☁️] 'I've made up my mind. I know what I want.'

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'I've made up my mind. I know what I want.'

"Fine, you can stay here with your small friends for the evening. But you owe me one." Kojiro said. Kaoru simply smirked at his green haired friend before joining the other customers.

"Hey, do you remember that you owe me a favour?" Kojiro questioned.
"I do." Kaoru answered, his eyes still glued on his computer's screen. "Carla, what is this month's net income?" He asked the machine. Kojiro unplugged it, stopping Carla from answering the calligrapher before looking at him in the eye. The pink haired skater looked up from his laptop, an annoyed frown stuck onto his face.
"I've made up my mind. I know what I want." Joe said.
"Then go ahead and tell me god dammit, I have better things to do than this stupid childish nonsense." Kaoru answered.
"I want you to help me plan a date." At these words, the calligrapher felt his heart sink in his chest. He knew well enough this was going to happen at some point, Kojiro going on dates that is, but he didn't want to be involved. He also knew that having even the slightest bit of hope was a mistake, but it's not like he could help it. He didn't let his emotions show though, so when he sighed and asked why the cook needed help.
"I'd like to have a more feminine take on my ideas, and you seem like the perfect opportunity." Said friend responded sarcastically. Kaoru glared at him in a way that would have given anyone else the chills, but he knew well enough that he couldn't refuse.
"You're just salty that you have no idea how girls work." The pink haired calligrapher responded. "Well to start off, you are pretty decent at cooking. Girls like it, so use that skill." He suggested in a way that sounded more like an order than anything.

"It's late and we finished the plans. Can I leave now?" Kaoru asked Kojiro, unsure of whether the cook was going to let him go. Given that it was nearly one in the morning already and that Kojiro wouldn't let him go before they had finished planning his date.
"Sure," the green haired skater responded, "But the last bus passed by the house five minutes ago, so have fun walking home."
"You filthy gorilla." Kaoru cursed, having to hold back from punching his interlocutor.
"Should I give you a ride home?" The green haired skater asked.
"I'd rather die than owe you another favour." Kaoru responded.
"Then what are you gonna do? Spend the night here?" Kojiro chuckled.
"Why don't you go ahead and make me stay huh?" The calligrapher asked with a challenging grin.
Kojiro chuckled, not without swallowing hard to stop himself from doing so. "I'll drive you to your house, no need to keep count of favours this time. Sounds fair?" He asked.
After giving the cook a suspicious look, Kaoru finally agreed.

Once the ride over, The pink haired skater exited the other man's car and wished him good night. Hearing the motor of the mentioned car start, he started letting his facade melt and a few round tears roll down his cheeks. He thought he'd gotten over these childish and selfish feelings of his long ago, but they came washing over him once more, more vivid and overwhelming than ever before. He knew it was egoistic to want Kojiro's happiness to come from him in particular, but it's not like he had a say in it anyway. After unlocking his door and plugging in his beloved Carla, he entered his room and let his body fall flat onto his mattress with a slight bang. But the calligrapher just couldn't care less. When a few hours later he was still in the exact same position, sobbing, he knew his feelings for his so-called enemy were still very much present, and very much hurting him. Through his tears, he managed to see a dim light coming from his phone. He dried his cheeks enough to read the message he had been sent.

[Kojiro N.]
→ Hey
→ Are you free this Saturday?

You literally have a date on Saturday you stupid gorilla. ←
read, 03:42

→ are you sure I'm the stupid one?

What do you mean?←
read, 03:42

→ that's like the point you dumbass

What's 'the point'? ←
read, 03:43

→ I'm not sure whether it's funny or worrying tbh

if you're just here to insult
me then go back to sleep
already ←
read, 03:44

→ Kaoru, will you do me the honour of going on a date with me this Saturday?

No thanks, I'd rather rot
than go on a date with a hairy
gorilla. ←
read, 03:46
Never mind, I'll be here. ←
read, 03:51

→ can't resist me can you? ;)

I changed my mind. ←
read, 03:51

→ Ok ok calm down
→ 11:15.
→ be there or be square

Unrelated but why would not
showing up to you lame date
turn me into a square? ←
read, 03:52

given that you helped me plan said date, bold of you to call it lame.
→ but I bet that even square Kaoru would be adorable ;)

Good night, sleep tight,
I hope the bugs bite. ←
read, 03:53

If Kaoru had gotten any sleep that night, he wouldn't have cried, or a huge smile on his face, or a slight blush covering his cheeks. But it seemed like Kojiro had his whole idea planned out from A to Z, and the cook knew the pink haired skater too well for him to resist. Not that Kaoru found it bothering anyway.

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