Chapter 21

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We woke up and went to get breakfast. After that, we got dressed and I went outside to get some air.

It got dark like it was nighttime. But it was early in the morning so it was weird. I knew what it was. It was him. I ran inside to look for my friends. 

"He's here!" - I yelled 

Students started running and teachers ran outside to secure the school the best they could. Some students were packing and leaving but we were on lockdown and couldn't leave. They were brought back inside. I was calling out to Draco but I couldn't find him. I saw Pansy in the crowd and ran up to her. 

"Where are Draco and Blaise?" - I asked her

"I don't know. I've been trying to find them but I don't know where they are."

"We'll find them." - I said and grabbed her hand so we don't lose each other

We ran up the stairs and to our common room first. Thankfully they were in their dorm. I ran to Draco and hugged him and he lifted me off the floor. 

"Don't ever disappear like that again." - I told him in a firm tone and kissed him

There was a big bang and the school shook as if an earthquake hit it. 

The Death Eaters were here. We could see them from the other side. And then I saw Tom. He stared right at my soul. The teachers couldn't hold the protection spell anymore. As the Death Eaters were hitting us with spells, our spell got weaker. I ran next to McGonagall and raised my wand to the sky to help them with the protection spell. Soon after me, many other students came to help, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and some other girls from Hufflepuff. We heard cries and screams inside the school. I quickly looked around to see if Draco and the others are okay. I didn't see them so I stopped the spell and ran inside. I saw Draco fighting some Death Eater. They were already here. How did they get in. I saw more Death Eaters coming from the back. There was a breach in the shield. A hole through which they got in. I told some girl to tell the teachers to stop the spell because they already got in and she ran outside to tell them. I felt a presence coming from behind me and I turned around as fast as I could. 

"Crucio" - the man yelled pointing his wand at me

I winced.

"Expelliarmus" - I yelled as his wand fell to the ground

I quickly threw him with my wand and grabbed his and ran away. 






I heard all around me. I saw Draco and went to help him. 

"Petrificus Totalus" - we said at the same time

The two Death Eaters that were attacking him fell to the ground and we ran to find Blaise and Pansy. There were many dead, Death Eaters and students. As we ran up the stairs we threw a couple of spells to get rid of the Death Eaters that were blocking the stairs. In front of the door to the Gryffindor common room, we saw Ben Copper. His lifeless body was just laying there. My hand flew to my mouth and a tear rolled down my cheek. He was a first-year. He didn't even get to feel what life is and how magical this school is. We saw Pansy laying next to the broom closet. 

"P!" - I yelled running towards her

She looked terrible. Exhausted. She held her hand on her side as if it was wounded. She looked very hurt and pale. Her face was full of tears.

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