☁️] the beach

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A/n: greetings, mortals. Sorry for disappearing like that, I was veeeery busy, even busier than director Ton (if you get that reference ily). Anyways, here is a piece of writing that I wanted to do for a long time: fluff and bad humour featuring things that i heard irl! If you think you know which quotes i plagiarised from random ppl, feel free to leave a comment on it (・・ ) +++, i have no idea how to use the en (yen?) currency, so i just went with dollars —.— anyways enjoy (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)

The sun was licking Kaoru's light skin with greed as he escaped the train. As soon as he started walking, the floor started clanking against his sandals in a rough noise. His eyes looked around hurriedly, going over every pair of eyes that were not the ones which he so desperately looked for. He pushed and shoved his way through a crowd of insignificant faces, starting to doubt everything that he had been told.
'He can't have abandoned me, right?' The pink haired man thought, feeling tears well up in his eyes as he still couldn't find the deep green haired skater he was searching for.
When he felt a sudden pressure on his shoulder, Kaoru spun around, letting a single tear escape his golden eyes.

"God, you're nineteen years old and you still cry when you're alone?" The much seeked skater said, pulling the pink haired man against his chest.

"Kojiro?" Kaoru called, breathing in the smell of his boyfriend's cheap cologne, sweat, and old laundry. The odor was foul, but god did he miss it.

"You have no idea how empty my arms felt without you between them." Kojiro said in a deep, hollywood-love interest-actor-like voice that was so very stereotypical of a bad romance movie it made the pink man chuckle.

"God, so cheesy." He answered. "And that's gay." Kaoru declared.

"You're gay." The green haired man responded almost instantly.

"How can I be gay when your hair looks like this?" The golden eyed skater asked. "It's practically- no it is a mullet!" He paused. "A mullet, Kojiro. A mullet." Kaoru made a face as he spoke.

"As if you and your hippie hair had anything on me!" Kojiro slammed back, although he was amused at his boyfriend's hatred for his haircut.

Kaoru sighed. "Capillary talk aside, should we get going? I am melting over here, and I could definitely use a short bath in the oh so clear waters you've been telling me about on like every call we've had for the past year or so."

"Alright, follow me then." The green haired culinary student announced, too tired to argue.

After walking for what seemed like hours (but was in reality not more than half an hour) under the burning heat, they finally arrived on a small rocky path.

"Alright, close your eyes." Kojiro whispered in the other's ear.

"Uh... no?" The pink haired man responded.

"Listen, it's either you close them on your own or I cover them myself, your choice."

"Get your filthy hands off of me, you gorilla!" Kaoru practically jumped away from Kojiro, who could only laugh at his boyfriend's hilarious reaction. "Fine, I'll close them. But only if you promise not to throw me off a cliff or something like that."

"I swear it on my honour. So now, closey closey your eyeballsey!" The culinary student sang, letting his partner sigh in disappointment.

Kaoru hesitantly closed his eyes and instinctively grabbed Kojiro's hand, inevitably destroying the distance between them in the process. He synched his step with his boyfriend's so that they walked at the exact same pace. The green haired student smiled, slightly caressing the golden eyed skater's hand.

One hundred and twenty seven steps later, Kaoru felt the texture of the floor beneath him change. In fact, they had arrived at the famous beach.

"You can open your eyes now." Kojiro murmured, squeezing his boyfriend's hand just a little bit harder.

Kaoru obeyed, and although he was blinded by the light for a few seconds, that wasn't what installed the stars which swam around almost magically in his golden eyes.

Before him stood a white and thin sand beach and what seemed like an endless plain of turquoise waters. On the beach stood a cute blanket which was covered in candles and foods of all kinds, candles and a woven basket. An umbrella was even planted in the sand, covering half of the blanket.

That made Kaoru smile widely, and true, pure happiness was written all over his face, which got closer to his boyfriend's with each passing second. When his lips were just in front of Kojiro's, he whispered a few words of gratitude, but the culinary student forgot all about them when their lips finally touched.

That was it, the kiss that he had been thinking about, dreaming about, and been distracted by for the past year. It felt even more refreshing than he had hoped, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. Kaoru was right here with him, and he only belonged to Kojiro. The happiness he had longed for finally arrived, and he wouldn't give it up for anything in the world.

Kaoru was totally leading the kiss, and by the time the two men broke apart, the pink haired one smiled smugly while the other was a blushy, panting mess. That was a tier A teasing opportunity if not higher ranking, and the calligrapher would rather be eaten alive by snails (a slow and painful death, I assure you) than let go of it.

"Well well well, it looks like someone has been wanting to kiss me for a while." Kaoru said in this evil and sadistic manner, it was almost scary really, while his smile only widened.

"And that would be?" The culinary student asked, fixing his forest colored hair and trying to regain a calm demeanor, although the blush on his face wasn't going anywhere.

"Well, that would be you, unless you would rather have me kiss other people of course." The pink haired man winked, not serious in any way.

"Who other than I would like to kiss you anyways? I mean, not that I want to kiss you-" Kojiro started, although he was cut off by his boyfriend's lips crashing onto his own.

'That bastard sure has good fucking manners- I set up his date for him and his boyfriend and Idon't even get a thank you?' Ainosuke stared at his messages, noticing how he didn't have a single notification from Kojiro. 'He better pay me twenty bucks at least, or I'm one thousand percent killing him and his whole social circle with him.' He continued thinking, but he was interrupted by a high pitched ding coming from his phone. It was Kojiro. When he opened the message, to his surprise, he found an image. As he opened it, he saw a selfie of him and Kaoru eating by the waves, with the caption 'thank you so much, I really owe you one!'.
Quickly, the blue haired male started typing, and his reply was sent soon enough.
'Well, you owing me one should preferably take the form of twenty bucks or you're dead.'

Kojiro looked up from his phone and chuckled, laying his eyes on his boyfriend, who was peacefully asleep. After placing a soft kiss on said calligrapher's forehead, he reached into his bag and got out a twenty dollars note, quickly snapping a picture of it and sending it to his friend, writing a short message with it.
'You're lucky I love this pink haired bastard enough to not want to leave him alone.'

[✔️] 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬. Where stories live. Discover now