☁️] tissues, pills and kisses

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Tw: medicine, pills, and (though not serious) sickness.

A/n: hey cuties <3 apparently Kaoru's last name is Skurayashiki and I thought it was Sakurayashi goodbye- anyways, this chapter was suggested by The-Multi-Shipper, so special thanks to them for this idea! I also wanted to thank each and every one of you for 350 votes, it makes me happy beyond words :) also look out because a new chapter may be coming veeeery soon ;) enjoy reading mwah º3º

For Kaoru, it wasn't just any normal day of work. He was with a client, a very important one. One that could, if she agreed to sign his contract, change his whole life.

"Miss Yorushi, what do you think of this for your company's new logo?" He asked, an obviously fake smile on his lips.

"Mr Sakurayashiki, I have to admit that I'm not quite a fan of the color. Would it be possible to retouch it digitally?" She asked in a questioning tone.

"Absolutely-" Kaoru started, but he was interrupted by a ringing sound which came from his phone. "I'm sorry, may I get that?" He asked.

"Of course, go ahead." Miss Yorushi answered warmly.

The pink haired calligrapher exited the room, picking up his phone. He was quite angry because of the bad timing at which he had been called. However, he knew that whoever called him must have been informed of this, therefore he was sure it was something important. He just hoped it wasn't bad news.

"What's up Kojiro?" He asked as he picked up the phone.

On the other side of the line, he could hear couching. "I'm... I'm really not feeling well, could you come back home?" Kojiro said croakily. What really alerted Kaoru was the way that his future husband's voice sounded so breathless. His choice was easy to make.

"Sure, I'll just ask my potential-future-business partner if we could reschedule today's meeting." The calligrapher started. "See you soon honey." He said in a voice which he could only hope was reassuring.

"See you." The cook said, coughing at the end of his sentence.

Kaoru quickly hung up, heading for the door. He spun the handle and hurriedly advanced towards Miss Yorushi.

"Excuse me, I would like to know if we could reschedule the rest of this meeting, my fiancé is feeling quite unwell." He asked worriedly.

"It would be convenient for me as well, my coworkers would like to have a talk with me." The black haired female answered with a smile. "Would it be possible to meet again in a week, same time?" She continued.

"Yes, that would be perfect." Kaoru sighed in relief. "Thank you so much for your work, I'll be leaving first." He announced as he threw his bag over his shoulder.

On his way home, Kaoru had time to worry. Between trying to catch a bus and speed walking from the station to the door of his and Kojiro's shared apartment, he imagined about a thousand different catastrophic scenarios. When he got there however, he was greeted by a sleeping Kojiro. At first, Kaoru thought that the green haired chef had passed out and started panicking, but he was reassured that Kojiro was fine when the cook greeted him in a calm tone.

"Hey there." Kojiro stretched as he spoke.

"Are you alright?" Kaoru quickly gained his lover's side, a worried look in his eyes.

"Could be better." Kojiro coughed near the end of his sentence, cutting his words.

The pink haired man carefully wrapped his arms around the other, feeling the warm skin and shaking muscles of the sick man. "You're gonna be alright. I'm here now. Don't worry." He whispered before placing a soft kiss on Kojiro's forehead. "God, you're burning! I'm gonna get you water, I'll be back very soon." Kaoru declared before gently caressing his future husband's cheek with his thumb.

After entering the spacious kitchen, Kaoru let the panic that he was feeling shrink until it felt like a distant memory, letting a single tear run down his left cheek in the process, though he quickly wiped it off before it reached his chin. The pink haired man opened one of the cupboards and reached for a glass that he then filled with fresh water. He grabbed a bunch of pills against colds from the bathroom while on his way to the living room. When he came back, he found that Kojiro had sat up and had his back resting against the cushions of the couch. He was wearing an exhausted smile, but it was a smile so that was already a start.

"Here you are." Kaoru smiled as he handed the glass of water and the pills to Kojro.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it." The green haired man said as he grabbed the items from the calligrapher's hand. He dropped one of the pills on his tongue and swallowed it with the help of the water. He then displayed a wide smile to the pink haired man.

"Don't ever, ever make me this worried again. You scared me, idiot." Kaoru said firmly.

"Oh, apologies esteemed soon to be husband. I shall order my immune system to be as flawless as I am." The chef was out of breath by the end of his statement, but he managed to say it all without pausing for air.

"It clearly already is given the fact that you are ill. Now come here, you big ape." Kaoru said, opening his arms. Kojro stood up and hugged the man in front of him, holding him close. "I was really worried." The pink haired man whispered as he stroked his fiancé's hair.

"I know, and I'm sorry." The other one simply responded, moving his body in order to gain even more contact with the calligrapher. "Now shut up and take care of me, pretty boy."

The pink haired man laughed. The green haired one would have if he wasn't coughing. "You should rest, let's get you to bed shall we?" The calligrapher said softly.

Kojiro was quite obedient and let Kaoru lead him to their bedroom, holding his hand. They pushed the door of the room which faced the kitchen, entering it slowly. After helping the chef get on the bed, the pink haired man placed a soft kiss on his lover's lips. "Sweet dreams." He whispered into the other's ear.

"I accept." Miss Yorushi announced, neatly signing her own name at the lower right corner of the page. "I'll be glad to work with you, Mr Sakurayashiki." She said with a warm smile. Kaoru had sparkles in his eyes, he could possibly believe what had just happened.

"The pleasure's all mine, Miss Yorushi!" The pink haired calligrapher smiled widely.

After their meeting, Kaoru quickly took out his phone to text his fiancé.

'Honey, we're gonna be rich!'

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