C h a p t e r F o u r t y F o u r

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Thats all..happy reading 😜

Anthonys POV

As im in the middle of putting clean sheets on my bed i get a call on my phone, causing me to jump a bit..

I walk over to it to see that its Kendall..

I stare at it before deciding to answer, putting the phone to my ear and hoping to god that its actually her and not Chris

"Hey baby" i hear her soft voice say lowly as an immediate feeling of relief washes over me and i just feel my overall anxiousness, start to alleviate as well

"Hey.." i say easily, sitting on the bed

"Watcha up to?" She says, sounding as if shes laying down, smiling, which causes me to smile

"Just some..tidying up" i say as she giggles a bit

"Mm" she hums "so..how was...your night?"

"I actually had a pretty good night..you?"

"Can't complain..cant complain.." she says as i laugh

"Did uh..did he say anything? Is he suspicious of you?" I finally ask the question i wanted to ask since i dropped her off

"Of course not..we're all good" she assures me "he asked how Danielles house was, and i said we had fun" she says lowly as i breathe out "i had a good time tonight" she tells me

"Yeah?" I ask, thinking over tonights events

She wasn't bad at all for her first time.. she was comfortable with me so everything went pretty smooth..she was open to try anything i wanted to do with her and she seemed to have no complaints besides for me to slow down every once in a while.. that was actually the best sex i've had in a while..

We were completely connected, on the same page and everything..then why do i still feel like this

I push the thought to the back of my head as i hear her talking and tune back in to what shes saying

"..Can i come over again tomorrow..to...hang out?" She asks as i look around, trying to think quickly

I cant see her tomorrow..its too soon..

If we start seeing each other more often it'll make things hot and Chris will for sure notice..i need to take a step back any way..i gotta process all this-ESPECIALLY since the sex was amazing.

I already know how i am..if i let myself enjoy this i'll start thinking with my dick and not with my head and thats how i got into this mess in the first place

I need some space from her.

"Uh..t-tomorrow's no good" i say "i..have some friends from work coming by so.."

"Oh..well..um-monday? You..can pick me up at school and i'll tell Chris im staying af-"

"I cant Monday either Ken.." i lie, pinching the bridge of my nose

I can hear her excitement to come back over but i need to consider everything now that i finally have a clear mind thats not trying to imagine what it would feel like to be inside her-i can finally think with my head.

"Why not?" She asks, sounding upset

"I have this big client we're working for right now and i have to be sharp all week you know" i say

Kendalls POV

"Im gonna be having meetings and phone calls all day and night and..i want to be able to give you my full attention when im with you babes" he says to me as i pout

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