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"Jack-Jack, where are you?" I call to my 5 year old son

He has blonde hair like his dad. Yes, I got married again. Even though he doesn't compare to Jack.. he's pretty awesome. His name is Henry Banks. Reed told me that I need to workout my problems away so I did. That's how I met this amazing guy. He's Kind of like Jack but with brown eyes and shorter hair.

"I'm just playing my game, mommy" he yells back to me from the living room

"Mom!" Evangeline, my daughter, yells

"What is it now, Eva?"

"The door. Someone's at the door!"

I sigh and dry my hands off. I was washing dishes and starting on dinner, but I guess that'll have to wait. I walk to the door and stand on my toes, looking through the peep hole. Reed.

I grin as I open the door. "Hey"

He nods his head. "Afternoon, beautiful"

"What brings you here?"

"What, I can't come here to visit my favorite people?"

I shrug. "Just come in"

He walks in, handing me flowers that were behind him "These are for you"

I smile. "You should stop flirting... you know how Henry is"

"Well, He needs to calm down. I'm not gonna take you from him even though I could if I wanted to"

The next thing I know my backs against his chest and his hands are on my hips. I forgot about his power. He Gets people to do what he wants and since I was looking in his eyes it worked.

"Stop it, Reed" I can only move my upper body so I elbow him in the stomach

He groans "Jenna, that hurt" he whines, letting go of me and holding his stomach

I roll my eyes. "You should know not to mess with me by now"

I walk towards the table to fix it up for dinner. Reed stands up normally after a while, glaring at me. I grin, blowing invisible kisses at him. He swats them away.

"Jack-Jack, Guess who's here" I yell, going back to the door and putting the flowers in the already filled vase on the table

I hear tiny feet running Into the dining room. His little blue eyes light up when he sees Reed. Jack-Jack runs and jumps in his arms. Even after all these years I'm still not sure where little Jack-Jack got his blue eyes from.

"Uncle Reed!" he squeals, hugging him

"Hey, buddy" Reed grins and hugs him back

Evangeline, my little 15 year old, walks out of her room, smiling. She knows we aren't really related, but Jack-Jack doesn't know and Evangeline always had a little crush on Reed. Everyone can tell.

"Hello, Eva" he smiles opening his arms. "May I have a hug?"

She smiles toothily, her face turning red. "Okay"

She slowly walks over and hugs him. She's so short that she can only reach his waist. Reed bends down to her height and wraps his arms around her neck, resting his cheek on her head to look at me.

He winks at me, making me shake my head. He has always been a big flirt ever since the day we first met. Jack and him having a mind war about it.

The door opens and soon Henry walks in to the big family reunion. He smiles when he sees me.

"Hey, Hun" I smile, walking over to hug him

"Afternoon, love" He kisses my cheek and looks left. "Reed.."

"Hey, Henry" Reed growls

For some reason they never liked each other. They were always arguing and giving each other evil stares. Boys will be boys.

I walk away from the awkward situation and back Into the kitchen. I take the chicken out the oven, putting cookies in it's place. I start on the rest of the food. Henry walks in, wrapping his arms around me, resting his chest on my back. He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I smile.

"You look nice today" he whispers in my ear

I decide to tease him. "Are you saying I don't look nice everyday?"

I look at him and his face is a slight red. "No-I mean you look nice everyday, but today you look better- no wait I don't mean that. I mean you aren't bad looking you look very goo-"

I can't help but laugh. "I'm just messin' with ya, babe"

He pouts "Teasing isn't nice"

"Love you too"

He chuckles. "Sure you do"

He leans over, planting a kiss on my lips before leaving the kitchen. He reminds me so much of Jack.


We ate dinner later on that night. Baked chicken, mashed potatoes and corn. Jack's favorite recipe of mine. Since today was his birthday I decided to dedicate the dinner to him.

I was washing dishes when Henry took the sponge out of my hand. I sighed quietly, looking up at him.

"You can go sit down I got this. I know what today is" he whispers

I smile a little at him, touching his cheek. "Thanks"

I lean forward and kiss him before walking out the kitchen to sit beside Reed. He was finishing off a chocolate chip cookie. I made the kids go to sleep early tonight since It was a school night and they never like to get up like they should.

I lean my head on his shoulder. "You okay?"

He nods, resting the left side of his head on mine. "Yeah, are you?"

"I guess so"

"Do you still think about him?" Reed chuckles. "That was a silly question.. of course you do"

I nod, holding on to his arm. "Everyday"

I look at my hands. The left hand holds Henry's wedding ring and the right one holds Jack's. I promised never to take it off. No matter what happens. No matter who I marry. Even though I am now Jenna Marie Banks...

I will always be Jenna Marie Murphy


Hey, guys! I really hoped you enjoyed the book. It was fun writing it! Thank you for reading!



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