16. Earth-X

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This place is exactly like I imagined it to be. We're in a camp, surrounded by hundreds of other prisoners. Although they're not wearing these collars and handcuffs.

Robin Hood suddenly speaks up. "Wells was right."

"He usually is." Barry replies.

"It's hard to believe a place like this actually exists." Alex says. "On any earth."

Egghead sighs. "I wish I shared you sentiment, but in all my travels to distant times, one thing that sadly remains constant is man's ability to feel hatred for other men."

"Stars and triangles." Kid observes.

And the professor elaborates. "Badges used to identify reported crimes these people have quote-unquote comitted to land in here."

Looking at everything going on around me, I comment: "And here I thought our world sucked."

"And who are you?" A very familiar voice asks from behind me.

I turn around to see myself. Well, not me, but Earth-X me. "I think I'm you."

"What the hell?" Sara says behind me.

"Are you from another earth?" Another prisoner asks me.

"You are, aren't you?" Other me asks, getting strangely excited about this. "That's so cool. Now I have a doppelganger!"

I frown at her, because it seems she's nothing like me.

Kid speaks up, turning to the other prisoner that's with my doppelganger. "What's the pink triangle for? What'd you do?"

"I loved the wrong person." He replies.

Then egghead turns to my dubbelganger. "I'm assuming that is why you were imprisoned as well?"

Her eyes widen. "What? No! I'm straight!"

At those words I can't help but look at myself in disgust. "I'm straight on earth Nazi? This really is hell."

Sara brings us back to the matter at hand, turning to the kid and egghead in the process. "We gotta get out of these things. Transmute us out."

"With pleasure." Egghead replies, attempting to become Firestorm with the kid. Something that doesn't work.

"I can't vibrate through them either." Barry tells us.

"And I can't become invisible." I add, already having tried.

"What are you talking about?" Other me asks. A question everyone ignores.

"Power dampening collars." Egghead realises.

"Why are we wearing them then?" Alex asks Sara and Oliver.

"Doesn't matter. There's too many guards here anyways." Sara says.

Alex again brings up Kara. "They're gonna kill my sister."

"Look, we're not gonna let that happen, Alex, I promise you." Sara replies.

"We're gonna get back to our Earth before them." Barry assures her.

"How?" Kid asks. "We don't even know how we got here."

"No, we don't. We're gonna figure it out." Robin Hood yet again assures. "Then we're gonna find a way to get out of this place and we're gonna get back to the people we love."

But this is starting to annoy me. So far we've done nothing but making each other promises we may not be able to keep.

Other me throws her hands up. "I'm lost."

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