Chapter 12

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Even though May is pretty skinny she managed to carry me inside the creepy looking house. I tried fighting, but let's face it.. I'm not that strong. Okay, I might've beaten Reed up, but that was because I caught him off guard. I can't fight May even if she was off guard.

"May, please stop. Let me go. I'll go home and we can forget this ever happened" I whisper

She tied me up and sat me In a chair across from her couch. She sat on the couch, drinking some weird looking liquid. It smelled weird too. She leans back in her seat, tapping her long nails on the arm of the chair.

She gives a hideous laugh. "Oh darling, you don't know who I really am, do you?"

I swallow down the lump in my throat. "N-no.."

She grins evilly, standing up in front of me. She places the wine glass on the table and starts stripping down to her undergarments. I look away quickly. She's crazy.

"You could've just told me who you are" I whisper, closing my eyes so I don't look

"I'm not about to show you anything wrong. Just look" she says in a annoyed voice

I slowly open my eyes and see she's no longer in her undergarments. She's no longer human. She changed into some mythical creature. She has huge black wings that come out of her back, whiskers, scales like a snake, a tail and even claws. She's like all the animals on earth combined. My scared scale just went from 0 to 100 real quick.

"Oh my god" I whisper, staring at her

She chuckles. "Oh sweetie, I'm no where near related to god"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Malaria, the most powerful mutant in history"

I gasp. "But-but you-"

"I know, Hun, I'm kind of shocked too. I thought you'd know better then to offer a stranger a ride in your car"

"Well, on my defense, I thought you were an innocent old lady. Old people are too old to attack so how was I suppose to know you were an evil girl?"

"I'm not a girl, I'm a woman"

"Well, what do you want from me, woman!"

"I've seen your future and I know that if I don't take you out now, you'll grow stronger. Maybe even strong enough to destroy me" she frowns, looking at her nails "And I'm pretty strong"

"If you let me go, I won't even try to destroy you when I get older"

"What do I look like listening to an 18-"

"19" I correct her

"Excuse me, 19 year old girl? You could easily change your mind and come after me. I'm not taking any chances"

"You do realize your parents named you after a disease, right?" I ask, changing the subject

"No, they didn't name me Malaria. That's just what people call me because I act just like the disease. Just think about it" She smiles

I do think about it and realize she's right. From what the boys have told me she is just like the disease. She finds her victim and slowly makes them die. I don't think I have ever been this scared in my life. She must see the look on my face because she puts her evil hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, darling, Just for you I'll make it quick and painless" she flashes me a white teeth smile before leaving the room

I start jumping in my seat, trying to get loose. Why'd I leave the damn house?! I would've been safe inside there. Stupid, Jenna. You're so goddamn stupid!

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