Chapter 11

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Reed and Jack have been trying to teach me how to control my power, but it's not going so well. I did manage to talk to them without using my voice. So, I guess we're making progress.

"Okay, one more time" Jack says "go"

I close my eyes and think about who I want to control. I think about what I want them to do. I think about Jack. I concentrate all my energy on Jack. I squeeze my eyes shut, giving it all I've got until I'm too tired to continue.

I open one eye and Jack hasn't moved a muscle. I sigh. "I tried"

"Try again" Jack demands

"Hey, you said that was the last time!" I snap, stomping my foot

"Well, as you can see we're running out of time!" He yells back

"You're acting like it's my fault that I have a bad heart!"

"Dammit Jenna, stop making me seem like the bad guy!" He shouts, slamming his fist on the table

I jump back in my seat, clearly frightened by his sudden rage. Reed pats Jack's shoulder, whispering something to him. Jack jumps up, passing by me to get to the door. I pull my legs into the chair and watch him leave.

"You know how his temper is" Reed says to me

I nod. "I know"

"Now can we try just one more time?" He asks, holding up his index finger. "I promise this will be the last time we do this today"

Sighing, I nod my head. "Okay"

I close my eyes Tight and think about Jack again. I push all my feelings towards him.

'Please, Jack, come back' I think to myself

I give all my energy to this one lesson. I give one last push of power. I feel two large arms being wrapped around me. I pop my eyes open and see Jack.. hugging me. He has lifted me from my seat by my waist, giving me a hug.

I hug him back, jumping up and down. "I did it!" I shout

Reed's eyes are wide and Jack managed to move away from me. They both look at me confused.

"I did it, guys! Just like you taught me!" I say excitedly

"You did?" Jack seems shocked

I nod rapidly. "Yes! I made you come back inside and hug me!"

"Nice job, rookie!" Reed shouts

After that lesson they make me do it again before moving on to another lesson. We work on lessons until Reed forces me to go lay down so I can rest.


I hear Reed and Jack yelling in another room. I silently crawl down the hall to the room they're inside and lean close to the door.

"We can't leave yet she still needs to go through surgery" Jack shouts

"If we don't leave, malaria will be here and you know we aren't strong enough to take her on our own"

"That's why you call more angels and get them here because we can't leave with her heart like this"

Reed groans. "I know, I know, but I don't think general Leo will be willing to let his strongest angels fight with us. They could get killed and it would take forever to train more angels"

"Just try" Jack whines

Their yelling comes to a halt when I sneeze. I quickly run back into my room. They're gonna die trying to protect me. I know that's why they came, but I don't want anyone to die. I never knew it would get this serious. Since they're so worried about me I'll just leave. I'll hide somewhere safe and wait until she goes away. If she can't find me, she'll just leave, right?

The door to the other room opens and I curl up in a ball, trying to act like I'm sleeping. The lights are off so they can't see my face. I hear footsteps coming closer to me and tense up.


Reed. Jack must've went to call the general instead. I stay as still as possible as I feel the bed dip down. He's sitting down.

"You're probably sleeping and that's good because what I want to say is really hard to tell you when you're up" he clears his throat. "I-"

I hear another pair of feet walking inside. "What're you doing?" Jack asks

"I was checking to see if she was sleep" he lies

"Oh.. well the general said he'll see what he can do"


Reed gets off the bed and then the rooms silent. What was he going to say?? I don't have time to think about that right now though.

I'll leave tonight. Go to... Sammy's? Or Marina's? No, I'll go to Mom's. She wouldn't think to look there.

I text her and tell her I'm coming over. I grab my things and start on my way out the door. I lock the door and run to my car, pulling reed's hat over my head as I get inside and start the engine.

I drive down the road, stopping at a stoplight. A little old lady walks down the crosswalk. It's very cold for her to be walking outside. Being the nice person i am, I get out and jog towards her. She doesn't even realize I'm there.

"Excuse me ma'am, but do you need a ride home?" I ask politely, making her jump

Once she sees me, She smiles sweetly, nodding her head. "Oh, thank you, dear. It's pretty late for an old girl like me to be walking alone this time of night"

I smile and guide her to the car. "No problem"

She tells me her address and I start driving towards it. It's a strange looking house. It's old. It's nearly falling apart. The calm feeling is soon gone when I park. I regret this decision.

"Thank you, dear" she grabs her purse. "Do you mind helping me out?"

Something told me to say no, but that would be awfully rude to reject an old lady who needs help. Sighing, I push the unlock button and stomp through the snow to her side of the car.

When I get to her I gasp. The air is caught in my throat as I look at her grinning evilly. There is no longer an old lady here. There's a young, blonde girl standing in front of me.

That young blonde girl is May.


You guys remember May, right? Yeah, that's right, She's the popular blonde from school who hates Jenna. Ohhhhh the irony!



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