Chapter 13, Tokyo

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"God dammit will this kid ever wake up??" So far, I've called Suna 7 times because I was waiting outside of his house to take him to the school. I called him for an 8th time but his dumbass still didn't answer. I sighed and turned my car off before climbing out and walking to the back of his house. I opened the back door because he left it unlocked for me just in case he wouldn't wake up. I walked upstairs to his room and busted through the door and grabbed one of his pillows and started hitting him with it to wake him up. "SUNA RINTAROU YOU DUMB ASS BITCH WAKE THE FUCK UP BEFORE I LEAVE YOUR ASS HERE" He looked up at me confused and laid his head back down.

"Not yet. Give me a few more minutes." I raised my eyebrows and scoffed. I then threw his blanket off and grabbed his ankle to drag him off the bed. "(y/n) what the fuck??" I bent down to his level and looked him dead in the eyes.

"Suna I sat outside of your house for over 10 minutes waiting for you to wake up. I even called you 8 times and you were STILL sleeping. You're lucky I came in and woke you up instead of leaving you here." I stood up and started walking towards his door. "You have five minutes to get to the car or I'm ACTUALLY leaving you here." His eyes went wide and he jumped up to quickly get ready. Barely five minutes later Suna ran out of the house still wearing his sweats and no shirt. He jumped in the car and looked over at me with a huge grin. "Dude. Where the hell is your shirt?" His smile fell and he scratched his head.

"uhh that's a good question." He reached into his back pack and put on the first shirt he grabbed. I sighed and started the car and drove to our school. When we got to the school we waited for 20 minutes for the twins to get there since they were the last ones.  When they got there we all went on the bus and started driving to Tokyo for the training camp. As soon as we started driving Suna laid his head down on my lap and I brushed my hands through his hair and he immediately fell asleep. I rested my head against the window and slowly drifted off to sleep too.

"(y/n) wake up" I opened my eyes and looked over to see Suna standing in the aisle of the bus with his hand on my shoulder. "Get up we're here. Also, you slept the whole time." I furrowed my brows and slowly stood up.

"how long was the drive?" He shrugged his shoulders to answer my question and grabbed my hand so we could walk off the bus together.

"I think 7 hours? I don't know really. I slept on you for a while too." I laughed and we walked towards the gym where the rest of our team was. We walked in and there was our team, plus the three other schools that were attending the training camp as well. Coach seemed to be talking to the other coaches but once he noticed me and Suna walk in he introduced us to everyone.

"Alright guys, these are the love birds who were late." I glared over at the coach while Suna laughed at the comment. "This is our manager, (l/n) (y/n) and our middle blocker Suna Rintarou. You guys should know Nekoma from our practice match awhile back, but there's also Fukurodani and Karasuno. (l/n) make sure the boys play nice. Especially the twins." I laughed and nodded. "Also, we're not playing today since we came a little late so you guys can do free practice or rest. Just make sure to wake up early enough tomorrow." Some of the team went to our room to get settled, but most of them went to go do free practice, which left the twins and Suna in our room with me.

Not much happened in the room except for Atsumu and Osamu bickering like normal. I didn't really pay attention to any of the boys until I heard my name come up. "so (l/n) where are ya sleeping tonight? I heard the managers are stayin in the same room as the boys." I hummed in response.

"Yeah that's true. Though I'm gonna sleep between Aran and Kita because I trust them the most." Suna whipped his head around to face me and his face was full of shock. I responded to Suna's expression. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"what about me??" He asked me and pouted. I laughed and grabbed his hand.

"baby I'm saving us both from embarrassment." Suna's eyes went wide and he had a little blush on his cheeks.

"baby?" I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder while ignoring the nickname I called him.

"Can you do me a favor Suna?" He hummed in response. "You know how Kuroo's here right? And you remember what happened at the party a few weeks ago?" he nodded his head so I continued talking. "Can you pretend to be my boyfriend so he doesn't try to talk to me while we're here? I don't want to talk to him as much as possible while we're here." Suna stayed quiet so I looked up at him to see his little smirk.

"So this is practice for when we actually date?" I rolled my eyes and rested my head back on his shoulder.

"never mind I can ask Kita or something." He gasped and grabbed my shoulder and shook me.


"Suna calm down I was just kidding about Kita. I was actually thinking of Aran." Suna's face fell and he looked at me unamused. He then bit his lip and did the fuck boy face.

"I would do the same that man is sexy as fuck. Just like my spongebob shirt." He grabbed his backpack and pulled the spongebob shirt out. I stood up and went to my futon and laid down.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I then covered myself in my blankets and listened to my headphones as I fell asleep to ignore all the boys.

A few hours later, it was the middle of the night and while I was sleeping I felt something crushing me. I opened my eyes to see Suna on top of me cuddling into my chest. Are you fucking kidding me. I shook him to try and wake him up, but this is Suna we're dealing with, so he didn't budge. I sighed and started running my fingers through his hair and he cuddle more into me and moved up so he could dig his face into my neck. I kept my fingers in his hair and kissed his head before falling back asleep.
sucky chapter lol sorry🛐

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