Chapter 4

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The boys and I were sitting on the couch, eating popcorn while watching frozen. My favorite movie by the way. They've watched it so much with me they already know most of the songs.

Jack promised not to tell Reed about my little panic attack last night. I think Reed knew though. I'm surprised he didn't say anything about the dinner.

Instead he starts talking about something else.

"Did I tell you about the crazy girl from last night?" Reed asks, looking at me and Jack

We both shake our heads. He grins at us, proceeding to tell us about how this crazy girl tried to seduce him after work. I couldn't get my laughing under control.

"And then she grabbed my shirt and tried to rip it off!" He yells

"She just wanted a little bit of you" I say, laughing as he glares at me

"I thought she was seriously going to eat me" he says as a shiver goes through his body "I was so scared" he admits

I laugh and gently hit his shoulder. "So, that's why your shirt is like that?"

He looks down at the torn off buttons. He didn't change his shirt yet. It was around 9:17 am. He usually showers around 11.

"Yeah, I ran out the room after she tore off the buttons. I don't think I've ever ran so fast in my life" Reed smiles

Jack begins to laugh. "She sounds crazy"

I burst out laughing, tears falling down my cheeks. i laugh so hard my sides burn and my throat hurts. Reed always finds a way to do this. Reed makes me laugh since he's too scared to do anything else while Jack gets all lovey Dovey and fails at making jokes. They're so different.

I feel someone brush the happy tears away with their finger, I open my eyes to see Reed smiling at me. I cock my head to the side confused. Why's he so close?

"You know, the only person I wouldn't run away from if they tried to rape me would be you, right?" he smirks, moving closer to me

His smirk turns into a scowl when he looks at Jack. I turn my head and Jack's glaring at him. There are too many hormones in this room right now. I can't take it.

"Okay, guys, you two need to stop" I put my hands out towards them both

Their eyes go to me. "Stop what?" They say in unison

"This whole mind war between the both of you"

"We don't have a war" Jack answers, turning his glare back to Reed.

"You do. I know because.." I look down at my fingers "The other night I heard you two talking"

They snap their heads in my direction. "What?" They ask

"The night I had the nightmare. You two were talking about me, saying how you've waited for five years and stuff like that" I say slowly, looking down at my fingers.

They give each other scared looks as Reed scoots back in his spot. Jack pulls his hand through his golden locks. They're hiding something from me.

"Guys, what's going on?" I ask

"Uh.. thats classified information ma'am" Jack speaks up

I roll my eyes. "I don't care! If it's about me, I need to know"

"Well.." Reed starts

"Well, what?"

"We can't tell you just yet"

"Tell me now, Reed or so help me I will shove this remote so far up your-" Jack interrupts me as I growl, picking up the remote and move closer to him, shaking the remote in his face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jack snatches the remote from my hand as Reed jumps off the couch "Pretty sure murder isn't good for your heart"

"Stress isn't either. You two are stressing me out by not telling me what the hell is going on!" I shout, smacking Jack hard on his chest

"Don't hit me" he growls

"I will hit you as much as I want!" I smack him again

"Stop, Jenna or-" he balls his hands into fist when I interrupt him

"Or What?" I pause, lifting my hand back. "You're gonna hit me back?"

I continue to hit him over and over again until he grabs my hand. I use my other hand to hit him, but he takes them both. He pushes me backwards, pinning my hands above my head. His grip tightens and I wince. He pulls my arm farther up in an odd angle, causing me to yelp in pain. His face is really red. I totally forgot.. Jack has a bad temper.

"Jack" I whimper. "L-let go please..i forgot..I'm sorry!"

He growls like he's some kinda of animal and keeps pushing my arm farther back. If he doesn't stop, we will soon here a pop and that won't be good. I try to wiggle away, but his grip is too tight.

"Yo, dude, stop! Get off her!" Reed shouts, running towards him

Reed pushes him off me and I scoot to the farthest corner on the couch. I pull my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and holding my wrists. My arm still hurts from the way they were positioned. My bottom lip trembles and I bite it, keeping the tears away, trying to hide my pain.

The mean Jack face disappears and his eyes widen in shock as he stares at me. He pushes himself off the ground and walks towards me. I put my face in the pillow, trying to move as far away as possible. I sob loudly, moving my hand to my chest. I feel really hurt.

"What's wrong?" Reed asks, kneeling beside me

"My c-chest hurts" I whine, clutching my shirt

Reed picks me up, holding me like a toddler with my legs wrapped around his torso, one arm wrapped around his neck, and the other holding my chest. It feels like someone is stabbing me repeatedly in my heart.

"It's okay, Jenna, just breathe, okay?" Reed puts his hand on my back

I manage a nod as he puts me in the passenger seat.

It feels like I'm suffocating, like all the air is leaving my body. My lungs feel like they're closing up. Every now and then I take deep breaths of air, trying to feel my lungs. Breathing is becoming really hard right now.

I turn my head towards the house, taking in more deep breaths. Through the car window I see Jack just standing there looking at me in the door way. His eye are glossy and his lips are in a tiny frown.

He thinks he caused it. He thinks he caused my chest to ache.

Reed jumps in the drivers seat clearly freaking out. He starts the car and I glance at Jack as he disappears back in the house.

Reed drives like a maniac down the road, swerving to avoid cars.

The pain gets worse when we get to the hospital. I never liked hospitals very much. They are horrific.

They take me to a room with lots of bright lights and I squeeze my eyes close.

I'm scared.. i am so scared.

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