Chapter 5, Birthday date

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"Okay I'm ready. What's the plan?" I looked over at Suna and noticed his eyes go from my feet slowly back up to my own eyes. My breath hitched and i could feel the butterflies dancing in my stomach.

"Well, do you know how to skate?" I tilted my head to the side confused. He spoke up again. "Like on a skateboard."

"ooohhh yeah but I left my board at a friends place before I moved so I don't have one." Suna smirked at me then gestured his head towards the door so we could leave.

"C'mon. I'm buying you a board. Then we'll go skating, maybe get boba if you want. And probably smoke if you're down." I smiled thinking about every scenario that could happen.

"That sounds perfect" We walked out of the house and made our way to the train station. Once we made it in the train it was packed with one seat open and Suna immediately sat down. I stared down at him dumbfounded. His face formed into a sly smirk and he patted his lap for me to sit on. "Yeah no. I'll just stand." He chuckled while shaking his head. He then stood up and made me take his seat.

"You're welcome." I looked up at him and mumbled out a small "thanks."

(small timeskip)

Me and Suna bought each other matching skateboards and were now skating to a small boba shop. We ordered our drinks and waited for them to be finished. Suna leaned closer to me and whispered. "Wanna smoke after we get our drinks?"

I looked up at him with a frown. "I don't have anything though." He he shook his head while smiling.

"Order for Suna!"

I walked up to the counter and grabbed the the drinks while Suna carried our skateboards. We walked out and went behind the boba shop. We sat down on our boards and Suna pulled out a joint and lighter. He put the joint in my mouth and lit it for me.

"Happy birthday party girl." I glared at him while blowing the smoke and he was giving a goofy smile while waiting for me to respond. I took one more hit before passing it to Suna.

"Thanks pretty boy." The rest of the small smoke sesh was pretty quiet with us enjoying each other's company. after we finished the joint we stayed sitting next to each other. I heard my phone go off so I checked it and saw a text from my brother.

Dumbass: Hey we're home now btw
I still need to meet ur little friend
Does he smoke?
We were think abt having a powwow circle*

(y/n): Get it ready
we'll b home soon :D

I looked over at Suna and slightly pushed him. "You ready? My brother wants to have a powwow circle." Suna looked up at me confused on what a powwow circle was. I sighed while standing up and he stood up with me.

"What's a powwow circle?" We started walking. I looked over at him and sent a reassuring smile.

"It's something my family would do whenever we would have some type of party. Don't worry, you'll like it. It's nothing bad." Suna nodded and we left to make our way towards my house.

(small timeskip)

Once we made it to the house I unlocked the door and walked in with Suna. Immediately Kailey tackled me into a hug. "(y/n) I missed you!!" I laughed and pushed her off me.

"Chill Kailey I saw you like two weeks ago." She looked at me and frowned. I chuckled and shook my head. "Yes, I missed you too." We both laughed and stood up. I grabbed Suna and gestured my head to make him start talking. He cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Hey..uhm I'm Suna Rintarou. Nice to meet you two." (b/n) and Kailey looked at each other before facing Suna again. Kailey's glare softened into a heartwarming smile. However (b/n)'s glare never changed. Suna looked over at me with an eyebrow up. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Suna's hand. While walking past my brother I smacked him on the back of his head. I took Suna to the living room and sat next to him in front of the coffee table. (b/n) and Kailey joined and sat in front of us. (B/n) pulled out two blunts and handed me one. I grabbed the lighter and started smoking. As I took the first hit my brother started interrogating Suna.

"So Suna, have you ever gotten a girl pregnant? Gone to jail? Broken a heart?" Suna was about to respond until I put the blunt in his mouth. I glared up at my brother.

"Shut up for once." (b/n) got scared and put his hands up in defense.

"Okay okay I'm done." He laughed and turned towards Suna. He held his hand out. "It's nice to meet you Suna. Hope to see you around more." I smiled towards (b/n) and mouthed a thank you. Suna took (b/n)'s hand and shook it.

"me too man." During the 'powwow circle' we ended up sharing 3 blunts together. We enjoyed the night with each other's company and having fun. It started to get late so (b/n) and Kailey stood up.

"We're gonna head to bed. Kailey has a job interview in the morning so she's gotta wake up early. Anyways happy birthday loser." I smiled as I stood up and hugged my brother.

"Thanks. I love you." He patted my back then pulled away from the hug.

"I guess I love you too." He ruffled my hair. Kailey smacked his shoulder before walking upstairs staying dead silent. (b/n) flipped me off as he went to bed so I returned the gesture. Once they were gone I looked back at Suna. He pursed his lips together.

"So now what?" I shrugged and looked around trying to find something to do. I saw the back door and smirked. I grabbed a blanket and Suna's hand and walked to the back. I led him to the hammock we had hanging on the porch. I sat down and he sat next to me.

"Yeah this isn't comfy. I'm laying down." I brought my legs up and laid them on Suna's lap. I put my head back and looked up at the stars. Suddenly I felt Suna move and next thing i knew Suna was on top of me cuddling into my chest. I started playing with his hair and looked down at him and noticed he was looking up at me. I got lost looking into his eyes that were red from smoking. Before I knew it we had both leaned into each other and kissed. He cupped my cheek as he deepened the kiss and my hands found their way to both sides of his jaw. After running out of breath we pulled away and just stared at each other. His face formed into a small smirk.

"Happy birthday (y/n)" I gave him a genuine smile.

"Thank you Suna." After that it was silent for a little while. Suna stayed cuddling into my chest and I played with his hair as we watched the night sky.

"I'm cold." I looked down on him and saw his little pout. I sighed as I started pushing him up off of me.

"C'mon let's go to bed."
I don't really know how to write angst but I wanna add some in :D
I know suna and y/n just kissed but the plot needs to get a lil spicy lmao
If u read this thank you :))

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