C h a p t e r S e v e n t y E i g h t

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AN// please keep commenting your live thoughts, you guys are TOO funny😭😭 and i love seeing your reactions!! It feuls my creativity..

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Thankyou!! Alrighty enjoy!!

Kendalls POV

"Oh-erm. Im so sorry to disturb you um.. i'll just-" says Giselle as she looks at us in shock as we pull away from each other

She immediately leaves before we could call after her and just look back at each other, before bursting out in laughter

I lay my head against his chest as he holds me in his arms, and we laugh until our stomachs hurt.

"Can we go back now?" I look up to him asking as he trails his hands down the sides of my arms, to my hands and holds them together, rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand softly

"You go.." he starts "i'll meet you" he laughs a bit as i glance down to his pants again, raising an eyebrow as he laughs "yeah yeah, just go" he says as i giggle, kissing his cheek and heading back to the group

Giselle is sitting at the table ripping open a ketchup packet over her fries before i see the rest of the group getting their food and drinks from the stand still

"Giselle" i go sit at her table "you didnt say anything did you?" I whisper to her

"Ofcourse not" she smirks back "so.. how was it?" She looks to me knowingly "looked pretty hot and heavy when i got there" she says as i blush

"It.. was pretty hot" i admit "hes such a good kisser" i lean in to whisper to her as she smiles a toothy grin

"Oh my god-im so happy for you-so are you two together now?" She asks

"I mean.. i think so? I guess" i say "but he wants to keep it private for now so please dont say anything to the guys, or in front of" i look back to my table, then back at her "Cara" i say lowly

"Ofcourse, i got you" she says "what about Dani?" She asks as i see her talking to the guys

"Okay fine, but after we leave!" I say as she laughs

"Okay got it" she says as i smile, getting up and going back to my table as Bryan starts towards me with both the meals in his hands for us

"Where'd Ray go?" Cara asks me, sounding slightly annoyed as i tense up

"What? Oh.. i think he went to the bathroom" i say nervously as she looks to me weirdly, before getting up and i guess..going after him?

"One order of chicken tenders with fries" Bryan says, placing my food in front of me "and i'll get the drinks, in a sec"

"No its okay, ill go get them"

"You sure?"

"Yeah you already got the food, thank you. What do you want?" I ask him before going to get our drinks from the fountain

Rays POV

i adjust my dick in my pants so that its pressed against my stomach, and held by my waistband, so its not so painfully obvious in these sweats.

Im gonna have blue balls later forsure..

As soon as i leave the bathroom im met with Cara waiting for me?

"Hey what you d-" i start as she grabs me by my shoulders and pushes me up against the wall "what're you-"

"Do you like her?" She asks me sternly, staring into my eyes as i just look to her as if shes crazy

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