☁️] tired // lucky (+important-ish a/n)

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Kaoru was not tired - no, tired was definitely not the state in which he found himself on the cold January night during which our story takes place. He wasn't tired, he was beyond exhausted. He had only slept for two hours of the last forty-eight and could barely keep his eyes open, let alone his fingers around his brush. Around (lunar) new year was often a busy time for him, as many people wanted their own good luck cards, decorations and so on. But whatever it was that he was doing was not productive, so he decided to get home and take a break. He checked his phone for the time, only to realise that it was too late for him to catch a bus. He would have skated to his house, but he had broken his ankle a few weeks prior and couldn't walk without crutches (adding to this the fact that he was about to pass out from exhaustion, he deemed it a good idea to not do that). So, for safety reasons only (as he thought of it), he called his fiancé, Kojiro, to come pick him up in his mega-vroom-vroom-mobile (aka car).

"Hey, I'm sorry to call you so late. I was just wondering if you could come pick-" he yawned, "-me up from work, with the last bus gone and everything." The calligrapher spoke.

"Sure, I'll be there in a few, I'm just finishing with cleaning up the restaurant." Kojiro said on the other side of the line. For the chef, new year was busy too, maybe even more than for his fiancé, but he at least had a team to help him, giving him time to rest.

"Thanks, it means a lot." With that, Kaoru hung up. He was getting a bit cold and decided to put on his coat, sitting back down in his arm chair as he did so. He yawned yet again, putting his hand in front of his mouth. Then his eyes closed, and he didn't bother opening them again until he heard a soft knock on the door and a muffled yet familiar voice.

"Hey, Koaru, I'm here. Can I open the door?"

"It's fine, let's head to the car straight away." The calligrapher answered, getting up from his seat and walking (more like dragging his feet in order to not fall face first into the ground) towards the doorway. He loosely grabbed the door by it's handle and slid it slowly, letting the cold night air hit him.

On the other side stood Kojiro, his forest-green hair floating slightly in the light wind. He looked so strong, heroic even, and Kaoru couldn't help but stare at the man before him with the same immense and innocent love as he had when he first saw him. He smelled good too: like spices, freshly baked bread and vegetables. Right then, all Kaoru wanted was to melt in his lover's arms, but he knew he couldn't.

"Should we head home?" The chef asked, putting an arm around his fiancé's waist, resting his hand on the other's hip.

"Sure." The calligrapher simply responded, gathering all of his strength to just stand up properly.

Saying walking was challenging to Kaoru would be the understatement of the year. From exhaustion and overwoking himself, his body had little to no balance and he nearly fell with each step. Kojiro adjusted his hand to hold the calligrapher up tightly, ensuring that he wouldn't accidentally pass out on the ground and get hurt.

When they reached the small dark blue car Kojiro owned, said green haired chef basically threw his lover in the back seat, getting in the driver's seat himself. They drove faster than most speed limits would have allowed them to, but Kojiro couldn't care less and Kaoru was sound asleep, plus there were no witnesses so why would it have mattered anyways?

When the car parked in the couple's shared apartment's buolding's parking lot (that sure is a lot of 's in a phrase), Kojiro got out of the car, undid Kaoru's seatbelt, and carried the calligrapher bridal-style to the elevator, which unfortunately was out of order (as it had been for the past two weeks). So, by some miracle of science and physics, the chef managed to carry his fiancé without waking him until their apartment on the fifth floor.

When he softly released his soon-to-be-hunsband on the bed they shared, he basically collapsed on their 'ugly little duckling, quack quack' fluffy carpet. Sure, he may be strong and buff and 99.9% muscle guarenteed, but no one, and I repeat no one, is built to just carry someone their age up six flights of stairs without breaking a sweat.

After changing Kaoru from his traditional Kimono to a clean pair of pyjamas (which Kojiro honestly hesitated to do because he just knew that his lover wouldn't be chill with it), the chef decided to take a cool shower before heading off to bed himself.

When Kaoru woke up, he felt two things. Number one: a burning headache which felt as if he was a bell being struck again and again with no human compassion. Number two: a dry mouth which only wanted water. So he got up and reached for a glass of water which he always had ready on the small white ikea stool which stood by his bed. To that, he added one of the headache pills that he usually saved for his own or Kojiro's hangovers after 'accidentally' drinking a little too much, but the current case felt way more urgent than some potential future issue. After drinking the glass of water fully, he already started to feel a little better, and he knew that the effect if his medicine wouldn't take long before taking effect either. He got up, washed his face, brushed his teeth... just a normal morning routine. What he didn't know was that it wasn't exactly morning anymore, as a matter of fact it was nearly three in the afternoon. However, it wasn't long before the truth came to his eyes.

"Good afternoon honey! Did you sleep well?" Kojiro poked his head through the door, only earning a confused gaze from his fiancé.

"Whaddya mea ahtanoo?" (What do you mean 'afternoon'?) He asked, his toothbrush still in his mouth.

"Nothing." The chef answered, approaching his lover before wrapping his arms around the other's waist and burrying his nose in the crook of his neck. "All that matters is that you're well, healthy and rested." They both smiled.

"What's that, all of a sudden? I'm not ill or anything, so you can relax." The calligrapher placed a small peck on Kojro's lips, smiling afterwards. "Also, and sorry to ruin the moment, but I need food, like, right now or I'm gonna decompose." He chuckled.

"Well today's your lucky day because I made, uh... breakfast? Yea anyways I have food ready for you." The chef smiled widely. He attempted to hug Kaoru once more, but the pink haired man was already heading to the kitchen with quick and wide steps.

"Well you sure are lucky to have me around, you're a grown man and you still can't handle yourself?" Kojiro half screamed half said to the man in the other room.

"Shur am, alsho Kojiro jhish ijh delichoush!" (Sure am, also Kojiro this is delicious!) Said calligrapher answered, somehow managing to fit three spoonfulls of omelette in his mouth at once. The chef entered the kitchen and laughed.

'And I sure as hell am lucky to have you as well.' Kojiro though with a smile, looking at his lover engulfing the whole plate in around five bites.


A/n (but fr this time): Hi! First of all, sorry for not updating earlier, but I didn't have enough wifi (i think that's what the problem was, but i'm not sure tbh) :/ anywayyyyyysss,,, I had an idea for a longer matchablossom fic. It would be royalty AU (BECAUSE YES <333) and would feature Kojiro as king and Kaoru as a painter who has to paint a huge ass portrait of Kojiro and eventually they kiss kiss fall in love. The next chapter I post would probably be a teaser for that, and once it's out you guys can tell me if you're interested ;) also,,, do you like the new cover of this book? I was thinking of starting a pink theme, so please tell me your opinions on it!
Anyways have a nice day cuties, see ya guys on Sunday <3

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