Author Note

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Hello everyone. It's your author Lin/Suzy/Rana. I have started to put this A/N at the start of my story as a reminder since end of 2020. Readers, I hope you guys didn't skip? ^^

I actually don't want to babble much actually but I think it's necessary as a friendly reminder about my pet peeve so that you won't make inconvenience to other readers. I have talked this somewhere before but maybe not all people aware moreover the readers who stumbled upon my story and not following me from start so there's no harm to give reminder at the start of all my stories. I have a pet peeve, that if you commented 'update soon' 'pls update' or something similar, it made me doesn't want to update even more. Why? It's that, even though you're kind of politely ask for update, it is more to turn me off from writing. It gave me reverse effect. I'm sorry but I really appreciate if you don't leave comment like that to me. To me, it's better not to leave comments rather than you leave comments like this to me. It didn't give effect that you will get faster update like you wanted but rather make me delay the update, because I feel like you're ordering me to update even with 'pls' word. I'm always thankful for every comment but please, not that 'update' thingy. Thank you. Sorry for having to write this note like this but I just think this is the only solution so that no one would make it inconvenience for other readers. If I saw these comments, I'm going to mute you, I have warned here. I don't care you read it or not but it's on you not me, peace. Also, I'm sorry too for my shortcomings, I write for my own fun and a way of coping with life.


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