Chapter 23

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He tried moving on, but he just couldn't.

She was his everything. She made life worth living. And now, now she was gone so there was no point in staying here anymore. Draco tried to find someone else or something else to keep him here. But there was nothing. 

He wasn't even visiting his friends anymore. He visited y/n's grave today. He brought her another rose. He had a bottle with him. There was some kind of greenish-blueish liquid inside. It looked old and it had a skull on the front. 

As her sat next to her grave crying... he said "I'll see you soon" chugging the liquid. As it was going down his throat it burned all of his insides. It felt like there was a fire in his stomach. He took his last breath and everything went black. 


Everything turned white all of a sudden and I saw a beautiful girl standing in front of me. She looked like an angel. It was her. It was y/n. My y/n.

"WHAT DID YOU DO! OMG DRACO!" - she yelled running towards me

She held my head as I was too weak to sit up. Her hands were soft and she felt warm. Just like she did before. Her hair was moving with the summer breeze. She had a short, flowy white dress on. And I had some white suit on. She was beautiful even more than before.

"Draco?" - she said worriedly

"Riddle." - I said while smirking 

"No! No! NO..." - she said, tears going down her face

I held her face and wiped her tears. 

"Don't worry. I'm ok. Even better than that we are together again." - I said as I kissed her passionately 

"But you were supposed to live. Like never before." - she said, her smile faded

"I can't live without you, love. You are my life. And now we will be together. For eternity. Just like we promised each other long ago." - I said smiling

She smiled back and jumped on me giving me the biggest, warmest hug. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too."

We stood up and I looked around. We were on a beautiful meadow. It was full of flowers and the grass was tall. We were barefoot but the ground was fluffy and warm. There were animals around us. Rabbits were jumping around the grass and I saw some deer in the distance. I saw a cottage not far from us. Y/n grabbed my hand and we ran towards the cottage.

"Come!" - she said

It was like a movie scene. We were running in the grass. The sun felt warm on our skin and the wind was just right. It smelled like cinnamon, fruit, and summer. The clouds were white and perfect like the angels made them themselves. We came to the cottage and it was beautiful.

She was finally mine, for eternity.


And then Blaise closed the book, on the front, it said "The Tales of a Young Witch"

"And that kids is the story of my two best friends. Your aunt and uncle, who found true love in this harsh world" - Blaise said smiling at his sons

"Now go have fun and happy birthday!" - said a beautiful girl, well woman

She was probably their mother because they had the same funny glasses and golden hair as her.

Blaise went to the bar where he took a sip of his firewhiskey. 

"The kids would really love them." - he said kissing the woman from before

"Yoo! The best auntie is here!" - yelled Pansy hugging the two boys and giving them their presents 

"Really? You were reading her diary again. It's not for the kids you know." - she sad to Blasie

"Yeah well, I skipped those parts." - he laughed as he handed her a drink


Dear Blaise and Pansy,

We miss you so much and we hope you had a better life than us. 


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