13. Time, pain, and misery

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It's weird that despite everything he's done, I still love him, my dad. Maybe it's this universal law that a child can never truly hate their parents. I don't even think Chucky hates him. He may say he does, but deep down he loves him and just wanted dad to love him in return. Which is sort of what I'm feeling.

In my dreams, dad loves me. Me, mom, Chucky, dad, we're all one happy family. No heartbreak, no death, and no fire.

I've never liked fire.

But all good things come to an end. This one sooner than I would've liked, as someone shakes me awake.

"Mom. Mom."

I frown when I open my eyes to see it's still dark in the jungle. Someone covered me in a blanket, presumably my brother, but it's not him in front of me at the moment. It's Dahlia.

Still half asleep, I mumble: "What? Honey, what time is it?"

"How should I know? You seen a clock in this jungle?"

I groan in annoyance, but when I realise the fact that she's here can't mean anything good, I immedietly become alert. "Wait, did something happen?"

"No, I- We need to talk."

"In the middle of the night?" I ask, still not ready to give up my sleep yet.


With a few groans and mumpels, I get up and take her a bit into the woods. The moonlight allows us to see each other a little. I can see enough of her to see she's troubled. "What's wrong?"

"You should sit down." She says, gesturing for a fallen tree trunk.

Getting more and more concerned, I sit down. My mind immedietly goes to Sara, but Dahlia said nothing happened so she's gotta be fine. But then what's wrong?

"This is the time."

I frown, not sure what she means.

She nervously plays with a button on her coat. "1967, remember? You dropped me off in 1967."

I swear I can feel my face turn pale. Before I've even processed what she's saying, I'm already shaking my head. "No. No. No."

I repeat the word a few more times, because maybe if I say it enough, it won't have to happen.

"You have to." Dahlia whispers.

"I can't." I whisper back, voice hoarsh. "She's my daughter... You're my daughter. I can't do this."

She sits down next to me to rest her head on my shoulder. Instinctively, I wrap an arm around her, holding her close. And again she whispers: "You have to."


We're back on the ship, hoping to find some sort of loophole like Zari did with Helen. When I arrive, Destiny runs up to me. "Mom! You'll never believe what Marty's doing!"

Seeing her this excited and innocent literally breaks my heart. Still, I force a smile on my face. "What's he doing?"

"He invited Isaac Newton, Madame Curie, and Galillilo Gallillala." She responds.

I chuckle at how she pronounces the last name. "Sweetie, it's Galileo Galilei."

She shrugs it off. "Whatever. He's in the lab!" She takes my hand and drags me along.

She gestures for her older self to follow, but doesn't touch her. We told her not to in an attempt to not break time more than we already have.


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