10. Homecoming

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After the slight awkward slightly fun ride to homecoming we finally reach school. As soon as we get to the door we here music and see flashing lights. We go inside and turn in our tickets and go into the gym.

"Wow this is so cool!" Me and Mikey say at the same time

As soon as everyone goes on to the dance floor I quickly run to my locker. I hate these heels and I was thinking ahead of time and brought my black vans on Friday and put them in my locker. I run back and sit at the table where we had our stuff. Everyone was dancing and having fun. I slip on my vans and run to the others. As soon as I get their the song changes to OMG by Usher, and we all instantly start dancing like idiots, it was one of the best times of my life. After awhile a slow song comes on and people split of into pairs. Charlie and Jake had left to go to some of Jake's friends, and Mikey and Lola went to find food, and Luke and Aleisha went somewhere to dance. So all that's left is Calum and I.

" Would you care to dance Violet?" Calum ask

" Sure, and you can call me Vi." I felt my cheeks grow red but thankfully it's dark so no one can see me.

He puts his hands on my hips and I put my hands around his neck.

" If you cant tell by now I'm a terrible dancer." I sheepishly say

" If you can't tell by now we both are." Calum says making me laugh.

After three minutes of peaceful dancing the song party rock anthem comes on and everybody goes crazy. Eventually we all meet up at the table and sit down.

"Ow My feet hurt I think I'm going to take a break." Charlie says

" Haha I told you to bring a change of shoes." I smirk

" I'm uh going to go to some of my friends for awhile." Jake says

" Oh ok." Charlie says with a fake smile

"you ok Char?" Lola and I say at the same time

" Yeah I'm fine, come on let's go and dance."

We all get up and go to the dance floor. After a couple of songs they play the Macarena. Lola and I look at each other and scream

" This is our song!!"

Everyone starts dancing to it except for Michael and Luke. I nudge Lola and say

" Hey go show Mikey how to dance and maybe actually talk to him about things other then food." I said

She replied by saying " Well what's wrong with food." I roll my eyes and push her towards him... actually I accidentally pushed her into him. She gives me the most evil glare and starts teaching him the dance. I look over to Luke who is having a hard time with the dance. And since Aleishas friend needed her for something he was here alone. I walk over to him and say

" I think you need some help."

" Yeah I'm not a good dancer like Calum is." We both look at Calum as he tries to look cool while doing the Macarena, and we laugh.

I show him how to do the dance but he dosent pick it up and we end up just non stop laughing at how weird everyone looks while they all simultaneously do the weird dance. Their were a couple of final songs and then it was over. It went by too fast, and I had so much fun. We head to the table to get our things when I noticed Charlie isn't their.

" Hey guys have you seen Charlie?" I ask they all shake their heads no

" Well we need to tell her it's time to go." Right then Calum says

"Found her." He points to Charlie... holding hands with Alex! He's not her date what the hell.

" Hey Charlie the limos here." As soon as she gets close I ask her what happened

" What happened where's Jake?"

" He asked another girl out so I dumped him. Then Alex being the great friend he is, he comforted me and now we're like a thing." She gives a huge happy smile

Wow with Alex! Alex has been our friend for years he's almost like a brother to me. He's the tall, brown curly haired, blue-eyed, glasses wearing, genius... Oh wait Char did mention she liked him way back at the beginning of this year, so I guess it makes sense.

" Oh and can Alex come with us in the Limo?" She ask

" Um sure."

We all go and hop in the limo and drop everyone of one by one. The last two people because we live the farthest away are Luke and I.

" tonight was really fun, don't you think?" I ask trying to break the awkward silence

" Yeah, especially being all in a group since Aleisha was needed half of the night by her friend."

" Yeah, so when's your first gig?" I ask

" Its December 3rd at the Annandale hotel. We still need a drummer but I think we found one, you know that Ashton guy? Well he apparently drums pretty good."

We pull up to Luke's house and he gets ready to get out.

" Thanks for everything Vi. I had a great time. Oh and you looked beautiful tonight and thanks for trying to teach that dance to me." He smiles

I blush at his comment

" no problem and thanks, see you on Monday. Bye" I smile and wave then he shuts the door and I'm left all alone in the limo.

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