Chapter 12

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It's been hard these past couple of weeks. School wasn't what it used to be. Nobody studied anymore and we were just trying to learn spells to protect ourselves. I knew the big battle was coming. Many of the Slytherin parents were Death Eaters. They were basically Tom's subjects. I had a feeling Draco's parents were ones too. I didn't think he was one. It felt weird, knowing people saw him, met him. And I still haven't. 

"Hey, Riddle. You look amazing today!" - Draco kissed me on the cheek

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself"

Draco and Blaise sat across from me and Pansy as we had our lunch. It was a cold, cloudy, dark day. 

"Hey so I wanted to ask you guys about the Death Eaters..." - I said quietly

"What about them?" - Pansy asked

"Are your parents... you know Death Eaters?" 

"You know mine are." - Draco said, his smile fading

"Mine aren't. Neither am I." - Blaise said

 "Idk actually. I think they are. But I'm not. And I won't be. Ever." - Pansy said smiling to make the situation better

"Are you one?" - I looked at Draco

"I'm not."



We said as we locked our pinkies together.

"For eternity." - we kissed our thumbs as our pinkies were locked together.


Dumbledore was very weird lately. As was Snape. 

"Meet me at the Astronomy tower. -D" - a note said

I went there and he was standing there. Sad. Tears rolling down his face. He looked terrified.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" - he yelled, crying

"Oh, Draco. What's wrong?" - I hugged him

"He told me to kill him. I can't. That's not me. I'm not a killer."

"What?! Who!? Of course you're not." - I brushed his hair off his face

"T- Voldemort. He said I have to kill Dumbledore." - he showed me his arm

I was shocked. I felt betrayed. By both of them. I couldn't believe my eyes. A tear rolled down my cheek. As I put my hand on his face and smiled, I rolled up my sleeve and said "Revelio". A mark appeared on my arm. It was a little snake with the initials T&(y/i).

"It was our mark. So we were never separated. We would always be connected somehow." - I cried

He changed our mark and made it a Death Eaters thing. I wondered if he still had ours or if he just covered it up with a new one.

"I used a charm so no one would suspect it's the dark mark. Listen. You won't kill anyone. And if he comes for you, I'll kill him myself." - I smiled at him

We went to our dorm but as we were at the bottom of the tower we heard someone. It was Snape and Dumbledore. They were talking about something but we couldn't hear them. We heard some other people arrive. I peaked through a hole in the floor. 

"Avada Kadavra." - someone said

I saw Dumbledore fall off the astronomy tower. I screamed and put my head on Dracos chest.

"Shh! Who's there? Little wizard... who are you?" - Bellatrix said coming towards us

We ran out as fast as we could and thankfully she didn't see us. 

I ran downstairs and there he was. Dumbledore's lifeless body was just laying there. I didn't know who to call. A teacher I trusted just killed our headmaster. I knew one teacher who I could trust. McGonagall. I ran to her office, tears falling down my face. A terrified look on my face. My makeup all ruined...

"Professor!" - I yelled

"Miss Riddle. What is wrong? Why are you crying?" - she came closer and put my hands in hers

I took some deep breaths and tried to calm myself down.

"The headmaster... he was- he- he's-"

"He's what dear?"

"He's dead." - I finally said it

She got the other teachers and ran to where he was laying. All of the students heard about the incident pretty fast and came down. We were all devastated. Everyone lifted up their wands for him.

Today was eventful. A lot has happened. We got a new headmaster. And do you know who it was? Snape. Dumbledore's killer. I couldn't believe it. But we couldn't do anything about it. It was all in the Ministry. And they didn't care.

Because Snape was the headmaster it was terrible. Harry, Ron and Hermione ran from the school. Everyone was looking for them. School wasn't school anymore. We just lived there. We didn't have classes anymore. It made me scared. Everyone was just preparing to die. This wasn't for us. We're just kids. We shouldn't worry about things like these. We should be living our lives. I decided that our only hope was me. Harry couldn't face Voldemort. He just kept running away instead of facing his problems. 

I am going to see him. 

For the first time, in forever.

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