Chapter 11

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I woke up with a smile on my face. 

"Mornin' darling." 

"Good morning." - I said looking up at Draco's face

"So, what are we?" - I asked

"Well, we shall see I guess..."

I got dressed and we all had breakfast. Summer ends in two weeks. This was the best summer ever. We all felt happy for a moment. But I can feel that when we go back to Hogwarts it's all going to go dark. We will need to fight Voldemort. I don't know what I will do once I see him again...

"Today we are going on a walking marathon." - Pansy said surely

"So you planned our day already?"

"I did."

"Well that sounds fun!" - I said

After our breakfast, we got ready for our walk. We packed backpacks with some snacks, food and light jackets in case it gets cold. We started walking and it wasn't too bad. After a while, we had a break. We ate some snacks and went on. Pansy and Blaise were walking fast and Draco and I were behind them. We kept looking at each other and smiling. 

"You look beautiful today." - he said

"I'm always beautiful." - I smirked

He smiled and put my hand in his. After we walked for a little longer we came across an abandoned little cottage. It had a big green garden. It was full of flowers. I ran through it. The summer breeze blowing my hair. The sun warming my face. This. This is freedom. I layed on the grass. Pansy ran to me and layed next to me. The boys followed. We were talking and laughing. It was a great day. 

"I think we should decorate this cottage a little bit and make it nicer. It could be our hangout place." - I said to them

"I mean it is abandoned." - Blaise said

"We'll call it Etherealis. It has a nice ring to it." - I said waving my hands in the air

"I like it." - Draco smiled at me

We spent the day cleaning the cottage and then we went home. For the next week, we decorated and fixed the cottage. We turned it into a beautiful place. And outside we put a swing. 

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It was now our hangout place

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It was now our hangout place. 


Time passed fast and it was time to go back to school. We were all getting ready at the Manor. We packed our bags and put our uniforms on. Soon we were on the train.

We came to Hogwarts and it was dark. I've never seen it like this. Everyone was scared to go back. The teachers tried to put the Voldemort thing behind them but it was still happening. Our DADA lessons were hard and we had to learn a lot. We had more DADA classes than we ever did. Even potions weren't that important now. 

"Hey Riddle, wanna study today?" - Draco asked

"Well if you really mean study yes. We have a lot of upcoming tests." - I smiled knowing half of that time we will spend making out and in bed

I was right we didn't really study. As usual, it was Netflix and chill instead of actually doing some work. 

"I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. It's fine, better than fine actually."

"Okay, shoot."

"So we both like each other right?"


"And I've never done this before but would you consider being my girlfriend?"

"CONSIDER! Uh yeah!" - I smiled and kissed him

I knew this was going to last for a long time. We deeply cared for each other. From day one, even tho we didn't really show it.

We've been dating for two months now. We were one of those couples everyone hates cuz we're so perfect haha. But we weren't perfect of course. I noticed he wanted to tell me something but he just couldn't get it out.


I ran up to Draco who was in the hallway. I jumped into his arms and kissed him.

"Hi. What are you guys doing?" 

"Just talking about the test we have tomorrow." - Draco said

"Are we going to study?" - I smiled

"Yeah and when you study put a silencing charm on your room, please." - Blasie said

We just laughed and went to class.

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