☁️] 'I can't believe that worked!'

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A/n: yo cuties (^з^) this chapter was requested by keefiscute ! Thank you so much! <3 APART FROM THAT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K READS AND OVER 100 VOTES IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME I LOVE ALL OF YOU SM IT'S UNHEALTHY ( TT□TT ) special thanks to A_Sleepy_Cat- for helping me with dialogue grammar things ٩(๑'^'๑)۶ anyways, enjoy reading mwah (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)

"I want to compete against you at S tonight."

"And why should I accept?"

"The loser has to say yes to everything the winner says for a day."

Kaoru's eyes widened at Kojiro's suggestion. If they hadn't been dating for a while, that would probably have been of surprise, but that wasn't the case. He wasn't against it. It actually sounded awfully tempting. He should definitely have known from that smug grin that the green haired skater displayed that the chef was up to no good. But he didn't.

"Challenge accepted." The pink haired skater answered.

"Great. Be there at eleven p.m. sharp. We'll begin the race fifteen minutes later." Kojiro said.

"Be ready to bite the dust, you ape." Kaoru declared haughtily.

"You're on, fucker." The chef hissed.

Then night came as the sun fell, crashing onto the horizon. Stars rose up as if they were birds taking off. The few clouds which hid the sun while it was still there were long gone. It was night. It was peaceful too. And before either of the skaters knew it, it was time. Clocks hit eleven for the second time that day. Bugs were buzzing and the wind was whistling. The moon shone brightly enough for everyone to see clearly even without a source of light. The air was hot, but a fresh breeze made it comfortable. Kaoru was excited at the thought of skating, especially against Kojiro. He was warming up on a ramp, spinning and dropping as if the world was about to end. Kojiro, on the other hand, was working out. Between push-ups and sit-ups and probably some other things-ups, he admired Kaoru, captivated.

'I sure hope everything goes according to plan.' He thought.

4... 3... 2... 1... START!

The red lights flashed as the sound of skateboards slamming against the ground echoed through the racing area. Both of the skaters started quite fast, but their experience let them stay stable on their boards. Some spins and tricks later, Kaoru had taken the lead. He was not so far from Kojiro though, so he couldn't relax yet. He didn't want to win. He needed to. Bending his knees and adjusting his arms for balance, he shifted his weight to the back of his feet. That's when Kojiro did it. He jumped from his board, landing onto the wall. It wasn't long until he took off again, placing his board under his feet once more. He had taken the lead.

"Shit." Kaoru cursed under his breath, bending his knees even more in order to accelerate.

"Master, you have reached a dangerous speed. If you do not slow down before the next corner, your chances to make it are only two percent." Carla announced in her monotonous voice.

"Carla, please shut up." The pink haired machine owner answered.

Kojiro chuckled. Everything was, in fact, going according to plan. He would even have said it was going perfectly.

After a spin that Kaoru had, by some miracle, managed to nail, they saw the finish line. It was close. Way too close for Kaouru's liking. He feared that he wasn't going to win. That he was going to lose. Against Kojiro of all people. He gritted his teeth, knowing that he couldn't go much faster without putting himself in great danger. He was trying to make himself as small and thin as possible. Anything to gain speed. But it wasn't enough. And Kojiro passed the finish line before him. Kaoru felt frustrations rushing through every cell of his body.

"What's wrong, Cherry Blossom? Annoyed you lost?" Kojiro teased, a shit eating grin plastered onto his lips.

Kaoru huffed. "Anyone would be, losing to you is probably considered an insult in some universe."

The green haired skater laughed, only making the pink haired one angrier. Kaoru wasn't angry at Kojiro per se, he was angry at himself for losing to the other skater.

"Anyways, you know what my price is." The chef announced. 

"Yes." The calligrapher answered.

"Good boy. Now go tell everyone how good of a skater I am." Kojiro ordered.

"Yes." Kaoru repeated.

Kojiro patiently waited for about a minute, but Kaoru stayed still. He didn't make a single unnecessary movement.

"Why are you not doing anything?" The green haired man finally asked, obviously annoyed at Kaoru's behaviour.

"Dear Joe, the contract was agreeing, not obeying." The machine obsessed skater pointed out.

"Alright, then I guess I can skip that step." Kojiro said, a diabolical smile on his face.

In that instant, Kaoru was scared, actually afraid. He in no way wanted to know what his rival meant by that. He felt a lump form in his throat, thinking about all of the wicked things that Kojiro could do to him.

"Come with me." The green haired cook said. Challenge or not, Kaoru would have still followed Kojiro.

Kaoru wondered why he was at Kojiro's place. He was calmly sitting on the couch, looking at the other man as he poured the two of them glasses of wine.

"Here." Kojiro offered.

Kaoru took the glass eagerly. "Thank you." He said, letting a shy smile gain his lips.

"You're welcome. Anyways, now is the time for what I really planned." The green haired cook announced. No one other than Kaoru would have noticed, but there was a subtle loss of confidence in Kojiro's voice as he pronounced these words. That reassured Kaoru.

"Go ahead." The pink haired man said, in a soft tone. He knew that when Kojiro was anxious, he wanted to be there. So he tried his best to support him in even the smallest ways.

Kojiro took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "Sakurayashi Kaoru. Will you marry me?"

Kaoru would probably have dropped his glass if he wasn't polite enough to slowly lay it down on the table. His eyes opened worryingly wide, and his downer jaw seemed to suddenly be affected by gravity. He knew it wasn't a joke. He tried to regain composure before answering. "Yes."

Kojiro sighed with a small grin. "I can't believe that worked!"

"I would have said yes either way." Kaoru said shyly.

The green haired cook smiled fondly. "I'm glad to know it." He then sat down next to Kaoru, locking their fingers together. When he had a solid hold on it, he brought the other man's hand to his lips and softly kissed it. "I can't believe you'll be my wife."

"If you think I'm the wife, you're wrong." The other man exclaimed.

"Alright, honey." The chef responded with a chuckle.

Edited a/n: EDITED BECAUSE A SENTENCE WAS MISSING (I think I accidentally deleted it while proofreading jebiiiwgwiig) AND IT MADE NO SENSE. ANYWAYS GOODNIGHT.

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