C h a p t e r S e v e n t y T w o

873 23 15


SO SORRY, crazy case of writer block.. i know how i want these next few parts to turn out overall but its getting the details right that i struggle with.. i want everything to be just right and make sense and i cant post until it does.. and also life gets in the way so theres that😭

I never stop thinking about yall and all your kind threats to keep updating, i love them all and appreciate them the same, i will keep going till this book is finished, yall dont have to worry about that. I wont just leave yall hanging......forever😅

Anyways, get to the book you savages, love u! And goodluck to anyones whos in school!

Kendalls POV

I sob uncontrollably once i get in the uber and the driver proceeds to ask me if im okay and i cant even get myself together enough to even pretend to give him an answer

I just keep crying as he tries to hand me tissues and i accept them, crying harder

I cant believe what just happened.. i cant believe what i said-what i did 🙊 i dont know what took over me but i was just SO mad.. i still am.. but part of me thinks i definitely went overboard and maybe was too loud and couldve gotten us caught..

But a HUGER part, does not give a fuck.. he gets what he deserves..

Ugh.. but also, i dont want anything to seriously happen to him-like i dont want him to go to jail.. and have his life ruined... i just want his feelings to hurt like he hurt mine.. but... he'd have to care for that to happen


*two days later*

"You WHAT?" Madison says on the phone with me as i tell her all the updates on the 'A' word drama. We shall no longer give that name life in this house

"Yup" i say

"I cant believe you showed up at his house.. that is so ballsy of you"


"Oh my god.. so its done.. its over.. your secret love affair.. comes to an end?"

"It does" i say, still feeling pretty down about it, glancing over to my bed while sitting at my vanity

I imagine us laying together, tangled up in the sheets, having amazing sex and i find myself almost smiling before.. i remember thats all done now

"Im gonna miss the sex" i admit as she laughs a bit

"Well i mean thats fair.. you guys did have some steamy sessions" she says as i immediately remember the countless times we've had sex in the shower.. all stolen memories of something that shouldnt have happened

"Yeah" i say

"But the good thing is.." she says "now you know what you like.. you know what to look for" she tells me "and Antho-i mean.. he isnt the only guy with a dick" she says as i laugh a bit

"It wasnt just about his dick Mads"

"I know but you know what i mean"

"I know" i chuckle

"So you think you're gonna have an older guy kink forever now or you gonna try someone our age?"

"I honestly cant even mentally imagine having a relationship with anyone right now" i admit "but i still think guys our age are attractive if thats what you mean" i laugh a bit

"You sure you dont have daddy issues?" She laughs a bit before catching herself "oh my god, Kendall.. i-"

"Its okay" i say easily "i mean.. i dont think i do.. other than the whole dead thing.." i say "i dont know" i say "i never thought of it like that"

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