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Hello reader! 

I hope you enjoyed this story. I'm sorry if you see any mistakes but English isn't my first language. 

I know the ending isn't what you imagined but I hope you like it anyway. I left some things for you to find out but if it makes you sleep at night I'll answer some questions you might have.

Draco and y/n are in the afterlife and don't worry they are very happy. Voldemort is dead and I mean dead forever. Blaise and Pansy grew up and Blaise had two sons. Twins. His wife if you haven't already figured it out is the one and only Luna Lovegood. Pansy is their godmother and auntie, and she's like the cool aunt. She doesn't have kids. The story which Blaise told his sons is y/n's diary. It's the notebook she got from Blasie for her birthday in the beginning so If you forgot this is a reminder. Y/n wrote everything that happened to her in the diary. The story was written in the way that this story you are reading is basically her diary. Anyway I hope you liked it and I have a new book coming soon so follow for updates. 

I love you all!! <3

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