14. LA Life

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It's been two months since I moved. I made lots of friends here in America I think it's because they love my accent. I have one whose name is Lindsay she extremely talented at singing and playing the guitar, also I have a friend whose from Ireland her names Jackie, but for some reason we call her rye, that's what she tells us to call her anyway.

I've actually done some pretty cool things in these past two months. I was one day playing a guitar in the music room and this girl who I didn't know at the time but now know as Lindsay, came in. And we had a long conversation but it ended up that she was in a band or was trying to be anyways. And needed a guitarist so I joined a band! I'm really excited about this actually, I 've always wanted to be in a band.

Though I guess life back in Australia is going amazing. 5sos just book 8 more gigs for February alone! And well that's great, but I'm still in the dark about how Michael and Lola are doing. No one would tell me, last I heard they worked it out but then Lola did something really stupid. While walking down the hall Michael saw Lola and another guy making out... which is hard to believe because it's Lola and she had never kissed any one till then. Charlie and her boyfriend are all perfect. And my sister and Ashton are doing a long distance relationship which is really sweet I think. And well I saw this coming but Aleisha and Luke broke up a week after I left. I miss them all but I'm happy with my new life.

It's like I broke out of my shell and now I'm more outgoing then I ever was.

Right now I'm headed to school. The good thing is it's a public school so no uniforms. I'm currently wearing a red flowy shirt with my white shorts and white converse. I finally get to school and see Lindsay there too.

" Hey Lindsay, how was your weekend?" I ask

"Pretty boring. I mean all I did was find us a gig..." She just gives me a little smirk

I literally scream and jump up and down and she does too.

"Wait were not ready yet. When is it?"

"well we have a month in a half so we should be fine!" She says as goes a runs to find Rye.

Rye is also in the band she plays the drums and is extrmley talented at them. Also we have a bass player but we don't get along to well. Her name is sage, I don't know but ever since I met her I feel as if she didn't want me in the band. Actually now that I think about she told me she didn't want me in it. Oh well, I think she feels threatened or at least that's what Rye says. See Rye, Lindsay, and Sage have been best friends since the 3rd grade and she dosent want me to ruin it I guess. I mean it makes sense, that's how I felt when I lost one of my childhood friends because the new girl kinda stole her. But that was in 6th grade and It dosent matter now.

I finally catch up to Lindsay and Rye, they pretty much are crying there so happy.

"what's going on?" Ask sage as she walks up

" Oh um we have a gig." I reply

" Oh cool hey Lindsay what's up."

"you'll never guess but I booked us a gig!" She says ecstaticly

"Omg no way!" Sage replies

Wow... well ok then, that hurt a little. We all walk to our first block since we have math together. I still need a tutor but they don't have any at my school so after school I go to my math teachers room and do some problems on the board. It dosent help but it's all I can get at the moment.

During math class Rye passes a note to me
Wanna go to the beach with me and Lindsay today?


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