C h a p t e r T w e n t y F o u r

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Chris' POV

Im standing at the front door, waiting for Kendalls mini bus to come when i see Anthonys car pull up in front of my house

"Whats he doing here?" I mutter to myself as he gets out of the car, pulling up his hood on his head and running up to the door "Hey man" i say

"Hey, you expecting me or something?" He chuckles, coming inside

"No..i was actually waiting for Kendalls bus to come-she's still at school. What're you doing here, especially in this weather?" I ask, curiously

"Well, i think i actually might've left my wallet here like probably in your room or something, do you think we can go look for it?"

"Well, yeah, give me a sec, kendalls bus is coming and i"

"Cmon its only gonna take a second, i gotta get home before this thing gets any worse and i cant do shit without my wallet"

"Im sure you could go find it yourself Anthony-"

"I dont wanna be looking through your shit cmon, whats the odds of her bus coming now anyway" he says pleasingly

"Ugh fine" the sooner we find it the faster i get back anyway

We get into my room and he looks at his phone for a second

"Well, where did you leave it?" I ask, kind of annoyed

"Oh uh..probably under the bed, I'm not..sure.." he says looking around as i get on the floor, rolling my eyes and i look under the bed

"Chris!" I hear Kendall call from downstairs "im home" she adds as i sit up

"Ken!" I say, getting up and leaving the room immediately, rushing down the stairs and embracing her in a hug "you scared the shit out of me" i say into her hair, hugging her tightly

"Hey, im fine okay" she laughs a bit

"I know.. i know i just.." i pull back "fuck-this is hard you know" i say to her thinking about how my parents wouldve handled this so much better than i, and maybe i am overreacting..

Kendalls POV

"Im sorry" i say, looking at him and feeling bad that i put him through all that just so i could hang out with Anthony

"Not your fault, i was just..overreacting but I'm glad you're home now" he laughs a bit "oh yeah, Anthonys h-"

"Found it" Anthony starts coming down the stairs "it was between your bed and the dresser-oh hey Kendall" he says to me, looking at me deviously

"Hey" i say as he continues to come down the stairs as he stares at me

"Wow..glad that worked out" chris says "what're the odds huh?"

"I know.. i was surprised too..cant believe your bus came as soon as we went upstairs" he says to me

"Oh, yeah-he was trying to drop everyone home pretty quickly-not tryna be on the roads anymore" i say as he nods

"Sweetie!" My aunt comes out the kitchen and hugs me "so glad you're okay.." she says "how was practice.." she looks to my outfit, confusedly


I never change my outifit no matter how cold it gets and they know that but..maybe theyll let it slide

"You changed back into your school clothes?" Chris asks

"Y-yeah, they didnt want us to get pneumonia" i say dismissively "but i feel so gross im gonna go take a shower actually" i say, going passed everyone and heading up the stairs, hoping they leave it at that and the power flickers a bit before we hear a huge crash and it goes out completely

"What the fuck?" Chris says, opening back up the front door and looking outside to see a tree a couple houses down, fell in our neighbors yard-thank god it didn't crush anyone

"Oh my god" i say, coming back down as my aunt and Anthony go to look out the door "Anthony, you sure you're gonna be okay driving in this?" I ask, looking to him as does my brother

"Yeah man, no way am i letting you out in this, just at least wait it out"

"Nah im good, dont worry about me-"

"Are you kidding Anthony, dont be ridiculous you're staying here as long as you need-we're not letting you drive in this. I cant believe you even came here for a wallet"

"I know..i was already out and i was looking for it so i figured it was probably here. So i was gonna stop here on my way home"

"Well now you have to stay cause i couldn't, with good conscience, let you leave right now" chris says to him as he nods

"Fine..you're probably right..thankyou" anthony sighs as we hear the wind howl louder and close the door

"Great, now you can help us find some candles" my aunt says as we laugh a bit

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