Chapter 17, Nationals

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It was finally the day. The first game of nationals. We were up against Karasuno, the wingless crows. We don't expect much, I mean we are Inarizaki anyways. The boys were huddled into a group with the coach and I was standing outside of it. After a few minutes of talking, the coach invited me into the circle and had me give the boys some words of encouragement. I stood in the middle of the circle and froze. What the fuck do I say? I've never done this before bruh. I cleared my throat before speaking up. "You guys see those country bitch boys over there?"

"Uhhh y/n-chan you know we're from the country too?" I pursed my lips and nervously chuckled before continuing.

"yeah whatever shut up 'tsumu. ANYWAYS. LET'S BEAT THEIR ASS BOYS" All the boys started yelling and hyping each other up. Suna came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You better win for me pretty boy." He scoffed and kissed my forehead.

"You already know I will for you party girl." I rolled my eyes and pushed him off me. "What'd you do that forrr?" He pouted towards me and I just laughed while walking away. I went to the bench and sat down next to coach. I nervously bit my lip as I looked up to coach and questioned him.

"Do you think they'll actually win?" Coach sighed as he ran a hand down his face.

"I'm hoping they do. We really don't know what's coming with these newbies, but I'm confident to say we can kick some ass." I chuckled from his words and looked out onto the court. I watched Atsumu as he did the first serve. Waiting to watch everything unfold in front of my eyes.


Fuck. That was the first word that came to mind as I watched the ball fall back onto our court for the last time, determining our loss. Lowly, I whispered out. "no, no, no. what the fuck. This wasn't supposed to happen." My eyes went straight to Suna. I was on the verge of tears for the team, but Suna, he didn't show anything. No emotions or reaction to the loss whatsoever. Coach beside me sighed and stood up to talk to the boys. I stayed back since I was still new to the team and wasn't sure on what to say. After coach was talking and we were leaving the court I walked over to Suna. I placed my hand on his arm and he looked down at me with his expressionless face. I gave him a smile, hoping he would return it, but he never did. "You did amazing, Rin." He brushed me off and walked ahead of me. I ran my hand through my hair and silently walked behind the team, making our way to go home on the first day.


The bus ride home was silent. No one spoke, everyone was too disappointed to say anything. I didn't talk to Suna once, I was confused on why he ignored me after the match. After we got off the bus and coach dismissed us, I started walking towards my car, and assumed Suna was following me for a ride home. However, I looked behind me and Saw him walking in the opposite direction. I mumbled a small 'fuck' under my breath and started jogging towards him. Once I made it to him I grabbed his shoulder and faced him towards me. He looked down at me with no expression yet again. "Why are you walking home? Don't you want a ride?" he shrugged his shoulders and turned back round to start walking again. "God damn it Suna! Why can't you say a single word?!" He turned his head enough to speak back to me.

"leave me alone y/n. Isn't that what you wanted for a while?" I scoffed and walked up to him and stood in front so he was looking down at me.

"No. And it never was Rintarou." His face formed into a shocked and confused expression. "You're fucking stupid, you know that right Rin?" Suna was at a loss for words and didn't say a single word yet again. I sighed before speaking up again. "I really was gonna confess to ya tonight, but you're being an asshole so I guess it won't happen. But I'll leave you alone, see you later Rin." I walked past him and started walking to my car, ignoring the tears that were threatening to spill out. I got in my car and turned it on. I looked out of the windshield and could see Suna looking in my direction. I sighed and started to drive home. After I got home, I walked through the door and hear a girl moan loudly. Quickly and silently, I closed the door again and stood outside the house. "What the actual fuck. Is b/n serious? I hate it here." I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. I stayed in front of the door for a few minutes, trying to figure out what to do. Until I heard someone running towards my house, so I looked up and saw Suna running to me and stopped in front me. He was bent over and panting hard from running to my house from the school. "Su-" He stopped me from talking.

"y/n wait- let me talk first." I nodded and waited for him to catch his breath before speaking up again. "Fuck. I'm sorry. I really thought I was fine after the loss. I didn't realize how much of an asshole I was to you. I'm sorry y/n, I'm reall-" I stopped Suna again from talking, but instead I cut him off with a kiss. He froze for a moment before relaxing and melting into the kiss. We pulled apart and the first thing I did was hit the back of his head. "Ow! What the hell did you do that for?!" I raised my eyebrows.

"are you really asking me that?" He pursed his lips together and shook his head no. I rested my hands on his cheeks and we just stared at each other for a minute. "hey Rin, you're my boyfriend now. You don't have a choice. Which also means you have to be nice to me now." Suna smiled and kissed me again before responding.

"Kinda sad I didn't get to ask you to be my girlfriend." I laughed at him and he gently held my face. "I'll make sure to be the one to propose though." My eyes widened and I was surprised from his words. "Can we go inside though? It's kinda cold out here." I was about to say yes but then remembered what I walked into right before Suna ran here.

"How about we go to your house?" Suna raised an eyebrow from my offer. "b/n is kinda busy with that new girl" Suna made an 'o' shape with his mouth and understood what I meant.

"yeah. Let's go then." He grabbed my hand and we walked to his house instead driving. The walk home felt peaceful. We felt comfortable together and everything just fit right. We talked about anything and everything. Though, towards the end of the walk, Suna was tired and he had his arms wrapped around my shoulders and put most of his weight on me. I was annoyed, but brushed it off because I knew he was exhausted from the game and upset with the loss. Despite the loss, the night ended perfect. Through the short but stupid crazy journey the two of us went on, here we were, in each other's arms and finally together. Together in an actual relationship. Shit, I was scared to death for how this would end up. But enough of overthinking it, and I couldn't be happier about this decision.
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