chapter 16, mom

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After school I was at home by myself, b/n was at work and Suna had to go to the airport because his mom and sister came in to visit and support him at nationals. I took my school skirt off and was just wearing my shorts and one of Suna's hoodies that I stole from him. I laid in bed playing mystic messenger on my phone. In the middle of a chat with 707 I heard banging on my front door downstairs. "what the fuck. I swear to god if someone's breaking in right now can you please hurry up and murder me already." The banging on the door went on for another few minutes. I groaned and climbed out of bed while going downstairs and opening the door. I looked up and Saw Suna smiling down at me so I smiled back towards him. "what are you doing here?" He leaned his body against the door frame and put his hands in his pockets.

"You're staying at my house tonight. I told my mom and sister about you and they want to meet you." I scoffed and grabbed the door while trying to close it, but he stopped it. I pursed my lips together and sighed.

"I'll go get my stuff." Suna perked up and walked inside the house to help me get my stuff. Fuck. I'm really meeting his mom. We're not even dating. Why do I have to meet her? But I can't be a bad person in front of her. Shit. I'm getting scared. After I had all my stuff, we walked to his car and I noticed his mom and sister weren't in the car so I started to calm down. We were driving to pick up some food for everyone for dinner, and as he was driving, Suna held my hand.

"I know you're nervous y/n." I raised my head to look at him and raised an eyebrow. He smiled before speaking again. "Not sure why you're so nervous though. Is it because you're meeting your future mother-in-law?" I turned towards the door and tried to open it to climb out of the car but Suna kept locking it. "What the fuck y/n! Why are you trying to climb out of a MOVING car?!" I turned to face him and glared at him.

"I don't know. Maybe because you're embarrassing me already!" Suna started laughing really hard and pulled into the drive-thru. He somewhat calmed down and looked at me.

"So you tried to jump into moving traffic because I was embarrassing you." He kept a sly smirk on his face while I crossed my arms and looked out the window.

"..yes." I heard him sigh and I then felt his hand rest on my thigh. I lightly held onto his wrist and smiled, feeling content with his presence. After we got the food and drove back to his house, we sat in the driveway for a few minutes because he knew I was still nervous about meeting his family. I looked up at him and smiled. "Let's go in." he returned the smile and got out of the car. When I got out and I walked around to meet Suna. He grabbed my hand and led me into the house. We walked into the living room to see his mom sitting on the couch with a younger girl sleeping on her lap. His mom looked up at me with a smile.

"Hi honey! Are you the girlfriend Suna keeps talking about?" My eyes went wide and the smile I had on fell. I looked towards Suna with furrowed brows. He rolled his eyes and nudged me.

"Mom..uh..funny story actually. So..the truth here is-" I cut him off and spoke up to his mom.

"We're not dating. I'm l/n y/n. Nice to meet you." She smiled even more and we shook hands as she introduced herself.

"Call me Kira hon" I nodded my head and we all walked to the dining room to have dinner. "Rintaro, can you wake up your sister please? She needs to eat too." Suna sighed then walked over to the living room which left me alone with his mom. Kira then turned back around to me and started talking as she was putting the food out for us. "Sorry for randomly calling you his girlfriend. Rintaro told us so much about you, so I just assumed." She looked up from the food and made eye contact with me. "That boy is crazy about you though." She sent a wink towards me and laughed. "Sorry again if I'm making you uncomfortable for talking about this. You seem like a sweet girl. I already like you, also you're way better for Rintaro than Kayano was." She froze and cleared her throat. "Sorry, I'm not sure if you know who she is." I sent a small smile towards her and nodded.

"I do know her, and it's okay. If we're being honest here, I'm pretty whipped for that kid too." His mom chuckled. "Fun fact I met him in a bathroom-" I froze in the middle of my sentence so that I wouldn't expose myself or him to Suna's mom.

"A bathroom?!" I nervously laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Uh..haha..yeah. It was on my first day of school! Uhm..I kinda walked in the guys bathroom?" Her eyes wide and she started laughing really hard.

"Oh baby! That must have su-"

"AHHHHH YOU LITTLE SHIT" Suna's mom got cut off by Suna screaming at his little sister. His mom and I ran to the living room to see his arm bleeding and his little sister trying to climb on him and hitting his head. Suna's mom ran over and grabbed his sister and held her up.

"RINTARO! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MAKE HER DO THAT?!" Suna groaned and held his arm. Squinting my eyes, I could make out teeth marks and scratches all over his skin.

"I SHOOK HER UP AND THEN SHE FREAKING BIT ME! THEN SHE JUMPED ON ME AND KEPT HITTING ME!" Suna's mom sighed and held his sister away from him. Suna looked up at me and gestured his head towards his sister.

"That's my sister, Himari." His sister looked at me and smiled brightly while waving her hand towards me.

"Hi!!" I smiled back and waved to her.

"Hi Himari. I'm y/n" She then glared at me and my smile fell. "Uhm..Himari? Are you okay?" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"HIMARI STOP IT" Suna's mom yelled out. Kira then looked at me with an apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry this is how you met us y/n." I laughed it off and shook my hands in front of me.

"Don't worry! At least it wasn't boring." She laughed at my response. Suna then scoffed and we all look down to his body on the floor. I nudged his body with my foot. "What's wrong Suna?" He pouted at me.

"Does no one care that I was literally bit and a freaking scratching post?!" Kira and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. His mom spoke out to us.

"You two go ahead and eat in Rintaro's room, for his sake." I tried to hold back my laugh while Suna let his head down. I grabbed his hand and started walking towards the stairs.

"Thank you Kira!" She nodded and I took Suna upstairs to his room. We sat on his bed together and put a movie on while we ate the food together.

With nationals being in three days, everyone on the team was nervous. At first I was nervous, but at this point I'm excited. Honestly, not much will be different between me and Suna. The only difference being the girlfriend and boyfriend label. I looked over at Suna to see him eating a few fries. He looked up at me and I gabbed his face to kiss his lips. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away.

"y/n. what was that for?" I shrugged my shoulders as a response and put my attention back onto the movie. Suna sighed and put all the food on his nightstand so we weren't laying on it. After he cleaned up he laid down on me and we cuddled while finishing the movie.
sorry the ending was rushed😩 i'm just excited to write the next chapter😩😩
uhh yeah anyways have a good day :)

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