..." - Draco said smiling at me

The boys jumped in after us. Pansy and I just took our dresses off and threw them on the grass. The water was great. The sun was shining on our faces and the water glistening from the sun's rays. I felt free. Free from everything. It's like everything was fine again Except... It obviously wasn't. We splashed each other and pushed each other into the water. It was a great day.

Draco came close to me and held my waist. He looked me in the eyes with such happiness. I have never seen him happier than this. His hair wet. A strand of hair hanging on his face. Ugh, I loved this boy. He was my everything. He deserved the world. And more.


This girl is amazing. Look at her. Her beautiful hair, her bright eyes, and that smile. Wow, that smile just brightens up my day. This was the moment I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She was my everything. I leaned closer and kissed her and then whispered in her ear...

"I love you."


"I love you too." - I whispered back

I pushed his head into the water and he pulled me down. We kissed under the water but it all went into our mouths so we quickly went up for air. 

I grabbed his face and kissed him.

"I love you, Draco Malfoy. For eternity." 

"For eternity." - he said as we locked our pinkies together

"Oi lovebirds, the drinks are getting warm." - Blaise yelled

"Get out!" 

We made fruity cocktails and they were great. Just pure happiness. We had cake and little sandwich bites. Oh and some fruit of course. The sun was coming down. We watched the sunrise and went back to our common room. 

"From now on we make memories. Life is short. For all we know we might not wake up tomorrow." - I said lifting a glass of champagne to make cheers with my friends

"I agree. Tomorrow we can go roller skating. There a roller skating rink opening in town." - Draco said lifting his glass


"Deal." - both Pansy and Blasie lifted their glasses 

The next day during lunch, Snape made an announcement.

"Dear students, I am happy to say that you and everyone else's life is no longer threatened by He Who Must Not Be Named."

Everyone cheered. Children were hugging each other and there was laughter echoing through the corridors. 

"Let's give applause to Miss Riddle for helping us. She is the reason you get to go home to your families." - Snape said giving me a warm smile

Everyone applauded. I felt happy. Finally, I did something right. Something everyone is going to remember. 


Everyone seemed happier. Calmer. Was Tom gone? Did he finally give up?

Maybe for a little while but I know he's going to change his mind...

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