Chapter 3

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I apologize ahead of time for how long this chapter is..sorry


Sammy told me where the dinner was to be held. I rush there, parking in front of Applebee's, trying to find my contact.

I think it fell out when I was trying to remove an eyelash. If I can't find the other contact, I'll have to wear glasses then I'll look like a full on nerd.

"Dammit!" I shout, feeling around the seat.

I search for another 5 minutes before giving up and taking the other contact out. I reach in my bag for my yellow, square shaped glasses. I really hope they go with my outfit.

I step out the car, shuffling through the cold snow. It touches my calf and I jump to the door. This skirt is so not fit for snow. Why'd I let Marina talk me into wearing this?

Stepping into the restaurant, I look around. I don't think he's here yet so I sit at the little bench beside the door.

"Waiting for someone?" the lady asks, smiling.

I nod my head, resting it in my hands. I wonder what's taking him so long. Did he get stuck in the snow? Maybe he stood me up... I am a random stranger he only just met.

'Be patient,' the little voice in my head whispers.

I pull on a strand of my hair, letting the fuzzy strand fall in my hands. I drop it on the floor next to my boots.

The way I am sitting is totally unladylike. I have my legs slightly opened, with my forearms on my thighs, letting my hands dangle next to my knees.

I quickly sit up right, rubbing my hands up and down my arms. This jacket doesn't protect me from the cold at all. I wish I had Reed's hoodie right now.

I Look around the place. It's looks pretty nice. The lady at the front keeps looking at me weird.

I let my hair fall in my face, too lazy to move it away. Is Sammy even going to make it? I sit there every so often looking up at the people walking inside.

I sigh and stand up. It's been 30 minutes. I walk towards the door and brace myself for the coldness. I step outside, looking down and shivering. I bump into someone who's two large hands rest on my shoulders.

I look up into Sammy's face. He gives me a crooked smile.

"Hi," he says still staring at me

"Hi." I look at my boots. He pulls me into a hug and, surprisingly, I don't push away.

"Didn't know you wore glasses." He says, walking me back inside

"I don't usually wear them...I lost a contact in the car and didn't have my back up contacts with me" I explain.

"Well, glasses on or off, you still look beautiful." He smiles at me politely.

I feel a blush creep up my neck and again I look at the ground. My boots look awfully nice today. I hear him laugh softly as he places his hand on my lower back, gently pushing me towards the lady waiting for us.

"Table for two?" she asks, eyeing me.

He nods. "Yes, please."

She smiles. "Right this way"

We follow her to a booth and I sit across from Sammy. The lady places two menus in front of us and walks away. I look through the menu when I suddenly notice he's wearing glasses too. I smile widely.

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